29. Playing the Waiting Game

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29. Playing the Waiting Game: Xander's Pov

Chapter Goal (for an early update): 2k votes

QOTC- Vans or Converse?

"I'm reminding you of the offer, Xander Reynolds." Charlotte tightly grips my hand when she hears his voice. "You can hand her over and no one gets hurt except for her-"

"I'm not going anywhere with you, Dylan." for the first time, she says his name without fear.

"Once I'm done with you-"

"Fuck off." I growl, pressing the 'End Call' button. I regret not killing him in the slaughter-house, it would've ended all of this and Charlotte wouldn't be in as much danger. I should've listened to her when she said it was a bad idea to keep him alive. My wolf and I just wanted him to pay for what he did to our mate, but that's just hurting our relationship in the long run.

Looking down at my mate, I frown when I see her tracing her wrist. She hasn't purposely harmed herself in a long time, but Dylan might just be what sends her over her breaking point. "I'm not tired." she whispers, slowly walking away from me. Whenever I'm upset, I tend to become clingy to Charlotte; when she's upset, however, she becomes very distant.

"What are you doing?" I ask, preventing her from leaving the bedroom by blocking off the door. She tries to get push past me, but I don't budge.

"I need to go clean the house." she answers, not looking at me. "I won't hurt myself." she says, referring to her previous cutting habits. It's not that I don't trust her not to harm herself, it's the fact that she won't talk to me that's worrying me. When Charlotte starts avoiding me, that's when I know that something's wrong. She never lets out her anger which means that if she doesn't vent and tell someone about what's bothering her, she isolates herself. And I go crazy when she doesn't talk to me.

"You will not do anything until you get some rest." When she tries to push past me again, I bend down and pick her up and gently throw her over my shoulder, making sure that there isn't any pressure on her abdomen.

"Put me down, Xander." she grumbles, her voice laced with exhaustion. She doesn't hit me or do anything to physically protest being in my arms, but I can tell how annoyed she is with me by how she didn't say 'please'.

"Go to sleep, sweetheart." I sigh, putting her down just incase the amount of blood flow going to her head is harming her and the baby.

"The house-"

"I told you already, I'll clean it up. You need to get some rest, I'll wake you up if something exciting happens." Just ten minutes ago, I walked downstairs to find my mate fast asleep on the living room floor with cleaning supplies surrounding her. Not only did I freak out because she wasn't next to me in bed, but I also started panicking when I saw that some of the cleaning sprays were open. The chemical fumes could've harmed Charlotte and our unborn child.

"Can I sleep in th-the living room?" Charlotte asks, finally giving in to her sleepiness. "I don't want to be alone in the room."

"Of course, sweetheart." I nod, my tone softer now. After that phone call with Dylan, it would be stupid of me to leave Charlotte in our bedroom alone while she's sleeping. She would be unprotected and unaware of her surroundings if I did that.

I offer to hold the pillow and blanket for Charlotte, but she shakes her head and doesn't let go of either item. And the moment we get to the living room, Charlotte collapses onto the plush sofa and is already fast asleep.

*** (one and a half hours later)

"Xander." Charlotte gasps when she looks at the date on my computer screen. "It's been two weeks since Dylan escaped."

"I know, sweetheart."

"That's means that he is going to attack soon!" she exclaims, jumping directly on top of me. Since I wasn't expecting her to do that in her sleepy state, I end up getting knocked onto my back with Charlotte on top of me.

"I know that too, sweetheart."

Something I said seems to upset her because she frowns and starts asking lots of questions, "What if Brody gets hurt? What if Lilian gets hurt? What if one of our w-wolves gets hurt? People are going t-to die, Xander!"

"People fighting alongside Dylan are going to die." I confirm. "Our wolves-"

"What if they get hurt?" Charlotte nervously bites her lip as she thinks about the possible outcomes of Dylan's upcoming attack.

"Don't do that." I growl, flipping us over so that I'm above her. Using my forearms to keep me from crushing my mate, I watch as she continues to bite her lip. She didn't know what I meant when I told her to stop.

"Do what?" she innocently asks. She isn't faking it either; she really doesn't know what she's doing. Her confusion makes it even worse for me; in addition to biting her lip, she fumbles with her fingers and since we're so close, I can feel her hands brushing the bottom of my abdomen.

"Fuck." I groan, our close proximity and Charlotte's actions taking a big tole on me.

"Did someone just mind-link you?" she asks with wide eyes. "D-Dylan's coming, isn't he?!?"

As she moves around underneath me, I let out another profanity when her body brushes my crotch area. "Tell me what's happening!" she raises her voice, gripping me by my shoulders.

"He's not coming yet." I assure her.

"Don't lie to me, Xander!" Charlotte tries to push me off of her, but I'm too heavy. "Stop laughing, th-this is serious!"

"I'm not laughing, sweetheart."

"Your wolf is, I know he is."

"No he's not." I truthfully tell her. "Both of us know that the rogue and Dylan situation is serious. And no one mind-linked me, he isn't anywhere near the border."

"How do you know that?"

"Border patrol, sweetheart." I answer. "Border patrol."

I've noticed that whenever I call her, 'sweetheart', she calms down. And with the different mood swings that she's been having because of our unborn pup, I've been trying to pay more attention to the things that calm her down. "No one is going to take you-"

She cuts me off, "I know."

"Why are you afraid of them coming?" I ask, knowing that there's more to this than just the pack. "You aren't afraid of the rogues hurting the pack, you know that our defense is going to easily win this battle."

She doesn't answer me, but the way she moves her hands to her small baby bump is all I need to know.

"Look at me," I use my finger to lift up her chin so that we're eye-to-eye with
each other. "Our baby is not going to be harmed and neither are you."

"I want to be a mother..." she trails off, mentally debating on whether she should continue or not. "But I'm afraid that Dylan or the r-rogues might do something to stop that from happening. Or maybe something else will happen."

"Something else?"

"What if the baby doesn't survive labor?" tears come to her eyes as she speaks about losing our pup. "What if I screw up? What if I don't survive labor-"

"Stop talking like that." I tell her with a frown. "I'll be by your side the entire time when you go into labor, sweetheart. Dr. Kale is an amazing doctor, she and I will make sure that everything goes okay."

"But what if I screw up?"

"I don't get what you mean by that."

"I don't remember my mom, Xander." she whispers. "I don't know anything about families or anything like that. H-How am I suppose to know how a m-mother is suppose to act like?"

"You're going to be a great mother." I use my thumb to wipe away her tears and kiss her on the lips. "We're going to do this together. You and me."

"Are you scared too?" she asks, sitting up. "Of being a p-parent?"

"A little bit." I answer honestly. Deciding to tell her what happened a few days ago, I say, "Last Tuesday when went to the pack house, I heard this couple talking about us being parents. They said that we're too young to start a family."

Before she can comment, I add, "The funny thing was, the girl was younger than you and I'm pretty sure that the guy was too. They already had a toddler together and they were saying that we're too young to start a family."

"Do people say those th-things because we're Alpha and Luna? Because I think that's the reason why." she answers her own question. "I don't care anymore, though."

"I don't care either." I agree, happy that our pack members' words don't get to Charlotte anymore. I've been trying to get the point through that they have to respect Charlotte just as much, if not more, than me, but we have to deal with the Dylan/rogue situation first. "They can all suck my ass for all I care."

"I'm definitely not doing that." I hear her mutter under her breath.

*** (tomorrow, 7p.m.)

Dylan's Pov



"I make my own money, so I spend it how I like."
-Rae Sremmurd

I want to apologize for the late and super short update!!! My Broken Luna had stayed between ranks #5 and #3 for the entire week, so I was planning on doing a super long chapter, but I didn't get around to it due to my writers-block (I got over it already) and other stuff.

Another reason why this chapter is late and kinda crappy is because I tried to update my other book, Josephine's Secret, but that obviously wasn't a good idea. I should've just stuck to only writing My Broken Luna and focusing on Josephine's Secret after this one is done. (I accidentally published the unfinished version of Chapter One a couple days ago for those who were confused when they received the notification)

Thank you all for keeping My Broken Luna in the high ranks this week! You can't believe how happy I was to see this book near the top of the Hot List for so many consecutive days! Our next goal is to be #1!!!

This chapter was just a filler because the only important part was the part in Dylan's Pov and I didn't want to make it less than 1000 words, so yeah... This one barely 2000 words, my usual chapters range from 5000-8000 words. I'm kind of disappointed in that, but I promise that the next chapter will be a lot better and more interesting.

Chapter Goal (for an early update): 2k votes

xoxo Priscilla

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