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Chapter 20: First date with my 'boyfriend'

"Come along, Sarang, wakey wakey!" A silky voice called out, you knew who it was. Though you clicked your tongue annoyed, finally a weekday but why was Taehyung waking you up such early in the morning.

"It's such a nice day to go on a date! I don't think you should waste it by sleeping!"

Hell no, sleeping is never a waste of time wait- how the hell did he get inside your bedroom.

You removed your blanket from your face, scrunching up your eyebrows while opening your eyes adjusting them to the bright light, there, Taehyung stood like the sun.

Right close to your legs, with his hands on his hips. Blonde hair shinier than ever, whole appearence glowing. His red flannel zipped up to his neck and a denim jacket on top of it. Grinning brightly as he was all ready to go out.

"To infinity and beyond!" He put a hand up on the air.

You groaned turning to the other side. So you must've left your door open last night while you fell asleep, of course he invaded. It had been such a life draining week for you.

"Come on, Sarang, please? Can't we go out today? Let's watch movies! I heard from Jungkook that they were showing the nun! Yesterday he went there, Jimin too!"

Gosh, he wouldn't stop talking about the muscle pig since he met him.

"Please! I request a date!" He cried out tugging onto your blanket.

Feeling the slight pull, you looked at him irritated, preparing your mind to scold the soul out of him but then you saw him pouting. Thick tears forming at the corner of his eyes.

Oh no, not again.

"Won't you go with me?" His lips quivered.

And then, there you were. Inside the movie theatre with him, where the latter was excitedly shoving popcorn in his mouth in the dark. His eyes glued to the screen that hadn't started showing anything yet. And you ran a hand over your temple, messaging it.

You just wish you could sleep a bit more. And get ready taking more time, slowly. It was hard to do that when you had a hyperactive fella at home.

"Tae, you know this is a horror movie right?"

"Of course!" He turned to you, grinning and shoving another handful of popcorn inside his mouth.

Gosh, he was adorable.

And that was your biggest weakness, even he knew that. You took a napkin to wipe away the crumbs that were all across his mouth.

In the meantime he silently kept staring at you.


"Did you put something on your face Sarang?" He asked with sheer curiousness. You blushed a bit, so he noticed.

It was makeup. Well, poor you had never gotten out on a date before but at least you knew that it was essential to wear makeup. This was nonetheless, a date, right?

"I wore makeup," you piped. "Do I look okay?"

Taehyung's mouth was slightly opened, formed in an 'o' shape. "You look pretty of course. But you always look pretty to me." He grinned at the end of his sentence.

Thank goodness it was dark else he could see the pure redness on your face. "T-thanks," you uttered, being your polite self wondering in your mind if this really was a date like he said.

"Oh!" Suddenly Taehyung exclaimed by himself, as if he had just remembered something. Taking a quick look around he put down the bucket of popcorn by his side then dusted off his hands.

Turning to the right, to you, he held out on one of his hands. "I read in a book about holding hands in the movies. But the scene was really awkward, the female lead wanted the male lead to hold her hand but he was oblivious. There was a bit of monologue until he did eventually. So could I? I suppose it would be somewhat romantic."

His eyes sparkled, even in the dark. A gentle smile placed on the corner of his lips and his hand held out to you to place yours on his.

This all somehow, made your heart flutter. You felt your stomach turn a little for an unknown reason as you put your hand on his and he gently clasped it around yours.

His hand was warm. But the moment he laced his fingers with yours made your heart jump, causing you to almost choke. Heat rushed to your face.

This was such a simple thing but experiencing it for the first time when all you've done was read scenes like this in books or watch it unfold in the movies, gave you a thought if this was all surreal.

"The movie has already started," you whispered. "Twelve minutes has gone by... and we haven't even noticed!"

"I'm not much interested in the movie. Why watch something else when I can watch you, from up close."

Boom boom, your heart went!

You turned to Taehyung who was just staring at you with a smile on his face. His beautiful eyes never leaving your face for a mere second.

"T-tae, you're being really cheesy." Again you flushed red in the dark.

"Well, what can I do? It's a date!" He held out your intertwined hand with him, showing it as prove.

Well, bam bam, your heart died!

"Oof!" A male voice suddenly let out a loud groan from the back. "Would you lovebirds let us enjoy the damn movie? Get a room!"

The voice grunted groggily. Another voice followed after that. "Kissing and doing those vulgar things in the movies! Tsk, can't believe today's generation! The world has come to an end y'all!"

Both you and Taehyung looked back to the direction the voice was coming from to find two middle aged men giggling nastily, pointing at you. With their remarks the whole hall's attention was diverted to you too.

"Excuse me sir," Taehyung retorted politely. "You're mistaken since I've been doing nothing but simply holding my girlfriend's hand, see?" He held out your locked hands with his in the air.

"Don't talk to them, Tae. They are not good people," you whispered from the sides but Taehyung continued.

"So I request you to take back what you said and kindly apologize to us," Taehyung demanded.

"Look at this lad go!" The first male laughed in disbelief, his fattened belly shaking with it. "Yah, tell me if it's a guy or girl I can't see in the dark!" He nudged the man beside him with his elbow.

In which the second man let out a loud laughter too. "Holy hell! The guy is prettier than the bitch he calls his girlfriend!"

Wow, he did not just insulted you!

"Listen you fatass rotten ass Hitler!" You spat standing up. "I-"

You couldn't finish when you saw Taehyung getting up, taking the basket of popcorn and splashing the content over the two fat guys sitting behind you. Then he took the drinks, it wasn't long until they were empty too.

The two men sat stunned, juice dripping from them and popcorn sticking on their skin and everywhere possible.

"You can disrespect me, but not my girlfriend!"

You saw Taehyung standing tall with his jaw clenched, fists balled by his sides and holy cow, even though he looked hot you'd never seen him angry before.

And the whole movie theater clapped for him.


"We were thrown out." You sighed as the boy before you kept looking around excitedly, wearing the ladybug headband you had just bought for him. And he was oblivious to every girl passing by and squealing.

"It's okay," he said with his eyes glued to somewhere behind you.

You cleared your throat, trying to look a bit serious. "You needn't do that Tae... What you did back there."

"Sarang, let's go there!" Completely disregarding what you had just said, he grabbed on your arm and started walking ahead, dragging you with him like a mere toy.

And to your irony, it was a toy store ahead.

So he wanted to buy another thing.

Pushing the glass door open, he confidently went inside. Not even taking another look he took a turn and went next to a wall for decoration that could be seen from outside, dragging you with him all this time.

"That!" He pointed his long finger to a plushie decorated in the midst of other dolls. "I want that!"

He let go off you and held up the plushie instead. Then he held it closer for you to see as he grinned ear to ear. "Doesn't it look cute?"

It looked a bit weird.

Cause for sure you've never seen a doll like it. It had a massive red head that was shaped like love, but only a little deformed purposefully. Had small eyes, really full lips but its overall expression was blank.

Oh, there was even a small body attached to it. It was wearing pajamas.

"I look like it!" He placed the plushie side by side to his face and gave a dead blank expression he had often gave before. "And I shall name it Tata," he deadpanned.

Now the tata doll really looked a bit like him. You couldn't help but let out a giggle as you nodded. "Okay I'll buy it for you."

As soon as you paid for the plushie Taehyung shoved it to your hands. "Sarang, you keep it." He gave out his toothy grin as he had planned to give it to you all this time.

"Me? Why?" You asked a little bewildered.

"So you can sleep with it. You cry by yourself in your dreams sometimes when it rains. You wouldn't let me sleep in your room so tata can sleep instead."

It was true, you were dead afraid of thunders as a child. You thought you grew out of it stepping into adulthood but then you often found yourself crying unknowingly in your sleep when it rained.

"Thank you, Tae." Your heart fluttered again for some reasons. You clutched the soft toy close to your heart.

"And you can also remember me with that when I'm gone. Taehyung smiled. "After I'm done with my job here as your boyfriend!"

You almost forgot.

Someday your boyfriend will leave you.

A/n: if there's any old reader of mine here, this chapter was a tribute to my devilish roommate, one of my very first fanfics here. I deleted it a while ago.

Well that story was quite cute like this one. Honestly I miss it from time to time but writing this book made me reminisce the feelings I had gotten while writing the other story.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading. I love you okay? You make my day brighter, my skin lighter, my future shinier!

^^me when i see you

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