Part 8

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Hmmm surprise 🎉 I am updating. Ok let's get on to the update

Hearing what Om just said to him before leaving Shivaay got confused but in the confusion he forgot to make Omru delete the video 😂

Then Shivaay just say in the floor making a cry baby face

"Yaar how can I forget that, Rudy is going to milk me from that video forever" said Shivaay in a baby tone
"Wait what am I doing I am Shivaay Singh Oberoi and I have work to do" said Shivaay and he gets up to check files

But when ever he tries to check them he just keeps thinking how Anika would laugh at him if she found out at last he got frustrated and throw the papers into the air, yelling "STOP!!!"

Meanwhile in a unknown place

"Hahaha, this idiot didn't think I will find out his secret, he doesn't know who I am" said a voice

"I AM THE GREAT ANIKA..., oooh wait I haven't introduced myself have I? Okay my name is Anika" said the voice looking at the camera(viewers)

"I am a pretty multi job women as you see but most people know me as a bodyguard, oh how stupid they are" said Anika in a sugary sweet voices the beginning but last she smirked evilly

" I only want 3 things in my life
Revenge, Revenge, and Revenge" Said Anika Evilly rocking in her chair

Then the scene changes

Ring! Ring!

"Hello, Yes, I know, I will be home early today, Dadi please don't call me billu na, Okay Okay I will take care, Wait what! You meant to say take care of Anika. Dadi 😞, Okay Dadi see you tonight take care of you self dadi, Bye"

"Now where did this Anika go" said Shivaay taping his head

Suddenly he stared laugh " Yes, Yes, finally I get to yell at her, I have been waiting for this moment and maybe after this she will be scared of me, Yes, Yes this is what I am going to do, Get ready Miss Anika , SSO is on his way" saying that he did his famous hair flick and left

Shivaay goes outside his cabins and looks around the office But SSO will alway remain stupid because he didn't check the main place girls would be at (Can anyone think what)

Shivaay gets tired of looking for Anika and he just keeps walking without knowing which why he is go while muttering

"Just what till I find this girl, she is in so much trouble, see now my feet are even getting tried"

He was walking past a door but the. He sees Anika inside ( Can anyone guess where) the Cafe!

" Miss Anika" said Shivaay loudly

" All of you expect Miss Anika can leave, NOW!"  Shivaay said in his cold voice

" Miss Anika May I know why you are here"

"I.." Shivaay cuts her off

"I what, isn't your job to protect me"

" Listen.."

"Listen!?!? Am I the boss are you, you listen to me, see I told Badi papa that a woman can't be a bodyguard, they always slack around not doing their work, I bet you are in the Cafe to gossip aren't you? You are the worst emplo.." this time Anika cut him off

" Hello sir it would be nice if you listened to me or do you want me to get badi papa to make you listen and you can embarrass yourself in front of him too( Shivaay is quite Now) okay first things first the reason I came here is for your safety, if your men sized pea head would understand that the every 1 out of 6 peope get food poisoning rather then people trying to kill you physically they trying to kill you in such way that you never wholistic know who killed you. I feel like criminals are getting smarter or all people are like you,. I was just here to check out your cafe's cleanness..."
Gets cut off by Shivaay

"I know for a fact the cafe is clean and that the food here is..." Anika cuts him off

" I was going to say cafe's cleanness record of the employees, which Mr Oberoi thy aren't good at all. They all have been in jail before and most of times it was for bribing or agreeing to bribery. And I guess you can't put 2 and 2 together so let me explain, people who have done bribery before wouldn't take time in excepting money from someone if they offered it to kill you as they have done it before and we can tell they don't have any morals to stop them. As if Women being worst bodyguards then men then I guess you got your answer" saying that Anika when go towards his cabin while doing a hair flick a smirk whispering

"Idiot Singh Oberoi"

Okay done so how was it, please tell me you honest opinion


Okay see you next time

Target 50 coments

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