Chapter 26 ( Flashback 4 )

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Neil - How did you come to know that it was my plan ?

Avni smirks.

Avni - You know there is a trait named as trust which builds up a relation. Love is important for sustaining the relation but trust connects two people strongly. I have trusted you Neil. I have grown up in the group of wild beasts so I very well know about behaviour of a person. If you want practical reason then the credit goes to my self defence techniques, my brain have tendency to visualise a person through his/ her body language. When you were speaking all that rubbish, you were not maintaining any eye contact with me. Moreover you were fiddling with your fingers. These traits were enough for me decode what are you upto. I was hurt, no doubt in that, I was frustrated but when I thought about the incident with a cool mind, I understood all your game plan. At last, I saw two police officers standing outside the warehouse in disguised looks, they didn't saw me when I came outside in the morning but I saw them, this made me sure that you have some problem that's why you did all that or why will you keep a check on me.

She got up and moved towards him, she removes his ropes and he got up. He spread his arms for her and she throws herself in his arms. She snuggles close to him while he pats her hairs.

Avni - You should have told me Neil. You know your lines were very  heart breaking. ( teary eyes ).

Neil - I am sorry Avni. Please forgive me.

Avni - I won't. 

Neil - Then I will ask my wild beauty to pacify you.

Avni - Wild beauty is also upset with Mr. Hotstuff.

Neil - Then let them communicate and sort out their problems so that we can also unite with each other.

Avni breaks the hug and claims his lips for a passionate and rough liplock.  She was realising all her anger and frustration in the kiss and he was letting her dominate so that she can calm down, after sometime she breaks the kiss and falls in his arms.

Avni - Hold me close for sometime.

Neil caress her head while hugging her tightly. After sometime he felt no moment and saw that she was sleeping while holding him close to her. He smiles and remembers how she sleeps peacefully when he's near her. He was damm sure that she was awoke whole night like him and now he also want to have a peaceful slumber while embracing her in his protective arms.

He carried her in his arms and moved towards a large table placed there, he lay on the table and  Avni was sleeping on him while cuddling him more closer, he held her tightly and soon sleep took over him. They both slept for few hours but their sleep broke due to a call.

Neil pulls out his mobile from his pocket while Avni was still clutching to him, she was slightly irritated due to the sound.

Neil saw the caller id, it was DD. He immediately revert the call.

Neil - ( on call ) I hope so, my doubt is right.

DD - Yes sir, the deal is still on. The foreign clients will come here next week.

Neil - Where they will stay ?

DD - In your dad's hotel.

Neil - What ?

DD - Yes sir.

Neil - We have to safeguard dad's hotel and have to catch these culprits as well.

DD - Now what we will do sir ?

Neil - I will tell you after sometime.

DD - But sir, I have one confusion.

Neil - Go ahead DD.

DD - Sir, Vidyut and Anand were about to sell girls to those clients for earning huge amount of money. Now, the girls are rescued from their clutches so how will the deal proceed ?

Neil - Vidyut already have a girl whom he want to get rid of.

DD - You mean Mithali sir ? ( shocked ).

Neil - Yes DD. That's why I told you to collect all the information regarding those foreign clients cos I knew Vidyut will try to play some game again.

DD - Where are you sir ? Actually Mithali was asking me so I made an excuse that you went outside for some work.

Neil - Very good DD. I am with Avni. If she calls you again tell her that I have gone for a field visit.

DD - Sure sir.

Call ends.

Avni get up, her eyes were still sleepy, she was looking uber cute in messy hairs and sleepy eyes. Neil can't help but admire her cute confused face.

Avni - I need coffee. ( sleepy voice ).

Neil - I will get it for us from outside.

Avni - Nope, let's go inside lab. There we can have it.

Neil - You have coffee in your lab ?

Avni - Yeah !! Emergency dose.

They both moved towards lab and Avni brought coffee. After having coffee, Avni started the conversation.

Avni - So, what's going on ?

Neil - The foreign deal that Anand signed with foreign clients is still on. Vidyut have managed to contact them and he have planned to sell Mithali, so that he can earn some money and get rid of Mithali. The deal will take place after one week and the clients will stay in Khanna hotel.

Avni - That hotel belongs to your dad. Am I right ?

Neil - Yes.

Avni - How you got to know about all this ?

Neil - Contacts help sometimes. Perks of being a police officer.( winks at her.)

Avni - What are you upto now ? I mean what's the plan ?

Neil - New year party that takes place in Khanna hotel will help us. I will tell dad to organise a masquerade party and you will get an easy entry there. Don't worry.

Avni nods.

In Mithali's condo.

Mithali and Vidyut are hugging each other.

Vidyut - Wait and watch Mithali. I will soon get rid of you. I will sell you to the clients and then I will search for my Avni. ( in mind ).

Mithali - ( in mind ) I know what are you upto Vidyut, you want to sell me. Right ? After what I did for you and for our so called love, you will pay back in this way. Deal will happen but Avni will be sold not me. I will make sure that you get the money but by selling Avni not me. ( smirks ).

( Here it ends, do drop your views.)

Much love
Thanks 💝

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