oof help pls

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So I made two characters right
I love them


okay so they're called Solitaire and Deja Vu, NightWings, twins, love em okay yeah

and i want to make them actual characters (with backstories) but what do you know I can't think of one

So if anyone's willing to help a girl out, I need a few ideas for a backstory (I can split it between them)
This is set in an AU where the nightwings didn't move out of their old home because none of the major animus things happened (darkstalker, albatross, etc) and just moved further inland. the war still happened, but the dod didn't because there was no prophecy. The war ended on its own, no JMA, Thorn still overthrew whichever queen won, however due to no DoD Scarlet is still queen and her arena and Peril are still up and going.

Some key points I'd want are:

-Something depressing that doesn't involve family (no abuse, parent deaths, or anything like that)
- A buildup of their relationship
- Somehow getting into Scarlet's arena and how they escaped
- A reason for them to enter 'friendly thievery' where they steal for a good cause (like to fund orphanages and stuff)

I just need ideas because my brain is like 'lol thinking and effort who is she-'

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