I cant think of a title

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Have any of y'all read Kira and Eris's (Chaosstar136) Ask and DARE the Creepypastas book? Well, these are Kira's two precious cinnamon roll twins who will be introduced spo in the book. I helped think of their middle names. ;p

Left: Sapphire Sans Desmereaux
Age: 13
Gender: female, but prefers using male pronouns (he, him, his)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Eye color: blue
Skin color: average
Hair color: brown
Favorite color: blue
Personality: Calm, carefree, friendly, likes making jokes
Likes: jokes, ice cream, videogames, wolves
Dislikes: meat, the color pink, getting shots

Right: Peridot Papyrus Desmereaux
Age: 13
Gender: female, uses female pronouns (she, her, hers)
Sexuality: lesbian
Eye color: green
Skin color: lightly tan
Hair color: red
Favorite color: green
Personality: bubbly, kind, trusting, brave
Likes: lizards, pizza, flowers, anime
Dislikes: stupid jokes, board games, the color beige, being followed without permission

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