An update to my life

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Hello, hello!
I'm around, ish. It has been years since I actually decided to post, so I figured I may make an announcement here!

Well, I currently am working 12 hour shifts on an ambulance, and am full time employed. However, I decided to try and work on a book that I will publish progressively.

This book will be a complete contrast to my other works, in that it will be mainly based in the Five Nights at Freddy's universe. I am debating on making it a Reader based book or not, as that would bring it a lot more of popularity.  I  think giving readers creative reigns to their characters is a nice idea, I just really like the idea of using a set OC. We'll have to see.

As for the book plot... It's a surprise! All I can show you is the cover, so you may get a bit of an idea.

Anyway, that's all I can say for now! Feel free to comment on what you think this book will be about!
Until next time muffins!
Mrs. Holt, signing off!

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