Prequel- Chapter 12: Chance Ruined

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Prequel- Chapter 12: Chance Ruined

Elian Storm

"Fucking hell, just get off already," I muttered under my breath, trying to get rid of the stubborn blood stain on my phone case.

It was my favorite one, and yet, in a rush, I made the mistake of picking up Alena's phone while my hands were all bloody. I couldn't ignore it, either, knowing all too well how Alena would scold me.

"Looks like I will just have to order a new exact one—"

Just then, I heard the front door open.

"Shit. I really shouldn't have given my key to her." But what else could I do? It would be suspicious if I didn't, given that we had been dating for one and a half years now.

I threw my bloodied phone case in the dustbin and added a lot of tissues over it before closing the lid, just to be on the safe side.

"Elian? Are you home?" came Alena's voice.

"I'm in the bathroom!" I hollered and took off my shirt that got blood smeared on it. I buried it underneath all my other clothes in the laundry hamper.

I checked myself in the mirror to make sure there wasn't anything else on my body, then I splashed some water on my face to make it seem like I was freshening up.

"Hey," I greeted Alena casually, but she was nowhere in sight.

"I am in here!" Her voice came from the walk-in closet.

My eyes widened as a thought crossed my mind.

Did I shut the locker to my guns?

I rushed inside the closet and found her rifling through my suits and sighed when I glanced at the closed locker.

"Hey, what are you looking for?" I inquired, leaning against the entrance.

"Since my dear boyfriend hasn't decided on what to wear for his graduation party next week, I am doing the honor. Plus, I want to match with you," she said with a big excited smile.

I gave her a half-smile and said, "I really hate to burst your bubble, but I am not attending the graduation party."

On the night of the graduation party, I have a big consignment coming from overseas. I was in charge of the project.

"What?" Alena shrieked. "Why not?"

"I have my younger brother's art exhibition on that day, and I don't want to miss it. He's gonna get real sentimental if I don't go." Sorry for using you, Eltan. "So I am just going to receive my graduation certificate and leave."

Alena's shoulders slumped, a pout forming on her lips. "That's sad. I was so excited for your graduation."

"Sorry, babe." So, so, so sorry. I hate to lie to you so much.

"It's okay, I get it. Family is important, after all."

I nodded with a tight-lipped smile.

She came and gave me a hug, consoling me. My chest tightened because of the guilt chipping away at me.

"You should get changed. I'll be in the living room," she murmured, and I nodded, letting her go.

I ran a hand through my hair, trying to ignore the sting in my heart. I really hated lying to her. But if I told the truth then...

Changing into my sweatpants and t-shirt, I came out of my bedroom to find Alena comfortable on the couch and watching the breaking news.

"What's on the news today?" I asked while grabbing a glass of water from the kitchen.

"The news I hate," she changed the channel, "Crime news. A murder that happened last night." She shivered. "These types of news scare me so much. It just makes me think one of these days I could be attacked by a murderer out of nowhere, you know? Life is so unpredictable."

This. This was the reason I was putting in so much effort to hide my truth from Alena. Because if I told her the truth, she would most definitely leave me.

Just until a few months ago, it was only speculation about what she would do when she discovered my truth. But it became clear the day when the two of us watched a murder-mystery movie, and she voiced her opinions on the topic.

She, who was terrified of murders, was in love with a murderer.

How ironic.

While I was lost in my thoughts, Alena looked at me and asked, "You would cry a lot if something were to happen to me, wouldn't you?"


"I mean if I get attacked by a gang, and I die—"

I chuckled and sat down beside her on the couch, pulling her over to my lap. "First of all, don't talk like that—not even hypothetically. Secondly, I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

"Let's not be that confident, okay? We never know the future."

I hummed sadly. "But I still don't want anything to happen to you. Ever."

She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Me, neither. Because that would make you really sad, no? And I don't want you to be sad at all."

I smiled, guilt churning inside me.

I remembered a conversation with Jace last night.

"If you feel so guilty over lying to her and are so paranoid that she will leave you if she learns the truth, isn't it better to break up now? The sooner you do it, the more pain you spare yourself from."

"Jace, stop, I don't want to hear it."

"No. You have to hear it, Elian. You cannot avoid it forever. Because whether you like it or not, she will come to know about your truth if you continue this relationship."

"But what you are saying is impossible. I can't do that..." I buried my face in my palms, totally lost on what to do. "I can't picture living without her. It's just so twisted. I can't be with her because of who I am. But at the same time, I can't also imagine her being with somebody else. I know she deserves better than me. I swear, I know it... But it just makes me want to be better for her, you know? Not want to leave her."

I could feel Jace staring at me in disbelief. "So what are you suggesting?"

"I don't fucking know what I mean," was what I replied to Jace.

But I knew the answer.

"Hey, Alena," I murmured, burying my face in her neck.


"I love you."

I heard the fond smile in her voice as she sweetly replied, "I love you, too."

And that's why I will quit.

There was no way I could live on after calling quits on our relationship. But there was something else I could quit to make sure this relationship would at least go on—and that was my gang.

I knew she would be mad at me for hiding it for so long, but I would fix it. I would apologize for as long as I didn't earn her forgiveness. I would beg if I had to.

But no matter the cost, I would not let go of her.

"I have something to tell you," I started.

No more lies. I would tell her the truth right here and now.

"Sure, but I think I hear your phone ringing," Alena said.

"That's not important. Hear me out first," I insisted.

"Alright—" This time, it was her cell phone that started ringing.

Damn it!

I internally groaned as she checked the caller ID.

"It's Jace. He doesn't call me," she mentioned, and my eyes widened.

Jace was calling Alena? That means, there must be some sort of emergency.

Alena picked up the call and asked, "Hey, Jace, what's up?" He asked her something, and she replied, "Yes, he is with me right now. Should I hand him the phone?"

I understood that Jace was asking for me, so I took the phone from Alena and put it to my ear.

"Elian, someone tried to kill Tansen in a car crash," Jace informed, his voice trying but failing to mask his usual calmness.

"What? Is Dad okay?" I asked instantly.

"I don't know yet. He has been brought to the hospital. Please come quickly."

"Yes, I will be there as soon as possible," with that, I hung up.

"What's wrong?" Alena inquired in concern.

"My dad was in a car accident. I need to rush to the hospital right now," I replied and got off the couch to grab my things, to be precise, my gun.

I was seething with rage, having an inkling as to who might have been behind Dad's orchestrated accident.

I swear to God, I won't leave them alive.


"Those XS bastards," I grumbled, "I will kill all of them."

"I told you to think before your actions and see what it has led to," Dad said.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, how was I supposed to know they would have the guts to harm the leader of Mafia Thunder?"

"You should be grateful that I only got a minor head injury and broke a few of my rib bones," Dad said.

I hummed, still not feeling any mercy for those bastards. "You should take some rest. I will be outside with Jace."

I went out in the corridor to find Jace, who was sitting on a hospital bench.

"About yesterday..." Jace started to speak. "You want to quit, don't you?"

I stayed quiet, and it gave Jace the answer he needed.

"That's fine if you want to. I know Tansen wouldn't oppose it. But are you sure now is the time to quit? Right after you have sparked a war with the XS gang?"

I pursed my lips, regretting my decision.

"Look, Elian, quit if you want to. But before that, clean up your mess. Because none of us are willing to pay for your mistake," he said sternly.

"I understand," I sighed.

I guess I had to drag on my lies for a little while longer.

Please, until I can confess my truth to Alena myself, I hope she doesn't find out on her own.

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