Prequel- Chapter 4: All The Time For You

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Prequel- Chapter 4: All The Time For You

Elian Storm

I was nervous.

More nervous than I could ever recall being.

I waited outside my friend David's house, tapping my foot anxiously and checking my wristwatch after every five seconds.

Alena said she would come, but I kept fearing that at the last moment, she would text she wouldn't be able to come. It was my first time asking out a girl to join me for a party. I was acutely aware it was weird.

But the truth was, I never had the time to just go out and party with girls or in general. In high school, I was always too busy training to take over the gang, and now in university, I was putting that training to practical use.

Besides that, I had my grades to maintain and learn how to do business. I couldn't afford to waste my time on parties and meeting girls. In fact, I didn't even plan on attending tonight's party.

But I wanted to see Alena. That's why I accepted the invitation.

Texting with her was fun. But my mind kept drifting to what she would look like when we talk and laugh in person. Eventually, thoughts of her filled my mind. I had no idea I could desire to see someone's face that bad.

I fixed the collar of my black denim jacket, feeling high-strung. Although I normally dressed up fashionably–at least that's what I liked to believe–I had put extra thought into getting ready tonight. In my stubbornness to choose a not-too-much and not-too-less outfit, it took me an hour to decide on what to wear. Even so, I still wasn't totally satisfied with my appearance. I might have taken more time unless I didn't worry about giving a late impression on Alena.

I knew I was thinking over this too much. But I couldn't help it. I was nervous—

Only until my eyes landed on a redhead, who stood out amongst the swarming crowd of people, dressed in a bottle green crop top and tight black jeans. For a long moment, I just stared at her, all the nervous jitters draining out of my body, leaving me with pure happiness.

I almost raised my hand to wave in her direction and holler her name in excitement until I remembered that I was raised to be a sophisticated person in public, not a loud hooligan.

But damn my excitement.

I couldn't stop the big smile from spreading across my lips.

What was there to be scared of? Just being in her ten-meter radius, I felt myself relax.

Controlling my mile-wide-smile, I walked up behind Alena and whispered in her ear, "Hey, glad you made it."

Alena jumped a little at my sudden presence, placing a hand over her chest, then she relaxed, realizing it was only me. But right after that, she puffed her cheeks and slapped my arm. "Jerk."

I laughed lightly, reeling at her cuteness, and said, "Tell me you wouldn't have done the same."

"I would. But you are still the jerk. Good thing your friend's house is so close to the campus. Otherwise, I would have thrown my heel at you when I saw you."

"If it was far, I would have offered to give you a ride myself," I responded.

"You better would have," she said and looked up at the mansion ahead in awe. "Wow, your friend's house, or should I say his mansion, is huge. And it's so gorgeous."

I followed her gaze and thought of my parents' mansion, which was twice as this one, but I didn't want to come off as a showoff to her. So I said, "You know what else is gorgeous?"

She didn't take a beat to come up with, "Me?"

I grinned and agreed, "Absolutely right."

It didn't even feel like we didn't know each other that well. Talking to her felt natural.

As we entered through the double doors, the security guards didn't even spare Alena after seeing she was with me.

Once we were in the big living room, I stiffened a little when she looped her arms around my elbow and whispered, "Hey, are you sure all of these people are third years?"

I relaxed and realized she must feel out of place here, so I patted her hand with my free one to assure her and scanned around the crowd of people dancing in the middle of the large space. I had never seen some of them, but I also couldn't care less even if they were gatecrashers.

"Not our business. We have the invitation, at least."

"That's true." She smiled a little. "The music's not too loud."

I nodded. "David's parties are good. They aren't too chaotic."

"So are you a regular at parties?" she asked out of curiosity.

"Nope, and I don't think you are, either."

She chuckled self-consciously. "Is it that obvious?"

"Please, you came out of the library when we first met," I said as I remembered seeing her coming out of the library before she started dancing in the snowfall. "Plus, there aren't a lot of second years who take studying seriously."

Her cheeks flushed red, which I could see even under the dim lights, and I swear my heart skipped a beat at that. "Do you think I am a nerd?"

"What I think is, nerds are hot," I let out honestly.

"And so are you," she quipped.

"Then we both are hot," I added.

She chuckled, resting her forehead on my shoulder. "Are we both a pair of narcissists?"

"I don't know about that, but I like us being a pair."


"Hey, man, who's the hot chick?" came the booming voice of one of the many people I didn't like. I resisted my urge to roll my eyes and gave him a dead stare, which made William correct himself, "I mean, who is your beautiful partner? A freshman?"

As much of an asshole I thought William to be, his dad was the CEO of a major pharmaceutical firm, and I promised Alena many connections at this party. However, before I could introduce her, she took it upon herself.

"Hi, I'm Alena. I'm a sophomore. And you are William Jacob, right? I have heard great things about you," she said, smiling politely.

"Really?" William asked pleasantly.

"Yes. Actually— oh, I think that girl over there is calling you," Alena said, pointing at a random girl beckoning in our direction.

"Oh, then I'll catch up with you guys later. Gotta go." With that, William left us alone.

Alena let out a sigh.

"Why did you send him away?" I asked curiously. "I thought you were here to make connections with others."

"Maybe next time. But not tonight." Should I feel hopeful that she said there could be a next time? "Tonight," she looked up at me and smiled sweetly, "I want to make a connection with you."

"I thought we already had a connection," I replied playfully.

"Then I guess we should strengthen it."

"Over drinks?" I offered.

"Sounds great," she agreed instantly, and we started to walk toward the bar. "But don't even think about spiking my drink. I have heard you boys doing such things," she mock-warned.

"What's the worst that could happen if I did?" I joked. "You would land up in bed with me. Does that sound so bad?"

She twitched her lips, giving it some real thought. "Missing the first class of the winter quarter sounds bad."

"Touché. I wouldn't want to miss that, either."

She laughed shortly, then she squeezed my arm a little before a hesitating look appeared on her face which soon turned into a determined one. "By the way, you don't sleep around, do you?" She tried to be casual about it, but I knew it was a serious question.

"You can ask around," I leaned closer to her ear and I could hear her breath hitching as I slowly uttered, "I don't look for a time pass."

It was the truth. Due to the same reasons as not being a party person, I have never had time for relationships and I don't like the concept of flings.

But with Alena? I felt like I could make all the time in the world for her.

"Let's, uh, order our drinks?" she let out a little awkwardly, and I leaned back, giving her space to catch her breath.


After we placed our order to the hired bartender, we sat on the corner bar stools.

"How often do you drink?" Alena inquired.

"Once a month with my two closest friends," I replied. "And you?"

"Would you be turned off if I say it's my second time trying alcohol?" she asked, looking a little shy.

I rolled my eyes and sarcastically said, "Yep. I'm totally turned off." She chuckled and relaxed once again. "So do you not like to drink—"

"Nope. I just grew up in a very strict household, so I never had that chance. However, I hit the bar as soon as I got out of my parent's house. But it was a bad decision," she laughed in remembrance.

"Why? What happened?" I asked with full curiosity.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw some of my friends waving at me, but I motioned at them to leave me alone tonight and they got the hints, albeit with teasing looks sprinkled on their annoying faces. But I could deal with them later.

"It's a long story," Alena said.

As the bartender handed us our drinks, I smiled and clinked our glasses, "I have got all the time in the world for you."

She returned my smile and said, "The feeling is mutual. In that case, you have to tell me yours too."


The feeling is mutual— I couldn't be happier to hear that.

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