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Chapter 6: A little bit like home

Kim Taehyung has never been this bored.

In the small place between the sofa and the television, there he sat rocking back and forth in a rhythm as his eyes were glued to the tv. And to his bad luck nothing interesting was happening there.

A long sigh left his mouth watching two people cook something on the screen. If it was some other time he would felt hungry and he wished he was, thinking about food would be less boring.

When you left for college early in the morning after feeding him a bowl of cereal and handing him a plastic bag filled with junk foods from stationary shop to eat later (since you can't cook for your life) then turning the tv on before leaving, he had been bored ever since then.

And he has never felt this hopeless too. Up there he had brothers, his friends. And he wondered why none of them had visited since the encounter with RM and Jhope. Well, it only has been two days but didn't he feel lonesome already?

Up there playing with his friends in the garden filled with roses, or having a conversation with the chickens, making his brothers angry eating their foods, those thoughts, those damn thoughts clouded his mind and once again his eyes were teary.

He shook his head vigorously. No. He had to be strong! This was the reason why everyone there treated him like a child!

And he also thought of being strong for you. It's not like he hadn't heard your story. He knew how lonely you were to ask for a boyfriend that night, he knew when he was carrying out his mission. And he really wanted to help you.

Clicking his tongue annoyed at himself, at his way of becoming emotional at the smallest things he looked at the remote control lying next to him. And he was done fighting the urge to try that boxlike 'thing' out.

Licking his lip he carefully picked up the remote. Heart beating faster in anticipation, a weird grin also made its way on his face on the thought of controlling the television with this thing.

It wouldn't be so hard. He had seen you turning on the tv with this, then he saw you changing the channels, raising the sound volume like magic. He was truly amazed. Even more when you gave it to him like it was the most natural thing.

Unlike up there when he was a fairy younger than almost everyone and no one would take him seriously or trust him enough to handle important things. Not even his brothers but that didn't stop him from having his way with his mischiefs.

The thought of handling things by himself all alone suddenly, made him really proud of himself. In no time his nostrils were flared and chest rose up high. Shrugging away the nervousness he proudly clicked on a button he saw you clicking earlier.

And then magic happened.

Like, poof! The cooking show was gone and on the screen now were a bunch of people singing and dancing crazily to a loud music. Bang bang bang, was what they were screaming.

Adrenalin rushed through his veins and due to the excitement he clicked that button again. He kept clicking it watching the channels swipe by like magic and he was so amazed, so amazed that he thought he'd shed some tears again.

But then something caught his eyes and he stopped.

With sheer curiosity he focused on the screen and his mouth slowly fell apart, the remote control slipped away from his fingers too.

This was interesting.


As soon as you entered your place at evening the blonde latter jumped before you, almost scaring the hell out of you as a loud screech left his mouth. "Look at me Sarang! Don't I look amazing!"

And the next second your eyes were halfway there, falling out of your sockets as you couldn't believe what you were seeing.

"I watched them on tv! Don't I look high fashionable now?" The latter did a hand gesture putting his thumb and index finger near to his chin.

To your horror it wasn't him. It was the pullover on him that you had brought the night before.

There were holes all over, sleeves ripped here and there making it look like the ugliest piece of clothing in the world.

"What were they called? Oh yeah! DIY or hacks or something like that!" He beamed happily and you only prayed he hadn't done this to his other cloths too.

"Oh and I made these designs on the other shirts you brought for me too!" He added.

Take a deep breath Sarang, take a deep breath. It isn't his fault. For God's sake he is not even from earth!

You opened your eyes after having them shut tightly for a few seconds. It wasn't that you were angry at him for destroying some cheap cloths; you were going to buy him new ones anyway the next day. It was just the waste of those poor shirts that ticked you off a little.

Forcing a big smile on your face (which turned out sinister) you held the plastic bag you had with you up in the air. "I brought spicy rice cake. Let's eat dinner!" You tried sounding as cheerful as you could.

And on your way to the dining table Taehyung followed you like a puppy, lips formed into a small pout. "Sarang, sarang..," he whispered, it was music to your ear but looking at him was hard.

He practically looked like a handsome beggar.

"Hmm?" you only hummed a reply putting a plate filled with food before him.

But then he held onto your sleeve with two of his fingers making you finally, look at his big sad eyes and his frowned face. "I don't look good? Are you mad at me?" He whispered again. His natural deep voice leaving you with goosebumps this time.

Clearing your throat you quickly looked away, in the meantime you pulled away from his hold too. Taking a seat at the table gracefully you looked at your plate, then looked back at him right in the eye.

"It's not that you look bad Tae, but on earth you don't wear; at least normal people don't wear cloths like that." You said and then immediately realized you just called him Tae.

But he didn't seem to mind about that as he was too confused. "Why?" He asked then paused a little. "On tv they said it's what you can do to your old outfits to make them fashionable."

A small giggle left your mouth seeing the innocent lad so confused with the earthly ways. Why wouldn't he be when as a human you get confused too sometimes.

"Let me tell you a secret Taehyung," you were the one whispering this time, giving him this deathly serious look all of a sudden which he returned back.

You put a hand closer to your mouth moving your head forward. "Most of the tv people are a little crazy in the head," you whispered again.

And he gasped loudly, looking genuinely shocked then his hand moved to his heart from his opened mouth. "Really! I didn't know wow I-"

"Yeah." You tried hard to contain the laughter that was creeping its way out from the pit of your stomach. "So don't believe them easily. Also we could buy new cloths tomorrow!"

His confused look now was replaced with a huge smile. "Thank you for not scolding me Sarang. I thought you would, like my brothers."

Aw how could you ever scold this cutiepie- though you wanted to back there.

"And please call me Tae. I like hearing it from your mouth, more than Taehyung," he added with that big smile on his beautiful face.

And your heart did a thing. It flipped, like a fish without water and it kept on flipping. You didn't even know why. "Yeah kay," that's all you could say flustered with his warm gaze still locked on you.

"By the way can I sleep with you again tonight?" He put some of the food on his mouth before saying.

But your head was still busy calming your heart. It took you a second to only reply with a question, "What?"

"Can I sleep with you again tonight?" He said casually licking the sauce from his lips then putting his index finger inside his mouth. It was so distracting you felt like things were happening in slow motion and what you could only focus on, was his lips.

But then the word 'sleep' finally caught up to your already slow brain. "No!" Immediately you answered.

Again there was a frown on his face. "Why?" He questioned with a pout.

"I said it was only for a day. And it was." You answered strongly.

"Then do I sleep in the living room tonight? Here?" He looked around then his gaze dropped at you, again. "Aw Sarang aren't you being too hard on me? I don't wanna sleep here, I don't!"

He whined and you wondered when had he started talking so much, demanding things so casually.

"No, you'll sleep here. End of discussion." You said only to see the corners of his eyes full to the brim with tears again. Aw no, this was the thing you feared the most.

"B-but I don't wanna sleep alone. You really..?"

"No, I'm sorry." You tried not to give away hearing his whispery voice.

"Can I not for only tonight? Please Sarang." He begged and he could see you hesitating to say another big no.

Even if it was a no he knew how to get his way. Indeed he was mischievous, a great actor too. His brothers gave up every time he brought some tears to his eyes.

And with that a smirk slowly made it's way on his face even though his eyes were teary. He was somehow enjoying this, his time with you.

Since suddenly, it was feeling a little bit like home to him.

A/n: okay this was kind of like a filler chapter i hope it wasn't too boring? ;-;

Also please don't forget about me! I really am sorry for taking so much time with the updates but i am so busy right now and for once i really have to focus on my life or it's gonna be the end for me

No I'm not exaggerating even a bit i hope yall will understand.

Oh and this wasn't proof read too I'm such a mess aren't i-

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