18.5. F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real)

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18.5. F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real): Xander's Pov

Cover made by me^

QOTC- Morning-person or night-owl?

'I'm the gingerbread man!' Charlotte giggles through the mind-link.

*** (a few hours later)

"You're going to be okay, sweetheart. Brody and I will be right next to you the entire time." I say to Charlotte, feeling guilty for making her happy and then sad again.

"I know." she whispers, taking hold of my hand.

"Back off." Brody slaps my hand away from his sister's and holds it instead. "Just to make sure that you guys are only doing PG-13 things, you hold my hand. Whatever you want to do with her, I'll do it to you... You better not be into anal."

"The fuck, man?" I let go of my friend's hand. He's still mad from earlier.

'Can we go tomorrow?' Charlotte asks me. 'Alpha-'

'He isn't your Alpha!' I try to keep my facial expression neutral, knowing that Brody will think that I'm a threat to his sister if I look angry. I would never intentionally hurt her, I just don't have time to deal with Brody's overprotective ways right now.

'Dylan is mad. I don't want you or Brody or anyone else to hear what he's going to say about me.' Charlotte tells me.

'No one is going to believe what he says, we're on your side, sweetheart.' I try calming her nerves by sneaking an arm around her waist.

'That's the thing, Xander!' she exclaims through the mind-link. 'The stories he'll say to everyone are true... I don't want anybody to think of me differently after today.' She leans closer to me and continues walking, her brother not bothering to interrupt us this time.

'I won't-'

'Promise me... You to Brody, I know you're listening.' Charlotte glances at her brother, he obviously knows what we're talking about since we didn't make our conversation separate from the previous one.

'Promise.' Brody and I exchange looks. If Charlotte is this worried about what Dylan is going to say, then there has to be something major that she doesn't want us to know about. Either way, there's nothing in the world that could stop me from loving my mate.

'Does everyone remember the formation and route?' I mind-link my warriors and guards working inside the cellars. I can't have any mistakes; Lunas usually aren't down in the cells, it's too risky. One mistake can cause my mate to be harmed or for one of our prisoners to escape.

I move in front of Charlotte, Brody moving directly behind her. I have three guards and two warriors on each side of her, just to ensure that everyone inside of a cell won't be able to touch her. 'Why'd you let go?' I ask Charlotte when she lets go of my hand.

'I don't want to make you look weak.' even through the mind-link, her voice is small and quiet.

'How does letting me holding you make me look weak?' I switch spots with Brody, wrapping my arms around my mate in the process of doing so. Brody doesn't interfere this time, he knows that I won't let anything happen to her down here.

Letting out a small whimper, Charlotte leans closer to me and tightly grasps my hand. "You can talk out loud, we don't have to mind-link everything." I say, realizing that I haven't heard her actual voice in the last few hours.

'No.' she shakes her head and averts her eyes from the shouting wolves. This is only the first level down and she's already whimpering; it could be because out the loud noises or because we're getting closer and closer to Dylan. 'I stutter when I talk out load. I don't do it when I talk to everyone like this.'

'I don't care if you stutter.' I tell her as we reach the third level underground, I keep the conversation only open to us two this time. 'No one in the pack does. I would go insane if I never hear your voice again.'

"Everybody is staring." she whispers out loud this time. She isn't looking the wolves behind the silver bars, but she knows that they're all staring at us. It's not everyday that both the Alpha, Beta, and warriors/guards travel in groups around the cellars.

"They can't see you." Brody informs. "That's why you're in the middle, so no one will know you're here or try to touch you." I can tell that he's referring the no touching part to me, but I don't listen to him. It's relaxing to know that I can reach out and be in contact with my mate. If I weren't able to touch her, I would constantly be on edge and would go back to my boring, emotionless ways.

"HEY, MARTY!" a prisoner shouts causing Charlotte to jump and let out a small yelp. "We have a girl down in here! I can smell her-"

"Silver and wolfsbane." I growl to one of my guards standing near the entrance. "Soak the silver chains in wolfsbane and shackle him to the wall. I'll deal with that later."

As much as I want to beat that man to death, I can't do it at this moment. "The same thing goes for anyone else who decides to disrespect the Luna like that." I pull Charlotte even closer to me, suddenly regretting not sound-proofing all of the cells to punish later. I don't care what the situation is anymore; no one will disrespect my mate.

I've tried being nicer to my pack members so that Charlotte wouldn't be so afraid of me, but now I realized my mistake. Certain wolves seem to not understand that Charlotte has the highest position in the pack. I have a more dominant personality, but I never do anything without her consent. All of the little things that I've let our pack members get away with stop now.

'Don't let go... Please.' she whispers as I guide her into the slaughter-house entrance. She backs up, only moving forward when she's sure that I'm right behind her.

'I promise I won't, sweetheart.' I see her relax just a tiny bit from my words, but she's still tense.

I mind-link the wolves around me to scoot a little closer to Charlotte. I don't want her to see the weapons laid out on the walls, it might be a trigger for her. 'Is that blood?' she shakily asks.

I nod, knowing that I can't lie about this. The stench of blood and mold is strong since we're in the main source. My other prisoners on the fourth and third level get tortured as well, but it's the slaughter-house that stinks the most. Dylan and his Gamma are the only people I keep in here; it's where they deserve to be.

"Do you want to see the Gamma too? Or just Dylan?" I ask as we approach the room that they're currently in.

"Just Alph-" I clear my throat and fake cough.

'Mate needs to stop doing that.' my wolf states. 'If mate ever calls anyone Alpha, it should be us. Dylan's gonna die soon.'

'He needs to understand that he can't mess with our Charlotte. Dylan will pay for what he and his pack members did to her... We'll hunt them all down.'

"Just Dylan..." just like every other time she calls her former Alpha by his first name, she looks around to make sure that he didn't hear. I move so that I'm by her side and open the door to Dylan's cell.

Charlotte's Pov

"What did I say about calling me that?" his voice is the first thing I hear once Xander opens the door. The smell of blood is strong; almost as strong as the last time I called Alpha Jones by his first name. I can't see him since Brody is standing directly in front of me, but I can see the blood-stained walls and the dirty knives hung up on them.

Just as I'm about to reply with my usual response, a grunt and the sound of moving chains fills the air. "Don't talk to my sister like that." Brody spits out. He stands over Alpha Jones and glares. I've heard stories about what happens when people are punished in the slaughter-house, but I'm still curious about what Brody and Xander do to Alpha Jones.

'I've never seen him like that.' I whisper to my wolf as I take in the scene in front of me. Alpha Jones is laying on the floor, blood staining his clothes and chains connected to each of his limbs. Nonetheless, he still has that same anger radiating off of him that I've grown accustomed to. 'Xander and Brody did this to him.'

'That proves they care.' my wolf tells me.

'But this is horrible... He's suffering-'

'Just like how he made us suffer.' my wolf reminds. 'He isn't an Alpha anymore and he can't hurt us. Mate won't let that happen, neither will Brody.'

I silently agree with her. As much as I hate seeing anyone in pain, I know that the things that are happening to Alpha Jones are happening to him for a reason. I'm hoping that Xander won't ask if I want him alive or not; having a live depend on my decision is too much for me. I wouldn't be able to say no; all of the pain that I've experienced taught me that no matter what someone has done, they're still a person.

"Did I tell you about the time-"

"I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO TALK!" I thought that it was Alpha Jones shouting at first, but then realize that it was only Brody.


"I-I-It burnt... Alpha, please-please don't-" A scream escapes my mouth as Alpha Jones grabs the wooden spoon out of my hand and strikes me with it. The loud snap from the wood breaking made me think that it was my neck snapping... I guess I'm not lucky enough for that to happen.

"I DIDNT TELL YOU TO TALK!" he hollers, gripping me by my hair. I let out small whimpers as he drags me to 'the room'. I know what's about to happen to my body.

"I'm sorry, Alpha-"

"You don't want me to do this outside do you?" I quickly shake my head even though it hurts from the hair pulling. "THEN SHUT UP!" He chuckles when I flinch from his loud voice. "Look at you." he throws my battered body against the wall. "Pathetic. You weren't sold to be an Omega, or a slave... You were sold as property. Everything I do is good for you, I'm simply teaching you what happens to stupid little sluts."

Flashback Over

"Let him talk." I whisper loud enough for everyone to hear. No matter what, everyone in this room will know about my past. I want to be here when they find out all of the nasty things I was forced to do and who was behind it all. It's too hard to say it myself.

'Are you sure, sweetheart?' Xander mind-links me.

'I'm sure.'

"Wow..." Alpha Jones looks at all of us and smirks. "That's a new low. The 'Luna' is fake. That whore-"

Xander loudly growls, stepping forward and getting ready to pounce on Alpha Jones, but I take hold of his hand to hold him back.

"I'm assuming you want to hear stories. That thing isn't what it claims to be." Alpha Jones starts. Brody is heavily breathing, his knuckles turning white from how hard he's holding his hands in a fist by his sides. Xander's no better; his normally almond brown eyes are slowly turning darker, almost pitch black. His jaw is clenched just like the guards/warriors surrounding Alpha Jones. Everyone is ready to attack him in case he tries to do something to me.

"Now let's talk about the mark." I stiffen at his words.

"We're mates." Xander's states in a low voice even though everyone can hear him. He must think that he's talking about the mark that symbolizes our mate bond. I can tell that he's angry at someone; either me or Alpha Jones. He's staring at my back, trying to see if I have another mark through my shirt.

I can feel how frustrated he is when I don't reply... There really isn't anything that I can say right now. He seemed to be reassuring himself that we're mates rather than me. "We're mates." he repeats.

Alpha Jones starts laughing after Xander finishes speaking. "He isn't talking about that." I whisper, tears developing in my eyes.

'What other marks do you have?' both my brother and mate ask.

"Here, I'll tell you all the story." Alpha Jones snickers, looking me straight in the eyes.


I struggle against the wolfsbane soaked ropes holding me in place, the heat from the metal in front of me tickling my skin. "We're officially making you Red Stone property." Alpha chuckles as he holds up the metal rod. "You should be thanking us for taking you in."

I let out small whimpers as he rips the rest of my thin shirt off. I've been feeling like I'm not even in control of my own body... I'm just a property.

"STOP!" I scream as loud as I can once I feel the metal on my shoulder blade. The pain doesn't subside at all, it feels like the metal is trying to burn a hole through my body.

"We should do it to her face too." Beta Mathews suggests. Tears freely trail down my cheeks, the burning sensation never diminishing.

"Nah man." Alpha shakes his head as if branding be me like an animal is normal. I can't even struggle or move my naked away from the unbearable heat source, the ropes have me tied down tight.

He finally removes the metal, but it doesn't back my back feel any better. My breaths come out in short pants from how loud I was screaming. "She won't be able to suck anything if we damage her jaw."

Flashback Over

"Show them. I dare you." Alpha Jones taunts. He knows that I remember that night, there isn't a way to forget it. My physical scars from the floggers, whips, and blades he used on me are gone, but the burn scar will never fade. I kept it hidden from Xander and everyone else for months. No one wants to be mated to a piece of property.

When we went to the cabin and dove into the lake, I made sure that my hair covered it up. The mark that Xander gave me is on the opposite shoulder than the Red Stone symbol.

I look over to the guards and warriors in the room, then Brody, and my mate. 'Don't, sweetheart.' he says, knowing that I do whatever Alpha Jones tells me to on instinct. Taking a deep breath, I shake my head at my former Alpha and remind myself that I won't get in trouble for saying no. I have a choice now.

'You don't even have to show me later.' Xander ads, knowing that I'm still self-conscious about my body.

'No.' I tell him. 'You need to see it... Later.'

Why am I here? I still don't understand why I need to talk to Alpha Jonea again. My loved ones have brought me back home, I shouldn't have to say anything to this man. Brody and Xander probably think that I want to confront Alpha Jones and ask him questions... I don't.

I have all of the answers I need; he's abused me because of my sister, he was paid to make my life painful. I remember the first time he took over my body. During the whole thing, I didn't really think. My brain went into auto-pilot and I didn't shed a single tear until a full forty-eight hours later.

"What? Speechless again?" Alpha Jones laughs, thinking that Xander and Brody won't hit him.

"I-I have n-nothing to say."


Xander's Pov 

QOTC- Morning-person or night-owl?

'Mate thinks we hate her.' my wolf whimpers. 'I can sense it."

'I feel it too.' I follow Charlotte as she walks up the stairs, most likely heading for the bathroom.

"Sweetheart, come here." I try my best to catch up to her before she locks the door.

"Wait." her strained voice calls ou as I hear the familiar click of the bathroom door locking.

I don't have to worry about her using a blade to harm herself anymore, I've already hid them all. My only concern is that she'll find a different method of self-harm to practice on herself.

I hear her coughing and the sound of the toilet flushing. "Are you okay in there?" I ask, knowing that she isn't doing anything to hurt herself.

"I-" she lets off a few more coughs, the sound of the sink being turned on is heard. "I'm okay."

Once she opens the door and steps out, I sigh with relief. All of the little things that she tends to do worry me until I can see that she's safe and unharmed. "I need to hold you or else I'm going to go crazy." I reach out to pull her body against mine.

She snuggles into my arms as I move us to the bed. "You d-don't love me anymore because I h-have another mark on me." she wipes at her eyes, not wanting me to see her tears. My wolf whines at her words.

"I love you, you know that. Is it another scar?" I ask, knowing that I'm the only person who can mark her. No matter what's on Charlotte's skin or what happened with Red Stone, I won't ever stop loving her... it's impossible.

She nods turning around so that her back is facing me. "Don't break a-anything." she pleads before pulling her oversized sweater down on one side to expose her back. At first I don't see anything, but once she moves her out of the way I see a softball-sized burn.

The scar is a dull red color, coming in contrast with her pale skin. The area is surrounded by a thick circle with the words: Red Stone Property.

"This isn't a mark." I growl through gritted teeth. "It's a brand. They fucking branded you!"

I readjust her shirt a little rougher than I intended to. I just can't look at the scar without wanting to kill Dylan and everyone else who I see as a threat to my mate. It seems like every week, I learn something new about her that makes my blood boil. I need to get all of those answers tonight.

"I-I'll answer y-you." Charlotte cautiously wraps her arms around me in attempt to calm me down. All I want to do right now is kill all of those stupid assholes who touched her. "Please, Xander." she looks into my charcoal colored eyes, they turn that color when I get angry. "I need you calm right n-now."

'Kill them all.' my wolf demands. 'No more being nice. It's making people think that we won't punish them because of mate.'

'We have to wait.' I tell him. 'We need to know everything that happened to Charlotte when she was in Red Stone territory. I don't understand why she didn't tell the Supernatural Council all of it when Dylan was on trial.'

"Tell me everything." I say in a dangerously calm voice. "Don't lie to cover up for them." I warn, making sure that she knows that this will be last time that we have this conversation. I mean it this time. "Dylan is going to die, so will the Gamma and everyone else who abused and starved you. You can't change that, so you might as well tell me the truth this time."

I can't keep my frustration contained anymore. Everything that involves Charlotte and Red Stone is becoming extremely repetitive. I've never been very patient or good at keeping my anger under control, but I've tried my best to last as long as I could for my mate. My patience is running thin and I don't want to accidentally hurt or scare her... that's why I need all of the answers.

"Do you have any other brands like these?" I ask before realizing how harsh that sounded. "Sorry." I apologize and clear my throat. "Do you have any other scars like that one?"

She shakes her head. 'I never showed it to you.' she mind-links me. 'All of my scars ugly and make everyone mad... Especially you.'

"I want it to go away." she whispers. "B-But it won't. All of my other scars w-went away, this one didn't." She wipes at her eyes again, I can see the memories of the night she got the branded.

"I don't care if you have scars, I've told you this so many times already."

She gives me a pointed look, "You don't care... I do."

Charlotte knows for a fact that I don't care if she has scars on her body; it's just the stories behind then all that end up pissing me off. None of it is her fault though. I just didn't think that she would still be so ashamed of her body. She is the most beautiful person who I have ever laid eyes on, there isn't anything bad about her body or personality.

The reason why she isn't as confident as she could be with herself is because of Red Stone. I've heard the things that she says in her sleep; all of the insults that were thrown at her. I plan on punishing every single wolf who laid their hands in my mate, but to do so, I'm going to have to take her to Red Stone territory with me. She would hate me if I killed some of the "innocent" wolves over there.

"A group of warriors and I are going to Red Stone territory soon." I begin explaining my plans to her, hoping that it'll also encourage her to speak up about anything important that I should know. "Most of the Red Stone pack members will die, the others will have a choice to join Lunar Shadow or live their lives as rogues."

"Y-You can't just kill whoever you th-think hurt me." she quietly protests. "Not all of them bad... S-Some tried to help."

"I'm asking if you are okay with going with me. I don't want to have to drag you there or tell you last-minute."

I look at her carefully, waiting for her reaction. "S-Sure." she stutters. A nervous blush makes its way onto her cheeks and she starts to play with her fingers.

"What?" I ask, not understanding her answer. I expected for her to freak out and immediately shake her head, but she didn't.

"I'll go." she whispers, not looking at me.

"Sweetheart, I won't force you to go if you don't want to-"

"I don't want anyone to get hurt." she cuts me off. "You'll want to kill every man that looks at you."

I can't deny that. From all of the scars that they gave my mate, I have a reason to kill each and every one of them. I know that it would be unfair to those who didn't directly harm her, but no one did anything to stop Dylan or the rest of her abusers. They could've secretly contacted the Supernatural Council, calls to them can't be tracked by werewolf packs so Dylan would've never found out. The wolves of the Red Stone pack could've contacted another Alpha, like me.

"You don't get it." Charlotte says, knowing what I'm thinking about. "Everybody was scared of Alp-Dylan..." she pauses and takes a deep breath before continuing. "If they anyone tried to help me and g-got caught, they would be treated l-like me."

"I just don't get it!" I growl in frustration. I don't like how she keeps standing up for them as if those fucktards never hurt her. "They took you away from your home. They took you away from your pack, from your family-"

"B-But I'm back now."

"Those bastards ruined your childhood!" I don't even let her try to defend Dylan or anyone else who abused her. I'm sick and tired of it. "If they never took you away, you would be living a perfect life right now. You wouldn't have to worry about anything or have to be afraid of anybody hurting you. You would be happy. We would happy."

Her face falls once I finish that last sentence. "This is about mating isn't it?"

"No." I shake my head and run a hand through my hair. This isn't about mating at all, I have no problem with waiting. This is about all of the nightmares and anxiety attacks that Charlotte gets from Red Stone. She still wakes up in the middle of the night screaming for help and sometimes before she walks out the front door, she breaks down thinking that someone is on the other side of it wanting to hurt her. No matter what I say, she still fears that someone is going to take her away from me. As if I'd let that happen again.

"This is about you feeling safe, because apparently whatever I say doesn't do that. You're still afraid of Dylan, I understand that." I press a kiss to her temples just so that she knows that I'm not mad at her. "I want you to be happy. I want us to be happy. I want to surprise you with flowers, bring you chocolate, and do all of the things that the guys at work do for their mates... But you don't like that kind of stuff, you think it's a waste of money."

"I don't need chocolate and flowers."

'Flowers are a waste of money. Mate doesn't even like flowers, she likes it when we give her grass. It makes her feel special.' my wolf informs.

'And how do you know all of this?'

'Because I'm better than you.'

*** (two weeks later)

"W-We don't have to stay overnight, d-do we?" Charlotte asks as we pull up to the Red Stone pack house. It didn't take long for the Council to allow my warriors and I to take control of the Red Stone pack, they were falling apart since their Alpha never left anyone in charge. The Delta of the pack contacted me and said that he would prepare for Charlotte and I's arrival. When she said that he was a good man, I didn't think that he would be that good.

"No." I answer. "You don't have to separate anyone, I'll know if they hurt you or not. Even if a wolf is innocent, the same rules of respect apply, no one disrespects either of us."

"Please don't leave my side." her voice is quiet, as if she doesn't want anyone to know that she's here. I have one of her hands in mine, but I can see her other hand shaking with fear. Her body is closer to me than usual and she doesn't dare to step away from me.

"I won't." I whisper in her ear. "I promise, sweetheart." I look around, searching for wolves who aren't in position. No mistakes can be made today. "The Delta is making sure that everybody knows that they aren't allowed to get close to you. Your safety is our number-one priority."

As we walk closer to the pack house, I can feel Charlotte trying to hold in her fear. Her body trembles beside me and I put and arm around her waist to try to calm her nerves a bit. "Alpha Reynolds," Scott Williams, the Delta, greets as we approach the door. "Luna Reynolds."

Charlotte's eyes widen when he addresses her with my last name, but she doesn't say anything to correct him. I would've smiled if it weren't for the fact that we aren't in Red Stone territory. "I have everyone inside. The trained wolves are in the corner, families are grouped together, and everyone else is in the middle." Scott informs. I hold follow him and my warriors inside, holding the door for my mate.

'It'll be okay.' I tell her.

'They're all glaring at me.' I see her eyes slowly turn a light shade of blue, something that happens when she panics.

I look at the children hiding their faces from me and all of the fully-grown wolves avoiding eye-contact with me. They know better than to do that. "This is Alpha Xander Reynolds and his Luna, Charlotte, of the Lunar Shadow pack. As I have said before, Alpha Jones no longer holds a position in the Red Stone pack... Alpha Reynolds has been kind enough to allow willing wolves to join him and his Luna in Lunar Shadow." Scott finishes his little introduction and let's me do the talking. The faster we get out of here, the better.

"Dylan Jones is no longer tied to any of you," I start off. "Your decision on whether or not you will join my pack should not be based on your ties to him. If you choose not to join the Lunar Shadow pack, you will live as a rogue until another pack accepts you. I will give you all a few minutes to make your decision."

"What about the whore?" someone from the middle of the room calls out. I don't even have to think twice that he's referring to my mate.

"Slaughter-house." I call out immediately. I hear gasps come from every direction; they probably didn't think that I would punish anyone because I have my mate here. They're all used to being able to insult her without being punished that they don't realize that she's a Luna. "Anyone else who disrespects my mate will be thrown into the Lunar Shadow slaughter-house. Same thing goes for anyone who disrespects me or warriors, understood?"

Now I understand why Red Stone is such a weak pack. Dylan never taught his pack members how to interact with wolves from other packs, let alone wolves with high ranks. They have numbers on their side, but I doubt they have any treaties or alliances with anyone.

After five hours, I have a total of sixty wolves being escorted by my guards to the Lunar Shadow cells. Fifty of them were the ones who physically abused my mate and the other ten thought that it would be a good idea to group up and try to attack my Charlotte. "I-I don't want to go up there." she whispers when we get to the end of the hallway on the third floor of the Red Stone pack house. "I don't want you to go up there."

I look up at the hole in the ceiling, the only entrance into the attic. "We need to get your belongings." I reach up and try to find a good spot that could support my weight. There isn't a ladder to climb or anything. What I'm wondering is how Charlotte got up there everyday.

"You use the steps." she says, pointing to three holes in the corner of the wall. They're all big enough to fit a foot inside of and look like they were made with a hammer. "Can we please go home?"

"We have to get your stuff." I feel bad for climbing up the steps and into the attic when she told me not to, but I know there has to be something up there that she wants to take back home.

"I didn't have anything." she whispers, tugging me away from the makeshift steps. Hesitantly, I turn away from the attic and walk back downstairs with my mate by my side. It irritates me that I don't know what's up there, but Charlotte is completely against either of us going.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" I stop in my tracks and put a finger under her chin. "I won't go up there. You won't, so I won't. I promised that I wouldn't leave your side."

Her eyes are still a lighter shade than they usually are... Almost transparent. "I-I just n-need to go home." she chokes out before staring down at the floor again.

*** (two days later, in Lunar Shadow territory)

Charlotte's Pov

'Sweetheart, don't open the door for anybody. Stay in the middle of the house with the guards.' Xander's voice invades my mind. Lillian is pushing me behind her and Jimmy is getting everyone in a circle around me. The last time something like this happened, Gamma Dolan showed up.

'What's going on?' I ask my mate and brother.

'We found Maddie.' they both answer.


"Do you have games on your phone?"
-Ethan and Grayson Dolan

QOTC- Morning-person or night-owl?

First I would like to apologize (again) for the late update. Please know that the reason why I don't update as much as other werewolf books is because I like to write longer chapters so that you all have more to read each time I update.

I've noticed some comments about Charlotte's stutter. For those of you who are annoyed with her stutter, I'm sorry. Once My Broken Luna is completed, I will most likely go back and remove all of the stuttering. For those of you who say that she stutters unrealisticly; I myself talk with a stutter. I'm not going to write the rest of this authors note about that because I don't want this to become a rant.

Moving on, I would like to thank you all for reading My Broken Luna. You can leave a message on my message board or PM (private message) me if you have any questions. The questions I get asked most are:

1. How many chapters do I plan on having? 25-45.

2. Will there be a sequel? Most likely yes. I don't want to have Charlotte and Xander's entire relationship dragged out all in one book. There are also a few things that I have written to lead to the sequel already. ;)

3. What would've happened if Charlotte was never taken away? I'm thinking about doing alternative version of My a Broken Luna where Charlotte isn't kidnapped.

4. Brody's mate? Read the Adventure with Brody.

Adventures with Brody: Brody's Pov, age 21 (a few days before Charlotte and Xander went to Red Stone)

"You aren't allowed to kiss Xander." I push my best friend out of the front door and pull my sister inside. "Cooties are contagious, don't forget that."

"You're not gonna think that when you find your mate." she rolls her eyes.

"What do you mean?"

With a small smirk on her lips, Char makes a circle with her right hand and sticks a finger through it. "You know what I'm t-talking about." she winks and let's out a few giggles.

I sit down next to her on the couch and debate on whether I should ask her the question or not. I'm not entirely sure yet, but there's be a possibility of my mate being a guy. "What's the first thing you would do if I find my mate?" I start off. I know that Char is a very sweet person, but I'm still afraid that she won't want me as a brother if I have a man as a mate.

"When you find your mate." she corrects before answering. "I would... I-Invite your mate over and m-make brownies."

"What if my mate is a guy?" I hesitantly ask

"I would invite him over to make brownies." she smiles and I let out a sigh in relief.

"You won't be mad if I don't have a girl-mate?" Even though I don't know the gender of my mate, I need to know that my sister will accept me nonetheless. She was taken out of my life and I don't want to have her out of it again.

"I'll only be mad if I'm not the first one t-to know."

"I love you." I pull her in for hug.

xoxo Priscilla

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