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"Go away! " I said taking deep breaths and he looked on the verge of tears.

"But—" "I said go away." I yelled panting.

"Sanyukta, are you okay? " He asked panic stricken and tried to hold my hand but I jerked it away.

"Don't touch me! Don't you dare! " I warned pointing my index finger at him, breathing heavily.

"In-inhaler. " He ran towards the drawer and took my inhaler out before handing it to me.

"Sanyukta, inhale." He urged but I looked away.

"Sanyukta please, I beg you. Please, don't harm yourself because of a jerk like me, please. " He pleaded sitting on his knees.

I was left with no option but to use the inhaler since breathing was becoming difficult.

I sat down on the couch after using it and closed my eyes.

"Sanyukta—" "Leave. Randhir, please take him away. " I requested his best friend who looked down before walking towards him and holding his hand.

"Let's go Ayaan. " Randhir said but instead of obliging, he held my hand.

"I said don't touch me! " I yelled jerking his hand away again and getting up.

"Sanyukta, please, listen to me, for once, please. " Ayaan pleaded but I looked away and tears began flowing flowing my eyes.

"Randhir, please do me a favor and take your best friend out of my sight, my house and my life." I said crying and closing my eyes once again.

"Ayaan, get up! What you've done is unforgivable. Let's go. " Randhir said and I looked at him.

He was trying to make Ayaan get up who was sitting on the floor, near my feet.

"If you don't get up right now, I'll kick you as hard as possible, in the organ which you were using on my best friend a few minutes back. " I warned him with a deadly glare and he gulped before getting up.

"Go straight and then right, that's the main door, get out and never come back. " I instructed looking away and getting up as well.

"Babe I'm sorry, just listen—" "For the third time, you are sorry for the third time, aren't you? You know what Ayaan Khanna, I was a fool and you were anything but sorry, all this while! But now, I won't make a fool of myself again by trusting a Bastard like you, so you better get out on your own or I'll call the cops. " I warned him and he looked at Randhir for some help but Randhir looked away too.

"Don't make me repeat my words again and again. Just leave and don't show me your shitty face again. Out! " I yelled the last part and he began walking towards the door, slowly, expecting me to stop him but no, not this time! I've given him enough chances, I'd caught him two times earlier as well but still gave him this chance and this time, I caught him f*cking my best friend.

"Sanyukta. " Randhir called and I looked at him.

"I'm sorry, on his behalf. I know he's a jerk but—" "But he loves you. " I completed his sentence which he uses all the time.

"Aren't you tired now Randhir? You've been saying this same line for the past three years. Aren't you tired? Can't you see that your jerk of a best friend never loved me?" I asked and he looked down.

"Can't you see how I caught him red handed today? With my own best friend. " My voice broke at the last part and Randhir looked at me with concern and pity.

"I'm sorry. " He apologized looking at me sadly.

"Why? For being the best best friend one can have? Or for chanting that he loves me and making me give him a chance everytime. Just because I do what you tell me, because I trust you, I have had enough heart breaks Randhir, I can't handle anymore. I've always trusted you more than Ayaan and I'll continue doing that, but you'll have to stop covering up for him. " I told him and his eyes widened.

"I've never covered up for him Sanyukta, I had no idea about all this, trust me. And this time, I'm not asking you to get back with him, I've never asked you to do that, I know what he has done is wrong and I'm with you, I support your decision and I'll continue doing that for the rest of my life because before anything else, you are my friend. " He explained and I looked down crying.

"Why did he do that Randhir? Wasn't I enough for him? Why did he had to go around sleeping with other women? And even my best friend? Why? " I asked crying and Randhir came to me  taking me in a side hug.

"Shh, he's a jerk and he doesn't deserves you. He couldn't value the gem that he had and that's why he did this." He said rubbing my arms in a soothing way.

"I did everything for him, everything, just to make him happy. I even changed myself the way he liked, so that he never leaves me and this is what he did to me! I even gave him  chances after catching him red handed twice and still, still he did this to me. Now I understood why they say, that once a cheater, always a cheater.

And Kiya? She was my freaking best friend! We've spent our childhood together and she did this to me! Where do I go now Randhir? The two people I trusted blindly and loved with my everything, cheated on me together. How will I ever trust people now? How can they break me to this extent? How?" I asked crying and keeping my head on his chest.

" Sanyukta, I know this is unbearable for you, cry as much as you want to, but remember one thing, you are an amazingly strong person, they have tried to break you, now you'll have to emerge stronger than before. Something that doesn't kills you, just make you stronger. And this is that, you are strong and you'll face this, become stronger and then, you'll show them, what they've lost. " He encouraged and I closed my eyes before opening them again and looking at him.

"Why are you both poles apart Randhir? Why isn't he like you? Why is he a jerk? How are you two even friends? " I asked and he looked down.

"I-I don't know. " He said before looking at me and this is when I noticed, how close our faces were.

This was the first time I was this close to him and I was feeling jittery. I looked at his deep black eyes and the tinge of brown in them. They were so beautiful and filled with intensity and concern.

He was concerned for me and here I was getting lost in his eyes like a sl*t. I looked away and parted from him and he looked at me in confusion.

"Are you okay? " He asked and I gave him a nod before looking for the tissue box.

"Here. " He handed me the box and I looked at him in confusion.

"How do you know? " I asked and he raised his eyebrows.

He pointed at me cheeks and nose and I looked down in embarrassment before wiping my face. I saw a small smile on his face and looked down with a heavy heart.

There was some kind of frustration that I was feeling, the mixture of anger and sadness, in this one day, I lost both my boyfriend and best friend and still I had the nerves of getting lost in my ex boyfriend's best friend's eyes. This is truly insane.

"I'll get you some water. " He offered but I shook my head in denial.

"No, I'll get it for both of us. " I told him and he nodded.

I began walking and suddenly my foot got inside the carpet and I lost my balance.

Falling on top of Randhir with him on the floor was still fine, but having my lips colliding with him was insane, embarrassing and what not.

With wide eyes, I immediately parted our lips and we both looked at each other with shock.

The touch of his soft lips that came in contact with mine were still there a little bit when another shock came as he held my face and the very next second I was blown away.

We were kissing!

I was kissing my ex boyfriend's  best friend! F*ck!

The kiss was soothing and wild at the same time. It had that magic that special feeling which I never felt whenever I kissed Ayaan,  it was insanely satisfying and amazing that I didn't wanted to end ever.

It was wrong but didn't felt like that. We were wrong but it felt anything but that, this was crazy and like every good thing, even it came to an end leaving both of us stunned at our actions.

Kissing him was easier than facing him after the kiss.

Looking here and there, I got up followed by him. We were looking everywhere but at each other and after some minutes of silence, he cleared his throat.

"I think, I should leave now. " I heard him say and looked down nodding slowly.

He began walking away but then stopped and looked at him.

"Sanyukta. " He called my name and I looked at him.

"Call me if you need anything. " No Sanyukta, he didn't mean it in a flirtatious way, he meant in genuinely.

I nodded slowly before he walked away and then sat on the couch holding my head.

Holy Sh!t !




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