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My name is Melody Raün Kuäk. Princess of the Kingdom, Kuäk. I'm 17 year old warrior princess with duties and also responsibilities for being a princess and a warrior.

Mother always told me that one day, destiny will choice me to become the next infinite warrior of Europe and Kuäk.

When I was 12, my father, Raymond Raün Kuäk, died from food poisoning, my mother remarried to the King of Narôun. He was wealthy like my mother. But he was also selfish.

He never loved my mother nor did he love me like a daughter. He loved controlling me. He always ordered me to bring him anything he wanted. He is also sick. He tried to molest me once and I never went alone with him ever again.

Today was Coronation Day for my older sister, Rama. She was overly excited to become Queen and I was happy for her.

"Melody, will you not get ready??" Mother said as she entered my quarters.

"I am ready, Mother. You know I don't like wearing those awful dresses." I stated as she sat me down at my vanity.

"I know. You say it makes you look tacky. But I think you look beautiful in them." She said as she pecked my cheek.

"You always say that. But, Mother, tomorrow, I choose a husband. What if none of the princes of the Kingdom does not love me the way I love them??" I asked as she sighed and placed my hair in a braid.

"Oh, sweetie. When you find the right husband for you and if they happen to love you the same way you love him, then there should be no problem." Mother said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Um...okay. Well, you need your hair done, Mother. Let me do it." I said as she sat in my seat and I did her hair into a lovely bun.


"Do you, Rama Raün Kuäk, promise to make the Kingdom of Kaük a better Kingdom and promise to take your duties as a Queen seriously in life or death situations??" The priest read as Rama nodded.

"I do."

"If you have any other words to say, please speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest stated as Rama turned to face everyone.

"My words are for my sister, Melody Raün Kuäk. She has experienced the duties of a Queen through her training as a princess. She knows how hard it is to be a Queen and be a sister as well. So, Melody, if anything ever happens to me while on duty, if I get injured or sick, will you take my place as Queen until I fully recover??" She asked as everyone faced me. I now had tears streaming down my face as I nodded and walked towards my sister and gave her a hug while I heard applause.

"Your Majesty!! The Kingdom is under attack!!" I heard as I pulled away to see my stepfather and mother running out of the church while everyone paincked.

"Calm down, everyone!! Calm down!! Rama, stay here!!" I shouted as I ran out of the church toward the weaponry.

"Foris, I need my crossbow, sword, and shield!!" I shouted into the weaponry as the blacksmith gave me what I needed and head back to the church but stood outside.

I saw some soldiers head towards the church. I recognized the armour. The soldiers of Hazïa. Our enemy. I load the crossbow and shot at every soldier that came. I went to check on the perimeter but then I saw a ball of fire hit the church and exploded.

"RAMA!!" I screamed as I fell to my knees. I felt tears run down my face as I heard the screams of the people burning to death in the church. Anger flowed through my blood as I stood up and ran to the war where my mother and stepfather was.

I made just in time to see my stepfather get stabbed in the back. My mother fought to her last breath before she was stabbed right in the heart.

"MOTHER!!" I shouted as I shot an arrow at the enemy's head and caught my mother just as she fell.

"Mother!! Mother!! Stay with me!! We'll get William!! He'll get you better!! Please!!" I shouted as she held my hand.

"Your father will watch after you. His name is Zeus."

"Like the Greek god, Zeus??"

"Yes. He will watch over-" in that faithful moment, I screamed the air out of my lungs as I held my breathless mother. I snuggled into my mother's body and sobbed till the fullest. The weird thing was when I looked back up the soldiers of Hazïa were dead. But there was no one around alive from my Kingdom. I then saw a horse of Hazïa as I halted it.

"Whoa, boy. Whoa!!" I shouted as it calmed down and I patted it and then hopped on.

"Come on, boy. Let's ride to Eröâh. It's a two days ride. Maybe we can find some food and shelter for us. Let's go!!" I stated as we rode off. I looked back at my home as it burned to the ground leaving the dead bodies of my people behind.


"It's the Princess!!" I heard a guard say as I rode into Eröâh. The people all stared at my soot face as I came to a stop and got off of the horse.

"Princess Melody?? What brings you to Eröâh??" I heard as I saw King Peter Eröâh.

"Your highness. I came for food, shelter, and supplies. My people were slaughtered 2 days ago. By our enemy, Hazïa. My mother, stepfather, and sister along with them. I'm the only survivor." I stated as the king eyes showed concern, sadness, and anger.

"Of course. Come on in. My wife is waiting inside." He said as I entered the castle. Not before looking at the sky and seeing black clouds of smoke. Probably from my Kingdom still burning.

That is the same day I became an immortal warrior from Raün Kuäk.

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