~: Kyle Alexander James

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Nickname(s): Ky Ky

Age: 17-28(Age will vary)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual


Personality: Kyle is a rather sweet boy, if a little stubborn and can be slightly strong-willed. Before he'd lost his memory, he was honestly very spritely and full of life, curious even. He's curious even still though and will usually ask questions in order to get those answers. Though, this can easily lead him into trouble. The boy is.. also a little bit naive. He's way too trusting for his own good. Not the greatest in that sense when others could take advantage of that, but nonetheless he also has a little inner strength in himself to leave room for improvement and improving himself.

Likes: The occasional cuddle, making jokes, socializing easily with others.

Dislikes: Purposely hurting others, spiders, tiny insects, being startled.

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