MHA HF: returned of legends pt. 1

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MHA: Hero force pt. 1

"Returned of legends pt. 1"

MHA: Hero force belongs to SonicBlade40 check it out if you love power rangers!

A/n: This one shot chapter is about the returned of the Magna Defender, from lost galaxy and The Mystic wolf warrior from Mystic Force.  Those two rangers, deserve to have a come back and where my favorite rangers.  So, this is a come back chapter for those two past rangers.  Also since the magna Defender didn't have much power, I'm giving him his own elemental powers and so on.

Also the following characters belong to SonicBlade40

Sora: Red hero ranger
Reina: Black/Green hero ranger
Kiba: Yellow hero ranger
Cyrus: Blue hero ranger
Ayumi: Pink hero ranger
Alsatia: Main villain
Ernesh: second in command villain

My two characters

Hana: Mystic wolf warrior
Ace: Magna Defender


Empress Alsatia is seen sitting on her throne tapping her finger against the arm of her chair.  She growls in anger, as he watches her soldiers being defeated by the hero force rangers.  She grabbed her head and yells out in frustration.

Alsatia is a beautiful woman of curvaceous and slender frame with long white hair, light blue skin, and purple eyes. The left side of her hair was longer than the other and hangs in front of her chest. She had a golden infinity sign shaped hair accessory that covers the back and both sides of her head. She wore shiny, golden earrings. She wore a red and black skin tight body suit that had a v shaped hole around her stomach, and had slits on the bottom half, exposing the bottom of her breasts. She wore a white open leg cape that is jagged at the bottom, and red and black high heels. Lastly, she carried a brown spear which had two sharp golden points on each end.

"Why do the power rangers keep winning?!" she shouted "No matter who I send they always win and win not matter what creatures I send to face them.  There has to be a way to beat them."

Right on que the automatic door open as Scrozzle walks into the room.  Scrozzle is a robotic scientist with the appearance of an inventor with light red-colored shirt with baggy sleeves under a red-violet vest, a horizontal brown apron with various tools hanging in front of it with metal gloves.

Scrozzle gulps out of fear, he kneels down out of fear don't know his new master powers.

"Scrozzle you better have, good news; or so help me I'll make you sure the rangers destoryed you." Said Alsatia in a threatening tone.

"Y- yes, my empress I have a solution to our problem. " Said Scrozzle as he stood up, he faced the empress "I have been sreaching through our data base of past monsters and villains.  And I believe I have found two new monsters to add to you're ranks my empress." He said

This has caught, Alsatia attention; Whole she still has Ernesh who is her number 1, she does need to refill her ranks.

"Tell, me Scrozzle.  Just who do you have in mind." Asked Alsatia

"Sculpin" Said Scrozzle as he pulled up Sculpin file. "Sculpin was the leader of the ten terrors."

"Sculpin leader of ten terrors"

Alsatia watched the video of, Sculpin fighting against the mysitc force rangers; and how he dealt with them easily.

"I believe Sculpin will make a powerful commander, given his battle power and his skills.  And if we give him the ability, he can summon the Hidiacs."  Informed Scrozzle "The Hidiacs were the foot soldiers that Sculpin and other warriors used to fight against the mysitc ranger."

"And by giving Sculpin the ability to summon minions, he can easily give the rangers a difficult fight correct?" Ask Alsatia

Scrozzle nodded his head.

"Yea your grace.  Now for the second warrior, he's the only one to defeated a ranger; Treacheron he defeated and imprison the magna Defender." Said Scrozzle.


Alsatia stroked her chin, as she watches everything.  She turned her head and face Scrozzle.

"Scrozzle bring them to me once they have been brought back to life, and have Ernesh there just in case they try something." She said

Scrozzle bows his head, and leaves heading to his lab.  Alsatia turned and faces the screen, she stroked her chin once more.  She started to go through all of the past monsters her self.  Soon after 50 minutes, The door open as Ernesh walked in while dragging Treacheron who has a few bruises on his face.  Scrozzle and Sculpin followed behind them.  Sculpin kneels onto a knee, and bows his head; Ernesh forcefully put Treacheron onto his knees.  Growling at treacheron who yelped in fear.

"Ernesh, explain" Ask Alsatia

"He threatened to hurt you my empress, this ungrateful rat needed to be reminded who brought him back" said Ernesh who give treacheron a sideways glance "And he should know that I can destory him just as easy, if he should threaten the life of your grace."

"I beg for your forgiveness!" Said treacheron "I was not aware of the situation your grace."

Alsatia looks down at Treacheron.

"Very well, I will let this be forgotten" she said as Treacheron sighs "However"

Ernesh slammed his hammer down a few inches from Treacheron head making the monster sweat bullets.

"If you dare to double cross me, then I'll let Ernesh use you as his new chew toy." Threatened Alsatia

"I- I understand my empress " Said a scared treacheron

"Good, now I believe it's time for a demonstration" Said Alsatia "You two will go down to earth and attack the the civilians.  Once the hero force arrives to stop you, destroy them."

"It will be done my queen." said Sculpin and Treacheron

"And to ensure you do a good job, I will be sending Ernesh to watch you both in battle.  His report will effect your status in my army." said Alsatia

Both Sculpin and Treacheron nodded their heads, Alsatia stood up and walked out of the room; once she was gone Sculpin, Treacheron and Ernesh stood up.

Ernesh face Scrozzle.

"Scrozzle, I trust they are both been caught up in this world status." He ask

"Yes sir.  I have personality told them about quirks and about the heroes, I also given them the quirk immunity program once they were brought back.  And I also increased their powers to their maximum output." Said Scrozzle "And I have also created three human size Bulldozertron to aid them in battle.  Even if the Bulldozertron are destoryed, they will grow and continue the fight."

Ernesh nodded his head in approval.

"Excellent work" Said Ernesh "Sculpin and Treacheron come with me."

Ernesh walked out of the room, followed by Sculpin; Treacheron is hesitant but he follows them both.

"And I'll uh, I'll stay here and guard the room" Said Scrozzle

Just as Scrozzle sighs, a faint ball of energy flow passed him and left the room.

*Meanwhile on Earth*

Back on earth, Ayumi and Reina are seen exploring the mall; as the duo are walking the came across a newly open flower store.  Both rangers enter the store, making the bell go off.  The duo look and noticed various families in the store.

"Hello my name is Hana, can I help you two?"

Reina and Ayumi look as they noticed Hana.  Hana has waist-length red hair, that has bangs covering the left side of her face with a wavy mid-back length hair strand resting on her left shoulder and her eyes are brown, although they have sometimes been portrayed with hints of red.  She's wearing a red sleeve n' black hoodie jacket, with a red tribal wolf emblem on the front of her jacket.  She's also wearing a black rope belt around her waist line which are holding up black blue jeans; she's also has on tennis shoes.

"Yeah, is this place new?" Ask Reina

"Of course.  We just open today, if you are interested we have a flowers for every and anything you can image." Said Hana with a smile.

"Is that really true?!" Ask Ayumi

"Yes it is" said Hana "This store actually grows out own flowers, and we also make other stuff like paper flowers.  We handle dances, weddings.  If you can name it we can handle it."

Reina then tap Ayumi arm with her elbow as she gives her a teasing smirk.

"You know, you could hire her to make you flowers for yours and Sora wedding " Joked Reina

Ayumi cheeks turned red, as steam flew out of her ears.  Reina laughs, while patting Ayumi shoulder as Ayumi pouted.  Hana giggled.

"Something tells me, you two are good friends." Asked Hana

"Of course, we're childhood friends and we're also teammates going to U.A" Said Reina

"Oh, my if you two are going to U.A then you most have powerful quirks." Said Hana.

"Actually, we're quirkless" Said Ayumi "We're part of a five person team if quirkless heroes, So; that makes us the first quirkless heroes in training."

"Actually I wouldn't say that" said Hana

Both Reina and Ayumi looked At Hana, with confused looks on their faces.

"What do you mean?" Ask the pink ranger

"Well, I use to go to U.A and I'm also quirkless." Said Hana shocking the two rangers "In fact my best friend and me were both quirkless and we gotten into u.a"

"You're kidding?!" Ask a shocked Reina

"I promise you I wouldn't joke about something like that, but unfortunately I can never reach my dream." Said a sad Hana

"How come?" Ask the Reina

"Well, the day after we got accepted into U.A our homeroom teacher expelled the whole class." Said Hana "We never got a chance to prove ourselves, I tried to speak with our teacher but he wouldn't listen.  So, now instead of being the first quirkless hero I'm working at a flower shop" explain Hana

Reina and Ayumi looked each, then at Hana after a few seconds.

"Wait, your old teacher wouldn't be the pro hero easer head would he?" Ask Reina

"Uh, of course he was the one who expelled us" said Hana.

Reina pulls out her cellphone and scrolls through her contacts.  She hits one of the contact as she held her phone to her ear.

"Hey, Sora... ... Your not going to believe this" Said the Black/Green ranger

*Youth center*

At the local youth center, the hero force rangers have gather and are sitting at a table along with Hana; Both Ayumi and Reina have told the others everything.

"Whoa, that's freaky. To think we would meet someone who got expelled from U.A" said Kiba

Reina punched Kiba on the top of his head, making him grab his own head.

"Don't be rude sparky" Said Reina

"It's alright, I'm use to it" Said Hana "if anything I'm happy that at least the new class of 1-a didn't get expelled. But I'm shocked that my cousin didn't get expelled."

"Wait, who's your cousin?" Ask the blue ranger

"Bakugo katsuki" Said Hana "his mother my aunt"

• • • • • • • *ding*

"YOU'RE BAKUGO COUSIN " shouted the hero force rangers as Hana nodded her head.

"No offense but how are you related to that piece of crap?" Ask kiba "He's nothing but a big bully who abuses his powers and picks on the weak"

"If he's being a bully, than I'll just tell my aunt" said Hana "Honestly that brat thinks he's better then everyone just because he has a powerful quirk; he can act like a jerk" she said she then bows towards the rangers

"I'm truly sorry if my cousin as been rude to you five" she said

Sora waved his hands "Hana you don't have to apologize for your cousin" he said as she stood up "Look I understand but, if anyone needs to apologize it's your cousin." Said the red ranger

"Well, if you say so." Said Hana

"By the way, you mentioned that your best friend was also quirkless and that he was in U.A." ask Reina "where is he anyway?"

"He's probably at his home." Said Hana "After we got expelled, he just went back home; he only comes to the city to see me in my birthday other than that he doesn't live his home." Said Hana

"So, he's a shut in?" Ask Kiba

"No, he's a survivalist.  He lives in the woods" Said Hana

"... I'm sorry he lives in the woods?" Ask Sora

"Yeah.  He built a tree house and everything." She said

Before the rangers could speak, their morpher's went off; they apologized to Hana and ran out of the youth center confusing Hana.

*Location: Woods*

Hana is walking down a stone path; she soon arrived to a log cabin big enough to fit five people.

Hana brought her left hand to her mouth.


After she finished shouting, Hana is tackled to the ground by a black and white blur.  She started laughing, she looks and noticed a dog sitting on her.

"Hi zwei" said Hana as she petted the dog.

*Bark* said Zwei

"Zwei there you are, didn't I tell you to not tackled Hana to the ground?"

Hana stood up while holding, Zwei in her arms.

"Hiya Ace" said Hana

Ace walked up, he has brown messy jaw length hair; he has blue eyes while wearing black frame glasses; he's wearing black short sleeve.  He also has a brown leather belt which is holding up blue jeans with a silver chain.  He also has on steel toe construction boots on his feet.

"Hey, Hana.  What brings you here to my little cabin." He ask

"Well, you're not gonna believe me even if I tell you." She said

On top of a random building, a crimson armor warrior walked towards the edge.

"So, I was right.  I sense Sculpin evil magic coming from this realm" said wolf warrior "What do you think, Magna Defender"

The ball of light from earlier appears, it turned into two spirit one adult and one child.

"I agreed with you, Leanbow.  I sense both Sculpin and Treacheron have been brought back" said magna defender "I have also gathered information from the horse mouth"

"But father, horses can not talk" said Zika

"*Chuckles* it's a phase that people use, Zika." Explain magna Defender to his son "Oh" said Zika

Both Leanbow and Magna Defender stare off into the city.  As the Magna Defender explained everything to Leanbow.  Leanbow nodded his head.

"What is our plan" ask Magna Defender

"Simple, We will found two individuals and give them our power's.  If enemies from the past have returned then we most chose who will take our place." Said Leanbow

"I agreed" said Magna Defender "I believe we should slipt up, and sreach."

"Agreed, let us not waste time" said Leanbow

The magna Defender and Zika turned into balls of light and flew away, while Leanbow whistles summoning crimson red horse named Catastros.  Leanbow mounted his horse, and they both turned into a turret of crimson fire and flew off into the air.

Hana pov

After visiting Ace, I came back home to my aunt's house; I'm living with my aunt and uncle.  I also informed my aunt about my cousin... Needless to say she was really mad.  So, I'm in my bedroom sitting by the window staring out the window.

*Small bark*

I looked over and see my pet wolf pup, wagging his tail; I smile and picked him up.  I placed him on my lap.

He nuzzles his head into my hand, my pet is a rescue whom I found abandoned and starving; So, I take him in and nursed him back to health.  My aunt was ok with me keeping him, and we got papers and everything.

"Hey Fenrir, have you been a good boy?" I ask

He bark and licked my hand, I smiled and petted his head.  I turned my gaze towards the window and stare at the sitting sun.  I turned my towards Fenrir, who is playfully bitting my hand.  I smiled.

"You know, Fenrir sometimes I think I spoiled you to much." I said while petting him.

*Horse whining*

I turned my head towards the street, as I noticed a horse standing in the street.  I walked out of my house, with Fenrir in my arms.  I walked over to the horse, it turned it's gaze onto me; I reached out and gently touched it mane.

Fenrir sniff the horse, and licked the horse.

"Hello there friend, what's your name?" I ask

I looked over and noticed a name is written on the strap.  I looked closer.

"Catastros" I said out loud

Catastros tapped his foot onto the ground twice.

"You want me to get on" I ask as Catastros nodded his head.  I looked down at Fenrir who barked in excitement "Alright we can go."

I put Fenrir in my hoodie, and mounted Catastros.  I lightly patted Catastros neck, and he took off down the street.

'Alright Catastros where are you taking me?' I thought to myself

*Ace log cabin*

Ace is sitting in a rocking chair which is seated by a fire place with a crackling fire.  Zwei is seen sleeping comfortably in his dog bed, while Ace is seen holding a photo frame while a record player is playing a record.

Zwei ears twice waking him up, Ace noticed this he placed the photo down and grabbed a baseball bat; he quitly walked over towards the door.  He swung the door open and stepped outside with his baseball bat at the ready.  But as he stepped outside, he noticed a bull a few inches from his front porch.





".... Ok, why is there a bull outside my house?!" Ask Ace

Zwei walked out of the house, out of curiosity Zwei went closer to the bull.  Ace warn Zwei to be careful, Once Zwei was close enough; Zwei sniffs the bull.  Zwei started braking happly.

"Ok, my dog likes the bull" said ace as he puts the bat away and close his front door.

He walked down and went over to the bull.  He looks around, while rubbing the back of his head after a few seconds he faces the bull.

"So, how did you even get here? And where's your owner at?" Ask Ace

Instead of giving a answer, the bull nudged ace arm forward; and walked forward.

"You want me to follow you?" Ask ace as the bull 'Moos' "Ok, I'm losing my mind, I'm have a conversation with a bull: Hana was right I gotta get out of the woods more."

Without hesitation, Ace and Zwei follow the bull into the woods.

'This is not even the weirdest part of my day' thought ace  'but still how did a bull even get into the woods, and end up at my house.'

3rd person

Hana is seen riding Catastros as they exited the city, Ace is seen following the bull through the woods.  The scene changed to Leanbow and the Magna Defender are seen waiting for their zords (I'm giving their zords animal forms) to arrive.


This is part 1 of MHA Hero force: Returned of legends.

Once more MHA hero force belongs to SonicBlade40, please go check out his book if you're a fan of mha and power ranger.

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