Poem: Time

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Time is the cure
For each and every pain;
It shows that
efforts never go in vain.

All of see that
Time passes by;
It just happens in
The blink of an eye.

Time knows us all
Our mistakes and deeds;
It is the only one
who punctuality needs.

You just don't realize
how it is important today;
How it will just had by
like any other day.

You don't realize how
moments pass by;
You don't realize how
Loved ones die.

Your don't know when
time is gonna make you die;
You just let you arms free
and keep flying away high.

Make use if every moment
Don't let time take it away;
Make sure to be with those work whom you hearts lay.

Make sure to keep
everyone around happy;
You some know when
time will make you sappy.

Time is the one who makes
you give a second chance;
Who will make your
heart happily dance.

Save your time and
be with the ones;
Who'll protect you from
getting any burns.

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