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I gasped as he pulled me back by holding my wrist and I dashed with his hard chest. I was feeling so good to be near him. Stop Ragini. He's not any celebrity that you're behaving like this.

"Stop doing these kiddish things. Do you really think that I'll run away because of your little and failed pranks? I'm not going to go anywhere. Understand!!" he said looking straight in my eyes.

"I... Uhmm..." I started but couldn't find more words.

God dammit, what happened to me and my voice?

He was looking at me, waiting for me to speak.

Ragini, you need to answer him otherwise the opposition will think you as a weak contender. You're not weak, right? Yes, I am feeling weak in front of him. No, I'm not feeling weak. Yes... No... Yes... No...

"Yes..." shit, I spoke it aloud.

He raised his eyebrow questioningly at me.

"Uhm... Yes, you have to leave like all my other bodyguards. I don't like being followed by a bodyguard everywhere." I replied confidently.

Even when the bodyguard is too hot and handsome like you.

"I'm not like your previous bodyguards. I'll be your last." he replied as he let go off my wrist. I stepped back a little.

"We'll see." I challenged him.

"Okay..... Kid..." he replied and I swear I saw the corner of his lips moving up but he immediately made a straight face.

"I'm not a kid." I said glaring him.

"Ohk... Kid..." he said again.

I passed daggers at him.

"Don't call me kid." I warned him.

"What will you do if I deny to stop?" he asked crossing his arms around his well built chest.

"I... Uhm..."

What can you do Ragini? You can't do anything.

"I'll start crying." I said as I pouted.

There, there you showed yourself weak in front of your opponent, Ragini. Stupid girl. Idiot Ragini.

I looked at him. He was looking at me like I'm an alien and the next second he started laughing. Oh my freaking gawd, Mr Staue is LAUGHING. Am I dreaming?

I started rubbing my eyes to make sure that I ain't hallucinating. He looks so charming, so cute when he laughs. I'm dead.

"You're such a kid." he said pulling my cheeks.

My god, he really pulled my cheeks!! What's happening today? Here I'm going mad and he's also behaving so different from his usual self.

This time don't know why but I didn't feel angry. Infact I was smiling and blushing as well. I turned my face away to hide my flushed cheeks.

"Are you planning to spend the day here?" he asked.

I shook my head and started moving out. I turned to look at him and saw him taking out another suit from the cupboard. I smiled more widely remembering the incident that happened a few seconds ago and turned taking a step forward when I bumped into someone. I looked up to find Ryan standing there with a questioning look on his face.

"Are all bodyguards made up of Ambuja cement?" I asked him as I rubbed my head.

He started laughing at my question as he put his hand around my shoulders.

"Darling, all bodyguards are rough and tough personalities. And yours one is a little more hard." he replied winking. The last sentence was only audible to me.

Somehow I controlled my smile as I moved my eyes to look at Laksh. He was now ready in his black suit like always. He was standing there with an unreadable expression on his handsome face. I can't stop calling him handsome because he really is.

"Hey buddy..." Ryan greeted him smiling.

He didn't reply as he came towards us and stood infront of us. How rude!! Just then my phone rang. It was Yuvi. I picked it up and talked to him.

"Rey, will meet you later. I'm going shopping with my friends." I told him excitedly.

"I'm waiting outside." Laksh said as he moved out. I rolled my eyes and looked at Ryan who was already looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" I asked him.

"What were you doing here?" he asked me with a suspicious look on his face.

"I came to meet you and Yash." I lied.

You must be thinking why I lied. The reason is, if I told him the truth then I'll end up in telling him what all happened after that. You know what I'm talking about hehe... That's me. I don't have any control over my tongue. And I don't want to give him any chance to tease the hell out of me.

"But as far as I know you were already aware about us being out with your parents. Aren't you?" he asked wriggling his eyebrows.

Stuck, Ragini you're stuck. Isko to ho gaya hai shak. I started singing in my head.

"Uhm... It skipped my mind." I replied.

"Your memory isn't that weak." he said as he made his eyes small.

I just hate this detective side of the bodyguards.

"Okay, I came here to bring my plan of making him run away to work." I replied honestly this time.

"Oh, interesting!! And what did you do?" he asked curiously.

I told him what I did and he started laughing. I pouted.

"Grow up darling. He's not going to run away because of these stupid things." he said and I know he is right.

"Don't laugh at me." I complained.

"Why did you lie to me at first?" he asked crossing his arms around his chest.

"I... actually..." I stopped when we heard a sound of car horn from outside.

"I'll talk to you later. Bye..." I said as I ran outside. Thank god, I'm saved.


I came outside and found him standing near the car. I hurriedly ran to the house and changed into a pink coloured cotton dress. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and wore a pair of white sneakers. I took my purse and started running outside. I told one of the servants to inform mom. As I reached the car, he opened the back door for me and I sat in.

I was huffing. I did everything so fast. Never ever in my life I got ready this fast. I giggled.

"Where to go?" he asked looking at me through the mirror.

"Golden City Mall" I replied and he started the car.

The ride to the mall was silent. Neither he spoke anything nor I did. After we reached the mall, I hurriedly opened the door myself and got out. He gave me a look and stood beside me.

"Hey Rags..." I saw my friends coming towards us. I waved back to them and hugged them one by one. It's been a few days we all have met because of some reasons or the other they were not coming to the college.

"Let's go and attack the shops." Shreya said laughing and I laughed along with her as we started moving inside.

First we went to the men's section. Yuvi and Aru were looking for clothes for themselves. I looked at Laksh who was standing leaning on the wall, crossing his legs. His arms were crossed around his chest.

Do he like to wear casuals or these black suits are his first love? I rolled my eyes at the second thought.

Yuvi and Aru went to the changing room to try the clothes. Shreya got a call so she went outside. I started looking for some other clothes for whom? I don't know. Hehe... When I looked around I realized that was the only girl in that area, others were men or boys. They were staring at me. Sometimes I really feel angry on myself for being a social butterfly. Don't know why I decided to join the social media!! Now everyone knows that I'm the only daughter of the billionaire Shekhar Gadodia. A fashionista I am. When people stare at me like this I feel they're here to kidnap me or to harm me and I start remembering the day when someone really tried to kidnap me but by God's grace I was saved. It still gives me chills.

Suddenly I felt someone behind me. I got scared and jumped. I immediately turned to look at the person. I let out a breath of relief, seeing Laksh.

He gave a death glare to everyone who were looking at me and they all turned their gazes away. He has domination in his personality.

"Do you want to shop anything for yourself?" I asked calmly.

He moved his head left and right in a no. I sighed. Again, he's back into the robotic mode. I was moving, looking at the shirts and he was following me everywhere.

"Rags..." I heard Arjun's voice and made my way towards them, followed by Laksh.

"So, how's it?" they asked together, showing their clothes to me and Shreya who was back now. I was about to say a word but was cut off.

"White T-shirt will look more great instead of blue with this jacket." said, guess whom, the one and only Mr staue who wears same black suits always.

"Yeah, he's right. You've a great choice man." said Yuvraaj looking at Laksh and then at Arjun. Arjun nodded and left to grab a white T-shirt and Yuvi went back to change.

After paying we all went to the women's section. Me and Shreya were looking at the clothes for ourselves.

"Do you know about women's clothings too?" I asked Laksh teasingly.

He looked at me for a few seconds and then went where the dresses were hanging. He started moving them here and there and took out one. He came back towards me and handed that dress to me.

"Try it!!" he said crossing his arms around his chest.

My friends were looking at him with wide eyes. My condition wasn't any different. When I got out of the shock I gave a look at the dress.

It was a light green colored sleeveless dress with a boat shaped neck. It has white and dark green colored floral designs on it. And I love florals. It'll be reaching a little below my mid thighs. It was really beautiful. I then looked at him for a last time and went to the changing room.

I changed into the dress and came towards the four of them and raised my eyebrows questioningly at them.

"Rags, you're looking hot!!" Arjun was the first to open his mouth. I smiled grinning.

"It's looking great." said Yuvi.

"You've really a phgreat choice Mr bodyguard." said Shreya, looking at Laksh.

I smiled more widely and looked at Laksh expecting him to say something but he was standing there casually. He didn't open his mouth. I gave him a small glare and went back to change.

I came back and bought that dress. We shopped for one more hour and then the three left for their houses. I sat in the car and he started it.

"The dress wasn't looking good on me?" I couldn't help myself from asking him.

He looked at me through the mirror. Again, I felt something in his eyes. The same thing which I felt on the first day when I met him.


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Next part will be Laksh's pov.

Thanks for reading.

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