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Twenty seven!!! It has been twenty seven hours that she's gone. We still don't have any f*cking idea about where they took her.

We were in the hall, in her house. None of us took rest in these hours, sleep is far away. We tried everything to find any clue about her location or whereabouts but couldn't find anything.

We don't even have any idea about the bloody kidnappers.

It happened yesterday night, during Yash's wedding.

We were sitting away from everyone's eyes. She was raking her fingers through my hair while I was holding her hand in mine, playing with her fingers. Just her small action of moving her hand in my hair was making me feel so happy. It was taking away all my tiredness. She has magic in her touch.

I was staring her beautiful baby like face. She was looking so beautiful in that lehenga that the moment I saw her in her room, I just wanted to grab her kiss her till infinity and I did the same, not till infinity though. We needed to attend the wedding. I was feeling like staring her innocent face always. She was giving me her soft and calming smile and I was feeling lucky to be with her.

As the rituals of the marriage got finished, everyone moved to the dining area. I was all the time with her. We sat at a table with Ryan, Yash and his wife Priya. All of us were talking while eating.

I looked at Ragini who was talking something to Priya who was sitting at her other side. I smirked as I held her hand under the table. I just love the feel of her small and soft hands against my large and rough ones and I don't want to let her go. I feel happy to be with her.

She immediately looked at me. I gave her my most innocent smile as I signed her in what happened. She frowned at my fake innocence. She tried eating with her left hand because I was holding her right hand but she couldn't eat.

"Ragu, why are you eating with left hand? You're not a lefty." said Ryan frowning.

"Ya Ragini, why are you eating with your left hand?" I asked her.

She gave me a glare before looking at Ryan.

"Just experimenting." she said.

I chuckled at that while other three were looking at her weirdly. She looked at me again and signed me to leave her hand as she tried to pull her hand away but I tightened the grip on her hand. She gave me puppy eyes. I shook my head in no. She pouted and I gulped shaking my head vigorously. She then smiled widely. I looked at her confused. She somehow removed her hand from mine. I protested as I tried holding her hand again but instead, she kept my hand around her waist.

Great! She just increased the trouble for herself. So innocent!

I smirked looking at her while she got busy eating happily with her right hand.

She started coughing as I started crawling my fingers on her waist. I could literally feel the goosebumps on her skin and I was feeling proud of my achievement.

"Ragu, you okay? Here... Drink some water." said Yash as he passed her a glass of water.

She took it and started drinking the water while her eyes were glaring me, telling me to stop.

I blinked my eyes innocently at her and she rolled her eyes. She kept the glass back on the table while other three got busy with themselves.

"Don't do it." she mumbled.

"What am I doing?" I asked.

"Laksh!!" she whined cutely.

"Laksh!!" I imitated her.

"Please..." she pleaded.

"You made me do it." I said chuckling.

"Ya, I was stupid and I didn't mean what you're doing." she said rolling her eyes again.

"You're making me feel nervous." she admitted with a small blush.

"Really?" I asked teasingly.

"Laksh! Take your hand back." she said sternly this time.

"Do I get a kiss if I take my hand back now?" I asked excitedly.

She shook her head in no. I gave her a small glare as I continued with what I was doing.

"Fine!" she said withering as she took a deep breath.

I smirked victoriously as I took my hand back. She sighed in relief and I let out a chuckle at that.

After the dinner, the guests started leaving and it was time for the bidaai. All of us were standing together and the girl was crying, hugging her family.

"Where are you going?" I asked as Ragini started moving away.

"Just to the washroom. I'll be right back." she said.

"Wait! I'll come with you." I said.

"Laksh, I'll be back in few minutes. There's nothing to worry and I'm not going anywhere far." she said stopping me.

She gave me an assuring nod before moving away. I sighed as I looked at others.

Almost fifteen minutes passed. Everyone started leaving but Ragini didn't come back. I looked in the direction of the washroom and then at my watch.

"Laksh, let's go. Where's Ragini?" asked Ryan as he came towards me.

"Don't know. She went to the washroom around fifteen minutes ago. Hasn't come back yet." I replied.

"I'm going to check." I told him.

"I'll also come with you." Ryan said and both of us started moving in the direction of the washrooms.

We kept standing outside the ladies washroom for a while but no one came out. Not being able to tolerate anymore, I got inside and looked around. All of the doors were unlocked which meant no one was there.

"Ragini?" I called her name but as expected none answered.

For being sure, I checked everywhere but couldn't find her. I came out.

"She's not inside." I told Ryan.

"Maybe, she went back when we were coming here." he said.

I nodded and both of us moved back to the same place but she wasn't there as well. I started feeling worried. Where did she go?

"Laksh... Ryan... Where were you? We have to leave and where's Ragu?" asked her father as he saw us.

"She went to washroom almost twenty minutes ago but didn't come back. We checked the washroom but she's not there." told Ryan.

"What?" asked everyone shocked.

"Don't worry. Let's find her. She must be somewhere here only." said Yash and all of us started looking for her in the whole place.

We kept shouting her name but she didn't answer. I was non stop calling on her number but she wasn't picking up. I was near the gate when I heard the ringtone of her phone. I ran out and found her phone on the ground. I picked it up.

"No! Damn it!!" I said as I ran my hand through my hair.

Fear started occupying my heart as various possibilities arised in my mind in mere seconds. Someone kidnapped my Ragini!

"Laksh..." Yash's voice brought me back to the present.

"Did police find something?" I asked him with hope.

He shook his head in no. I gritted my teeth, feeling annoyed. I then looked at her mother who was crying non stop from twenty seven hours and her father who was looking very angry as well as vulnerable. He was getting impatient and was using all his damn sources to find his daughter but hasn't gotten anything.

I shouldn't have let her go alone. I shouldn't have listened to her. I should have gone with her. It's all my fault.

If anything happened to her then I'll never be able to forgive myself.

'No, nothing will happen to my bachcha.' I assured myself.

Whoever is behind this is going to regret. If they even try to hurt or touch her, I'll shred them into pieces. I'm going to kill them.

But I can't stop myself from worrying. Don't know how she must be! She's a big foodie. She can't stay hungry for more than two hours. Don't knowif she might have eaten something or not. She must be scared.

What if they tried to hurt her, touch her, harass her or ra... No no Laksh, stop thinking nonsense. Nothing will happen to her. She'll be fine. She have to be, for me.

I just want a small clue by which we can reach her, then I'll see everyone who is involved in kidnapping my girl! Just one clue God please. I want her. I want her so badly. I want to hug her and make sure that she's fine. I can't even imagine myself without her now. I have got used to of her. I have got addicted to her presence, childishness, stupid talks and innocence. Please keep her safe. She's very innocent. Please... I promise, once I get her back, I'll never ever leave her alone.

I moved out of the house to my apartment and went to my room. I moved to the washroom and stood in front of the mirror. I was looking horrible. My eyes were red and swollen because I haven't slept from more than two days. Hair were all messed up. My face was looking like I haven't washed it from ages. I turned on the tap as I started splashing cold water on my face.

Who could be the kidnapper? What they want? Money? Then why didn't they call Mr Gadodia for it yet? Maybe, they want to scare him before calling so that he don't take the help of police. Damn!!

I wiped my face with the towel as I moved out of the washroom. I took out my phone from my pocket as it started ringing. It was Ryan. I picked up the call and kept it on my ear.

"Laksh, come here fast. Mr Gadodia got a call." he said before disconnecting the call.

I immediately ran to their house.



I looked at the metallic door as I heard footsteps approaching.

'This moron! I'll make sure that Laksh break all his bones when he'll find me.' I thought with gritted teeth.

I was still in the same clothes. I kept trying to free myself from the ropes with which I was tied to the chair. My arms and legs got rashes. They even started bleeding because of my non stop struggle. My whole body was in pain and I was feeling so weak. I haven't eaten anything from the time they had brought me here.

I don't trust him and the food he brings. What if he drugged the food? He can do anything with me.

The door got open and he entered inside with that ugly smirk plastered on his face. The smirk which I badly wanted to wipe off his bloody face.

"What happened baby? Lost all your energy that you stopped screaming and shouting for your mom, dad and Laksh?" he asked as he kept taking steps towards me.

"Just stay away from me you bastard!" I shouted at him.

He just laughed at that. It boiled my blood to no end.

"Tch... Tch... You know what baby, I gave a chance to your father to save you but he tried to act smart by involving police in this matter. Now you're going to pay for your father's stupidity." he said with gritted teeth.

"They're here?" I asked as I saw a ray of hope.

"No! Not yet! But they have started for here and the police is with them. Sad na... They'll come here but will not find you here." he said smirking.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked shocked.

"We're leaving this place. We're going far away from their reach. Your father is going to regret it. He's going to lose his only daughter forever. And I have a surprise for you." he said before making his way out.

"Bunty, make the cars ready." I heard him shouting.

No... They're coming here. He can't take me from here. How will they find me? They don't have any idea about him being the kidnapper and the place he's going to take me.

And what surprise he's talking about?


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