The randomness I call my life.

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First off, I'm going to start with one simple thing. XD.
I like to draw.
I draw all the time and if you want me to do draw you something, I'm all for it!
Now. On with this randomness!

So, Today, I hat the STAAR test, which is a four hour long 54 question test. And it was History. My favorite subject. :D. I managed to finish early, so I read My MTMTE comic.

I just have to say, Ratchet is so cool in that!
But honestly.
I got terrified at the end of my comic.
In it, I was reading about Sparkeaters, which are "mythical" creatures that eat Cybertronians sparks.
Please if any Cybertronians are reading this...
Let me know if they are real. -_-.
(Ehem, CommentsByKnockout, CommentsByMegatron, CommentsByOptimus, CommentsByRatchet, CommentsbySoundwave
Wow there are a lot of you guys on here. Next thing you know there's gonna be a war on watty between you guys. XD. That'd be interesting.)
Yah, it was terrifying. I dun leik spark eaters.
THEN I FELL ASLEEP. -_- mai gawsh the nightmare was horrible.
I jumped out of my seat after the test was done when I awoke and yelped.
I got a bunch of stares.
And also, I got stuck with the kid that I mentioned was the human Megatron while testing.
My 5th period was interesting.
My teacher asked what snacks we wanted for a movie, one of the kids walked up to the board and wrote, 'WATERMELON'. XD. Yeah! Life is interesting at my school.

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