Cracking some funny stuff

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Okay! Sorry for the wait! We all know how school is. And it sucks cuz I have like THOUSANDS of things to type up.

Yep, I have this beautiful, weird, crazy mind to thank for these random thoughts coming outta NOWHERE! I mean like, there are times when I think they're are rips in the world leading into different dimensions, cuz sometimes when I drop a pen, IT JUST DISSAPEARS! Never to be seen again.

So I think it works the opposite too; things go in and things go out, and I happen to be one of the 'lucky' people 'blessed' with receiving these ideas. I should be happy, so I thank whichever universe (or universes, these thoughts are random as can be) is supplying me with these thoughts! These crazy *ss thoughts!

Then there's also my real life friend DaynaWilson3 . Follow her won't ya? When you put us together, sh*t happens.

Oops, I ranted before the rant . . . LET THE ACTUAL RANT THINGY START NOW!

I lied, it's actually some funny stuff and, well- stuff.


So! I told a friend about my 'adoption' and she said adopted people are supposed to be taken care of since they're now under whoever adopted them's custody, ya know, they're children. This made me wanna bring it up again to use as leverage as to why they should treat me good even if I was adopted.

So I brought it up in the car, but it was immediately shot down cuz they said,

"We didn't adopt you. We just picked you up on the side of the road."

If this wasn't enough to make me sad, then this was,

"We shouldn't have even picked you up.", which made me sulk in my portable Uchiha corner.

I was talking to another friend, and she told me how when her family was babysitting her niece, they ran out of diapers, so their ingenious plan was to use paper towel.

It reminded me of Full House when Joey and Jesse first babysitted (if it's not a word in your dictionary, it's a word in mine XD) Michelle, and they used paper towels and a garbage bag.

So I told her that and I said, "I would have used a pad." And she freaked out and exclaimed, that that's exactly what she told them to use and they called her a genius.

I made a scenario based on this:

The diapers ran out!

I know just what to do!


This is your genius plan?

Yes, yes it is.

Paper towels?


Really now?


... Are you serious?

What? Can you do any better?!

Yes, yes I can.

Let's hear YOUR genius plan then.

One word. Pads.


Thus ends that session.

Now it's time for short comedy reliefs!

Anytime I get a headache by my eyes:
"Ugh, *covers eye with one hand* I'm overusing my Sharingan. Kakashi warned me about this."

Several things with me and my friend DaynaWilson3 , Day-chan for short.

Books, part 1
Hey Nae! I talk to books!

Good for you. *continues reading book*

And the book talks back!


Me: *pouts* I look like a kid. *whines*
Day-chan: Legit. You do. 😂
Me:... F*ck you.

Day-chan was spinning around like an idiot. I was laughing at first, but didn't want her running into some chairs.

So I put one hand out and started, "Okay Dayna. It's time you sto-OWWWWWWWW!!!" She ran (well, spinned) right into my arm, causing me pain.

Lots of pain XD

One day I was walking down the pathway, and I saw Dayna at a far distance. She saw me too and opened her arms out wide in something like a 'Horray' movement thing, and I imitated her. . . It failed.

So see it in our shared perspective! (Keep in mind, she's far away, can't hear me.)

Me: *opens arms wide, feels pain in right arm* OWWWWWW!
Dayna: *sees Nae's face looks contorted with pain*
Me: *holding my arm* OWWWW! MY ARM!!
Dayna: *sees her clutching at her arm*
Me:*flails myself around swinging my arm (bringing more pain-Baka) OWWWWWWWWWW!!
Dayna: *sees Nae looking like an idiot* Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay?

We were leaving the basketball court at the end of Phys Ed (P.E.) and while going through the gate several of us jumped up to try and do some pull ups on the fence. Some of us were successful and did some, some of us got in one pull-up,(cough cough I was one of them- but I was in my school uniform- a skirt! I didn't have my P.E. clothes on!
Inner Me: Yeah. Keep saying that Nae, but you know that I know that you know that was the best you could do skirt or no skirt.
Me:Hn. Shut up.) and there was an exceptional case: Dayna.

I had given her my book and pen so I could do (attempt) a pull-up, so she gave them back to me so she could try it to. Like, 5 seconds after I walk out the gate, I hear my P.E. teacher (coach) say, "No, no, no, no. Stop."

I turned back around to see Dayna reaching up on TIPPY TOES but nowhere near the fence bar. I laughed my *ss off 😂.

SHE'S SHORT AS HELL!!!!! 😂😭😂😭😂😭

Me: Ugh! I didn't finish the Geography homework! I stopped at #2.

Dayna: Me too!

Me: *looks at Dayna's book* ... Dayna... That's not even the homework. That's classwork from last class.

Dayna: Wait... WE HAD HOMEWORK?!!?!

Me:... Idiot.

Books, part 2
I don't fully remember what the convo was like, cuz I wasn't really paying attention and was kinda hoping she'd stop talking, but right then and there, it happened.

She was holding my notebook, then the wind blew and the cover just hit her in the face and it wouldn't move.

I started laughing, "The book shut you up."

She was about to say something, but then pages of the book flew up too, further implying the need for her to Shut Up.

When the wind finally come down she moved the book and said, "See? The book talked to me. It told me 'Shut up!' just in case you didn't know.

So! That's all for this chapter! Gotta save up one the funny things for the future don't I? I've got some much more funnier things to sure with you peeps!

Kk! Little-chan out! (Or whatever you call me).

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