Chapter 16

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Avni and Neil were in Avni's lab planning for their next step.

Neil - So according to you, Anand's farmhouse is our target for the entire mission.

Avni- Yeah !! Anand keeps all his illegal documents in his farmhouse.

Neil - What's the location of his farmhouse ?

Avni- We will reach there in 5 minutes. I bought this warehouse so that I can reach his farmhouse with ease.

Neil- I guess you must have hacked entire cctv setup of his farmhouse as well.

Avni - Not bad Mr. Hot stuff. Yeah I have hacked the entire system. Let me show you.

Avni plays the cctv footage of his farmhouse.

Neil- Avni you already have plenty of proofs with you. You know Anand can be punished through all these evidences but I want his punishment to be brutal. So we will wait for the party. I want to catch him red handed when he will be doing illegal deals with his clients.

Avni- Everything is well planned Neil but I am scared of Vidyut. Vidyut is not a dumb like Anand. If he will be here before or during the event then our plan may get spoil. You don't even know the condition of Anand when I used to blackmail him with Sangeeta maa's murder footage. Vidyut had almost caught him one day but Anand somehow managed to save himself.

Neil- Don't worry !! We know the  weakness of our enemies. We will surely execute our plan. Today we have to collect evidences of child trafficking.

Avni - Yeah !! Okay, let me show you his farmhouse and the routes through which we will go inside his studyroom.

Avni explain him everything through cctv footage and they both made a full fledged plan.

Neil - Take this silencer and your revolver. It may be required there.

Avni- Are you sure ? I mean you are allowed to use revolver but I am not. I have kept revolver with me just for my safety and for scaring Anand. I haven't shot anyone till now.

Neil- I don't want to loose you so I allow you to keep this with you for self defence. You are very strong you don't need all these equipment for your protection. I know very well but prevention is better than cure. So ..

Avni takes it and pulls out a heart shaped locket from her jeans pocket and kisses that locket lovingly. Neil admires her.

Avni- This is my good luck Neil. This locket have blessings of my parents and Sangeeta maa. I know they will never let me fall. They always give me strength and today also they will help us. ( her eyes were filled with tears ).

Neil engulfs her into a tight hug while she reciprocates lovingly. He kisses her hairs and caressed them lovingly in order to ensure her that he loves her and he will stand by her side no matter what.

Neil - You are my lady don Avni. I know we both will do it and we have blessings from three pure souls so no one will defeat us. Your parents and Sangeeta maa are always with you and you have to complete the promise you made to Sangeeta maa. You have to be strong.

Avni wipes her tears and a new determination was reflecting in her eyes after listening Neil's words.

Avni - Lets go Neil. I am ready.

Neil - That's like my girl. Come ...

They collect the required things and moves out of warehouse. After locking it they sat in their car and left for Anand's farmhouse.

When they reach there Neil gets shock.

Neil - Shit !! ( frustrated ).

Avni - What happened ?

Neil - Anand is here.

Avni - What ?

Neil - Yeah !! Look at his car. ( He points in that direction ).

Avni - Hell !! This bulldog. ( gritted her teeth ).

Neil - Avni open your laptop and see the cctv footage of the house. We should know about his whereabouts.

Avni - One minute...

She opens her laptop and they saw Anand talking with some client.

Avni - Here comes another evidence.

They both listen to their conversation and smirked.

Neil - save this video it's about the deal he made last week we will use it for making his life hell. ( smirks ).

Avni - Already done. ( smirks )

Neil- Ohh !! How can I forget that  your speed is equal to speed of light. ( winks at her ). Ms. Einstein.

Avni - ( smirks ) So what's next step.

Neil - Anand is sitting on ground floor and his study room lies on 2nd floor. According to footage there are 30 men on our way. So we have to fight them and reach there.

Avni - I am in. Let's do it. ( smiles ).

Neil- All the best wild beauty. ( pecks her lips).

Avni - Same goes to you Mr.hotstuff .. ( bites his earlobe and he winces ).

She giggles and they both wear their black hoodies in order to hide their face partially.

They both moves into the backyard of his farmhouse by jumping from the wall and spots 2 guards standing over there. Guards didn't saw them so they both took some chloroform on their handkerchiefs and placed the hankerchieves on  their mouths thus making them unconscious.

They both ran towards the mansion as they have to climb the wall for reaching 1st floor. Neil pulled out the rope from his bag and threw it upwards, he adjusted it through the grappling  hook present on the other end of the rope. He asks Avni to go first. Avni climbs the rope and was proceeding towards the end at very fast pace. Finally she reached and gave a thumbs up to Neil in order to assure him that no one is here. Neil looked around his surrounding for last time in order to see if someone is watching them, when he was sure that noone is around, he climbed the rope. Avni was hiding in a corner and was waiting for Neil. She saw a guard coming there.

Avni - ( whispers ) Shit !! If he will see the grappling hook then it will create troubles for us. Before Neil arrives here I have to do something.

She slowly moves behind guard and look around, after making sure that everything is fine. She put her hand on guards mouth and applied the Vulcan nerve pinch technique, thus making him unconscious he  fell on the ground. Neil reaches there at that time.

Neil - You are fine ? ( concerned ).

Avni - I am, let's go now.

( Here it ends do drop your views)

Happy friendship day to all

Much love
Thanks 💖

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