A Health Update

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Hey guys! So it's been nearly a month since I started my new diet and exercise plan, and I felt like telling you guys how it's going.

It sucks.

Joking, I'm inly joking. No, really though, I'm doing quite well. I've already started to notice a change in my overall health. I'm not as hungry anymore, I have more energy, and I'm starting to lose weight. I've lost only 5 pounds so far, but hey it's a start!

So as promised, I've been running 20 miles each day. Since its been cold af lately, it's been more difficult, but still doable. I've also started going to a gym 3 times a week and doing weightlifting, stamina exercises, and boxing exercises (using a weighted bag and a speed bag). It's going good!

So I know this update was kinda stupid, but I felt like doing it.


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