Physical Suicide. A.K.A. My New Health Plan

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Hey everyone! I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving.
So I know that some of you will probably not care about this, but I've made myself a promise. Ever since I was 10 or so, I've been a bit overweight. Not morbidly obese, but a bit thicker than I should be. So, I'm doing something about it. I currently weigh 250 lbs. my goal is to weigh 180 lbs by next Thanksgiving. But I'm not doing those stupid fat surgeries. Instead, I'm reforming my lifestyle. Every morning before school, I'm going to get up and run 5 miles. Then on my lunch break at school, imma head out to the track and run 5 more miles. Then after school, I'm going to run the 5 miles home. And finally, each night after dinner, I'm going to run a final 5 miles. 20 miles a day. It'll be hard, but I'll do it.
I'm changing my diet too. No longer will I eat chocolate. From now on, my dinners will consist of rice, chicken, fish, and beans. And lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. I'm never eating at McDonalds again. If I eat out, it'll be at Subway, and I'll eat nothing but a veggie sub. I'll carry water with me everywhere. I want to get myself in shape.
If I accomplish my goal, I'll reward myself by taking a trip to see the ocean.
But if I fail, which I hope I don't, I'll give away my TV, Xbox 360, and laptop.
Wish me luck, comrades.

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