Chapter 2

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Mehta mansion

Neil and Avni moves towards Avni's room. Avni goes inside while Neil stands outside.

Avni - Why the hell you are standing outside ? Come in .

Neil - No, I am your bodyguard so I shouldn't come inside your room.

Avni - who the fuck told you this? Don't tell me that your shitty boss have instructed you regarding this.

Neil - No, but ... ( Avni cuts him off ) .

Avni - See I know how to control my fucking hormones so I won't rape you. Moreover you are my bodyguard right then you should listen to me.

Neil surrendered and finally come inside her room . She locks the room. He looks at her.

Avni - I don't like anyone coming inside my room but you are exception don't know why but I want to be little adventurous with you. ( smirks).

Avni - You sit here I will take a shower and come.

Avni goes inside washroom and starts taking shower . Some flashes were coming in front of  her eyes . Her eyes  were bloodshot. She punched the wall for taking out her aggression.

Avni - I will destroy you bastard Anand Mehta . I will fucking destroy you . ( way much aggressive).

Suddenly she remembers the first time she saw Neil and her anger vanishes.

Avni - Why the hell this guy is affecting me so much. ( sighs ) His eyes have some kind of decency that is missing in the group of dogs present here. He is different. Is it love at first site, infatuation or lust. He will drive me crazy.  There is something about him which is attracting me towards him. Gosh !! ( frustrated ) .

She Shrugged away her thoughts and close the shower.

Avni - Shit!! I forgot my clothes outside .

She wraps towel around her and goes outside the washroom. Neil gets shocked seeing her like this so he turns away his face. She chuckles at his act .

Avni - ( smiles ) You know you are the first man in the group of hungry beasts present over here. You didn't look at me when I can betray your hormones . I like it that you are a true man Neil. By the way am I not looking hot enough for you to spare a glance at me . ( She tease him.)

Neil - No ... It's nothing like that .

Avni - So I am looking hot right . ( smirks) .

Neil - No.. I mean .

Avni - Am I not hot and sexy .

Neil - You are damm sexy ( muttered under his breath. )

Avni- I know I am damm sexy . ( smirks ) .

Neil - Ahhh.  . ( fumbled )

Avni - It's okay Mr.bodyguard sometimes It's good to express your emotions . Well can you pass clothes that are lying on bed .

Neil - Yaa sure .

He gives her clothes and she starts moving towards loo but stop in her tracks. She turns to see Neil who is looking at her.

Avni - ( smirks ) if you want I can change here as well .

Neil - No you change in washroom or else I can go outside .

Avni - No need I will go to washroom. But I would like to see that for how much time you are able to resist me . ( She winks at him and moves to washroom.)

Neil - ( sighs ) This girl is something out of the box.  I need to know her completely then only I can complete my work.

Avni comes outside and get ready with her hairs tied in high ponytail , she wore black leather jacket with denim jeans and black top . Her look involve no makeup as according to her makeover is done by those who can't accept their originality .

Avni - Mind joining me for a bike race . ( She smirks) .

Neil- Bike race . ( confused ) .

Avni - Yup !! I told you right that I want to be adventurous with you.

Neil - Okay.

Avni - Here take this, she gives him helmet and key and takes another for herself .

They were walking through living room and Anand was sitting over there.  He saw them.

Anand - Where are you guys going ?

Avni - To your graveyard wanna join, we can bury you there and your grave will be completed. ( smirks) .

Anand - Avniiii!! ( He gritted his teeth in anger . )

Avni - Ohh!! So you want to burn in fire . No worries your day will come soon.  ( She gives him thumbs up and then points her thumb down smirking while looking towards him.)

Anand was boiling in anger while Neil was watching everything keenly as if trying to find some clues.

Avni - Come Neil Let's go .

Neil nods and move behind her . They heard Anand shouting from behind .

Anand - Keep a check on her Neil.

Neil - Yes sir. 

Avni - ( says loudly but sarcastically ) don't call him sir , call him piece of Shit that suits his personality.  ( smirks ) .

They both leave and moves towards garage where number of luxury cars and bikes were present . They both wear their helmets and sits on their bikes .

Avni- So ready Mr. Bodyguard . Let's see if you can compete with my speed .

Neil - Sure Avni, I am ready . ( smirks) .

With that they start driving. Both were driving at very high speed. Neil discovered that Avni is a very rash driver and she doesn't care about her life. She likes to play with fire cos she have some kind of fire present inside her. For sometime he wants to forget his motive, his work and want to enjoy the adventure. Competing with Avni is way much thrilling. He increases the speed of his bike and tries to match Avni's speed which is already very high . He finally succeeded and they both reach the final point which is a barren land at same time . Both remove their helmets and get down from the bike .

Avni - I must say you have guts to compete with me . I am impressed. You know why my all bodyguards left their jobs because they don't have courage to stand in front of me but you have guts to be my competitor. Great !! ( smiles )

Neil - Everyone have a competitor.  (Smirks .)

Avni - No doubt.  Cheers to our competitive spirit .

They both smile while looking towards each other .

( First of all Thanks for the positive response you guys gave regarding the plot as I was bit confused that readers would like this concept or not . Thanks for motivating me. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Do drop your views .)

Much love
Thanks 💞

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