32. I Make You Nervous (Chander)

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32. I Make You Nervous (Chander): Xander's Pov

QOTC- Disney vs Nickelodeon

Chapter Goal: 2k votes

*important authors note at the end

(4:00am, 10th day of Charlotte being asleep)

"I'm running out of work to do." I say to my mate as I finish filling out the last paper in my to-do pile. Since she's been unconscious for the last ten days, I've a lot of time to myself. Too much time to myself. Not wanting to leave the hospital room and not having any hobbies to pass time, I've resorted to doing pack work. But I just Charlotte's pack work. Now I literally have nothing to do in this hospital room.

Looking at the clock and realizing that it's four in the morning, I tell Charlotte, "I need to get some food from the vending machines, I'll be right back."

Gently kissing her on the forehead, I get up and leave the hospital room. Since this is a werewolf hospital, the vending machines provide more than just snacks; there are breakfast sandwiches, burritos, and prepackaged subs from the local deli. The only bad thing about the vending machines is that they're located two floors above where my mate's room is.

On the way up, I take the stairs. Not because I'm trying to get some exercise in, but because it's faster than taking the elevator for me. I feel like I'm being away from Charlotte more when I take the elevator. I have to wait a full minute for an elevator, another thirty seconds are spent inside the elevator, I spend about three minutes getting food, and then I have to wait for another elevator. That's nearly ten minutes that I'm gone.

Call me clingy, but I know that a lot of things can happen in that time span. Another person might try to sneak inside of the room or something like that. I've promised my mate before that I wouldn't let anyone hurt her, but I've broken that promise numerous times already. I wasn't able to protect her from our own pack members, the traitors, or the rouges. Now I'm making it my duty to keep her and our unborn child safe.

The stress has really been getting to me lately; not only the stress about Charlotte, but our pup too. I've even tried distracting myself with pack work and things like that.

"I'm back." I announce when I re-enter the room. As I get closer to my mate, I sense something different.

The heart monitor beeps a lot faster than it did before I left for food and she seems to be in a slightly different position. There aren't any drastic changes besides the heart monitor, but I can tell that something is different, Her chest rises and falls as she breathes and I realize that her head is tilting a little bit to the side instead of being straight on the pillow. "I know you're awake." I say with a small smile. I'm shocked, but ecstatic nonetheless

Once those words leave my mouth, Charlotte bolts upright with tears in her eyes. "I got scared." she whispers. "Y-You weren't here, neither was Brody and I-I thought that it was all a dream."

She doesn't wipe her eyes, instead, her hands go to her baby-bump. "Is the baby okay?" she asks, her eyes filled with worry and concern; the exact same emotions that I felt when she was injected with the Lycanthrope an Wolfsbane. I look at her in confusion, wondering when she woke up and why she pretended to be asleep. She didn't freak out when she first woke up and she didn't call a nurse.

"Answer me, Xander." Charlotte whimpers, taking my silence as a bad sign.

"I don't know." I tell her, my feet still frozen in place. She lets a few tears fall from her eyes and that's when I finally approach her. I sit down on the chair by the hospital bed and look at my mate, "Dr. Kale said that we would find out once you woke up-"

"I'm awake now." Charlotte cuts me off. "We need to know if our baby is okay."

"Is everything alright in here?" one of the authorized nurses opens the door and steps inside. "It's time for the Luna's medication and I noticed that she's conscious."

"Is our pup okay?" I ask the nurse.


Charlotte and I both cut her off, the nurse's hesitation clearly showing that she doesn't know anything about our child's condition. "Call Dr. Kale."

*** (one hour later) (a little after 5am)

"Do you feel okay, sweetheart?" I ask, taking my mate's hand.

"I want our baby to be okay." she bluntly answers, staring at the door as we both wait for Dr. Kale to arrive. I try tugging on her hand in attempt to get her to look at me, but it doesn't work.

"Sweetheart, I'm worried about our pup too, but it won't be okay if you aren't." I say, drawing her attention away from the door. The wellbeing of our pup has been stressing me out, but I know that Charlotte has to be healthy for the pup to be healthy. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." she tells me, looking back at the door. "N-Now I want to know our baby is too."

With a sigh, I tighten my grip on her hand when she tries to let go. I haven't heard her voice or seen her eyes in a week; not much for some people, but I'm impatient. I'm not even going to lie about that. "Charlotte." I use her first name this time. She immediately looks at me, knowing that I rarely call her by her first name. "I need to know if you're okay or not; if you're feeling okay."

We stare at each other for a couple seconds before she finally whispers, "I'm scared."

"I want our baby to be okay." she puts her hands over her baby-bump and sighs.

"Our pup is going to be okay." I assure her even though I'm not too sure myself.

"I know that our baby is going to be okay, I mean I w-want our baby to be healthy." she frowns, looking at the IVs and tubes connected to her body. "I don't want our baby to be like me."

"What?" I ask, not understanding what she just said. "You're the mother, I'm the father. Our pup is fifty-percent you and fifty-percent me."

"I'm being serious, Xander." she gives me a pointed look.

"I'm being serious too."

"Then stop joking."

"I'm not joking." I chuckle. What I'm doing is wrong, I know that; I shouldn't be laughing or arguing with pregnant mate who literally woke up from a medically-induced coma just an hour ago, but her reaction to everything I say and do is amusing. "Look at me," I lean forward so that our faces are a couple inches away from each other. "That heart monitor is beeping faster, sweetheart. Am I making you nervous?"

"No." she growls, clearly annoyed.

It's not because of me, it's the hormones that's making her annoyed.

"Am I making you nervous now?" I ask, getting even closer to her. Now our lips are only centimeters apart. The heart monitor is rapidly beeping now, confirming the effect that I have on my mate. "What are you doing?" I pull away and see her fake-sleeping.

"You need t-to work on your flirting skills." she answers, shaking her head. "You would think that the strongest Alpha in the world would be able to flirt."

"I do know how to flirt. I have tons of experience-"

"You do?" Charlotte asks, raising an eyebrow.

"No! I don't!" I exclaim, realizing what I just said. "You're the only person I flirt with, I swear!"

"Why are getting so defensive?" she narrows her eyes at me, her protective side finally coming out. Charlotte isn't exactly what I'd call the 'jealous type', it's a rarity to see that side of her come out. "P-People get defensive when they have s-something to hide. Is there something I don't know about, Xander?"

"I'm not getting defensive!" I growl. Charlotte is really good at twisting people's words; it would be a funny skill to have, but she only does this to me.

No one else.

Just. Me.

"This is the medication, isn't it?" I ask, knowing that Charlotte doesn't normally act this way. I like that she's playing around and being silly, I just don't like that I'm not winning this conversation.

"Did you just accuse me of being high?"

"I didn't accuse you of anything." I groan, running a hand through my hair.

"So now I'm a liar."

"You aren't a liar and I didn't accuse you of being one."

"But you accused me of being high-"

I cut her off with a kiss

*** (ten minutes later)

"Is our baby okay?" Charlotte and I both ask Dr. Kale when she enters the hospital room. We highly hold each other's hands as we hope for some good news.

"The future Alpha is perfectly fine." My mate and I both let out relieved sighs when we hear this. "All the effects of the wolfsbane were reversed with the lycanthrope. Nothing seems to be wrong with the placement or development of the fetus, but I would suggest coming in for checkups more frequently just to catch difficulties early."

"What kind of difficulties?" I ask, hoping that if there are difficulties at all, that they'll be minor ones.

"Fetal development and positioning." Dr. Kale answers. "Nothing too bad for a werewolf pregnancy. Considering the fact that the Luna is smaller than most werewolves and that she's bearing an Alpha/Beta child, I'm taking extra precautions."

"Is the b-baby healthy?" Charlotte nervously bites her lip as she asks her question.

"Yes." Dr. Kale replies, seeming to understand the double meaning of Charlotte's question. "Is there anything else that you'd like to know?"

"It's a boy, right?"

"Our baby is not an it." my mate corrects, letting go of my hand. "No one should ever be called an it. That's just wrong, m-mean, and degrading."

"I'm asking for the gender of our pup so that I don't have to call him an it." I explain, knowing that Charlotte has a history of being called an it. She's really sensitive about that word when it's being used to label a person, but I understand why.

"You just said him."

"Dr. Kale, do you mind letting us see the gender of our pup?" I politely ask Dr. Kale, not wanting to argue with my mate in front of her.

"We won't be able to clarify the gender until next month, Alpha." Dr. Kale shakes her head. "But the pup will most likely be male since all first-born Alpha children are male."

I nod in understanding. I know that there's a 99.9% of Charlotte's and I's pup being a boy, I just need to know for sure. "When can I go home?" Charlotte asks, starting to tug at some of the tubes again. I have to take both of her hands again to make sure that she doesn't pull any out of her body.

"You can go right now if you'd like, but I recommend staying here for another night because of the pregnancy."

"I'll stay another night." my mate immediately tells Dr. Kale. One she gets her answer, she nods and leaves Charlotte and I alone in the hospital room.

"Our pup is okay." I state, using my right hand to hold Charlotte's and using my left to put over her stomach. It's been a month and a half already, but I still can't believe that I'm about to start a family with my mate. Within the next four or five months she'll be going into labor and it'll really be official. And even though most werewolves, especially Alphas, don't do the whole "human marriage" thing, I want to someday marry her too.

I'm not planning on proposing any time soon since the baby is on its way, I know that taking care of a newborn werewolf and planning a wedding at the same time would be chaotic and stressful; I'm just hoping that when the time comes, that Charlotte will say yes. Almost anyone would think that since we would have at least one kid together already that she would automatically accept, but she might not see the point in werewolves getting married or think that having a wedding will cost too much money.

"Can you feel the baby kicking yet?" I ask, reeling myself out of my thoughts.

"It's too early in the pregnancy for that, Xander." she shakes her head. "Is Brody okay? He didn't get hurt in the battle, did he?"

"He got shot in the arm with a silver bullet, he's fine though." I answer. "He knows that you're awake, but wants to give you and I some time alone before he comes to visit. Do you want me to call him over?"

She bites her lip, thinking about whether or not she wants me to call Brody. "I don't want him to cancel any plans h-he might have. As long as he isn't hurt, it's fine. He'll visit when he can."

"Are you sure, sweetheart?" I ask, knowing how close of a relationship they have with each other.

"I'm sure." she nods before asking, "Dylan i-is dead right?"

"He's dead." I confirm, slightly squeezing her hand.

"I don't even feel bad about being happy about that." she beams. "He's gone, Xander. He's really gone."


"Get in loser, we're going shopping."
-Regina George


QOTC- Disney vs Nickelodeon

So ever since I accidentally changed My Broken Luna's language to Danish and then changed it back to English, our rank on the Werewolf Hotlist has been a lot lower than it usually is. And as thankful I am for making it to the Hotlist at all, I really want us to get to #1 on the English Hotlist. My Broken Luna was so close! We made it to #2, but now we're averaging around the Top 30s and 20s. Please vote and comment so that we can get back to our usual position in the Top 10s! It would mean so much to me if we're able to get this book back to that spot.

And sorry for the short update, I was planning on a longer one, but I've been really busy lately. But I'll have a lot more time to write since school for me ends on Wednesday (June 1st).

Important News:

1) I might do a prequel instead of a sequel. One of my readers have me the idea and I'm really considering it. It'll contain Charlotte's life before she was taken and since I don't necessarily want to write in a young child's point of view for the majority of the book, it'll be mainly Evelyn or Maddie's perspective. But this is a maybe. I might do a sequel, I might not.

2) I'm going to be spending a lot of time editing the early chapters, so updates might be a little shorter.

3) School for me ends the first day of June, so I'll have more time to be on Wattpad. I want to end this book somewhere during the summer since I don't want it to be too lengthy, but I can't think of a good ending. And I'm trying to make Josephine's Secret a good book that isn't choppy. I like the storyline of My Broken Luna, it just has a lot of loose ends and stuff. But don't worry, this book is going to continue nonetheless.

xoxo Priscilla

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