Oops first date?

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Story Title: Oops first date?

Summary: First dates are always a nervous experience. This story shows an awkward boy and a shy girl embarking on their very first date in a humorous way.

Genre: Comedy, Teenfiction

Rainbow Writers (Members) :

Maanvi Bhagat

Shreya Agarwal

Pranay Sharma

Charumann Dube

Gangothri Loganathan

Gurleen Kaur

Dev Dahiya

The guy was too nervous. His hands shivering, his eyes blinking rapidly, and his head busy with his conscience mocking him. The guy was sweating buckets and continuously wiping it with his pale pink handkerchief.

And all this nervousness was... Just for his first date in this life (something he never expected to have a chance to experience in this lifetime!).

The guy meets the girl in the streetside restaurant and when he sees that girl when standing close, he starts shivering the boy is messed up and also busy thinking about how he should start the conversation while the girl is waiting. He blabbers "Uhh well--- hi" and she sees his nervous face and starts laughing silently after seeing his gestures.

He was preparing himself mentally and all set to talk to her. He starts his conversation by saying "I want to meet her in a coffee shop next evening" and adds that he has a "surprise" for her. She got excited but didn't want to express her excitement. The place was decided and he was waiting for her to come.

The day finally arrives and the guy gets ready with all the excitement in the world for his first-ever date but trying not to make it too obvious since that might come off as sad. Sitting in the coffee shop, he sees the girl coming from afar and is stricken by her beauty and ends up acting awkward during the introduction phase.

"Hey---umm---it's–uhh---nice here" She scoffs and smiles and tries to make him comfortable. They start talking but both of them are extremely shy. The waiter comes to ask for the order and they end up ordering two cups of coffee. Then the guy ends up whispering something in the waiter's ear and he goes away. The girl asks him what he's not telling her, and he tells her it's the surprise he told her about. After an entire eternity of sheer awkwardness and silence, the order comes. It's a special platter which is only made on pre-order and she knew it was the most expensive dish on the menu! She comes excited and happy and it sends a sense of relief in the guy's head that things might be going right. Not until the girl discovers that there are peanuts on the platter and ends up eating them, she can already feel the itchiness creeping in when she ends up shouting out that she's allergic to them.

When the girl screams, feeling the horror of her allergy to almost everyone present, the guy after getting over his shock goes over there to help her calm down but ends up spilling the coffee on her. The situation only worsens when people are staring at them and silently judging them. She is left burnt by the coffee and has an allergy to deal with. She thinks to herself if this is how first dates are she would rather stay single and grow old with her cats.

She decides one near-death experience per date is enough and they'd had two! She starts contemplating exit strategies while letting him down easily. After all, he did seem to have good intentions. She decides to go with the classic fake bathroom break while she makes a run for it. She excuses herself and when she reaches the bathroom she heaves a sigh of relief. But this relief was short-lived as it struck her: In all her rush, she'd left her phone on the table! She groans internally, now she'll have to go back. As she's settling back in, she pockets her mobile phone wondering how long before it would be appropriate to go to the washroom again. Her plotting is interrupted when he says "I honestly thought you'd left." She's caught off guard, expecting him to be mad. She looks over guiltily but when she meets his eyes, they're filled with nothing but admiration and ecstasy. Her heart both floats and sinks at the same time, she wonders if she really wants to abandon something special due to a few hiccups (life-threatening ones but she doubts that will ever happen again). She huffs out all her frustrations and doubts and says " Why don't we start over?" 

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