April Fools! (Part 2/2) + Narration

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Rated M for My Lyfe

I met this awesome girl named Angela at a birthday party. After 45 minutes, we became friends. When I mean friends, I mean the LEGIT kind, the kind where you share the same piano seat with each other. Mhm, things got real. We started talking about our school friends and Angela let me read screenshots of text messages her friend sent her. It was about her female and male friend *wink* who had a fight against each other for about two months! TWO MONTHS! So I read them out loud, and Angela wanted me to show her friend my reactions and I to these texts.

I tried to be like mychonney, but it did NOT work. My phone recording audio sucks. I sound black instead of Asian. (Not to be racist or anything.)

I'm not black, I swear.

My nails doh

You know how people say, "Get a life"? Well, I did, and this happened.

If you ever need someone to narrate anything for you, you know the perfect person ;)


Two Asian chicks, two cell phones, and background music. Will sparks be flying between these two otakus?

Unfortunately, no. Because unlike her, I don't like blonde waifus.


Happy April Fools! Crappy content for a crappy day! (Again. . .)

Both summaries aren't the description nor on my Google+, I swear. *Looks over shoulder*

Video editing, voice acting, and love are art!


Angela Nguyen's Channel: AKARI

Subscribers: 20 [:O]

Video Sample



Diane Cao's Channel: Piane Diane [Me!]

Subscribers: 12

Video Sample



Angela, or shall I say Angel? Either way, I still love you, Senpai~!

Thanks for viewing and more drawings are coming up.

~Diane (Ryan, Piane) ♡♥♡

P.S. 69th part! :D

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