not over her

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your pov

"Y/N SLOW THE FUCK DOWN" jack shouted scared. i laughed my ass off and felix was kind of scared but he was still laughing at how jack was so scared. we were driving down a road that no one used because it was full of cracks and things like that and it was really bumpy and it was dusty and the dust made you skid and i was a pro at that but normal drivers weren't. they built a new road close and everyone used that and it built up traffic so i used this road because no one used it so there was no traffic. i got to skid a bit in this car and jack hated it. "Y/N I SAID SLOW DOWN THIS GOD DAMN CAR OR SO HELP ME!" jack shouted again and i just laughed my ass off.

"why should i" i asked

"BECAUSE YOUR GONNA KILL US AND CRASH"Jack shouted he was holding on to Felix seat from the back

"jack i'll be fine. even if we did crash we might have a few broken bones but we'll be fine~" i laughed and he looked so scared "holy shit jack i'm joking. this is why you don't drive you have a panic attack when you in a car" felix and i laughed at how paranoid jack was

"were nearly there anyway" felix pointed out and jack calmed down a bit "y/n is driving on the way back as well" felix announced and jack looked felix dead in the eye 

"your driving felix" jack said with death in his voice 

"jack you can just ride with mark. he drove here on his own" i laughed because jack was so scared. he was being worse than mark and mark went crazy but mark normally corrected me. It was like i was driving with a traffic cop.(there called cops in America right? please correct me if i'm wrong)but jack just straight out got scared and screamed. 

i slowed down to normal speed so jack would stop shouting. everyone was quiet and it was getting awkward until i had an idea"guys i have a game idea that will knock off five nights freddies" they looked at me like i was talking shit 

"blow out five nights at freddies. is that even possible"felix asked and he was true 

"its a youtube simulator but its made by actual youtubers so its accurate" i suggested 

"how will that take over five nights at freddies" jack asked like 'bitch please'

"how many times are you asked about the secret to success on youtube and how many people want to know it and understand it and its gonna be proper so not like you gonna make one million out of your first video but you get to choose a youtuber so jack for example he's gonna draw out his life and put vocals behind it. so you get to simulate your favorite youtubers life. people would love that because people love youtube simulators and its got youtube in it and youtube is so main stream now and its has just wiped out TV. youtube would like the idea of it and it would make youtube bigger and the youtubers we add will get more popular so why would you give down such a big idea"  i suggested the two looked at me like i was a genius. 

"you should actually make that a game. people would buy that. they'd love that actually. that would be a smash hit" felix smiled 

"y/n didn't you do Computer games design and programming in uni?" jack asked and he was true. (i'm gonna be honest i have no idea how uni works so if you do then don't shout at me bc i have no idea how it works sorry to those who do also i have been on multiple sites to do with uni and writing this paragraph took an hour. it took ten to write the thing the rest was me looking at sites to do with uni)me and mark were really big gamers as kids. i was a bigger gaming fanatic as him at the start but then he became more of a nerd because his job is based off of it. the thing is me and marks life were pretty similar if you watch his draw my life but when mark talked about moving out with his girlfriend and things thats where our lives changed and we were not twins who were basically the same person we became actual individuals. and mark was known as mark fischbach and i was known as y/n fischbach. we were not known as the fischbach twins we were our own people. when mark struggled about what he wanted to do i had a set goal. i wanted to be a video game designer and always did so i went straight to uni with amazing grades when on the other hand mark was struggling. i had a goal and i was god damn going to fulfill that even thought i didn't or haven't. back then i had a goal and i was going to get it done. i did the whole thing and graduated and things but at the time gaming and things were starting to lose my interest so i went to find something else that i found interesting and i met this guy in the university of Cincinnati who came all the way from the UK. he was a real big gamer a lot like me. really passionate about it. his name was Oscar. he was a lot like me but we looked like opposites. the way he dressed and looked you'd think he would be a jock type a real douche bag but he was the complete opposite and was really nice and sweet. mark knew about him but he had a boyfriend called charlie who was really lovely. he lost interest instantly and we were thinking of stuff to do and he came to L.A. to come see me and we could talk about things. we found out that we were both huge photography freaks. so we were thinking of doing a photography course in uni. then it was all worked out. i went to the UK for three years to do photography and i did the full course and so did Oscar. i really, really enjoyed it and did well in all my exams and tests and things. it was so fun. i can't express how awesome it was. so i went down the photography job and do it for a living. its so fun and i love and it and it pays pretty well. i'm my own boss so its cool. me and Oscar still talk though. he lives in Brighton, England and i miss his company because me and Oscar were roommates and he is the best roommate ever. he's so fun to be around. we don't talk as much as he's married to charlie and they own a big company doing whatever. but whatever i went on a little tangent there  but yeah i did do a lot in university and i did take computer programming courses

"yeah i did. i forgot about that. i remember my roommate i swear she was on her period 24/7" i joked and they laughed. 

"thats cool did you graduate or did you drop out like mark and then regret it in years to come" felix joked and i laughed at his joke

"i still annoy mark with that. yeah i graduated but then found out later it wasn't my passion and i wanted to do something else. so i met this guy at uni his name was Oscar he came from the UK because his parents wanted the best and sent him to the university of Cincinnati where i was and we met in the courses and we became the best of friends. mark didn't kill him because he had a boyfriend now husband. we talked a whole lot and he was like me he graduated but didn't really like the idea so he came to L.A. for three weeks and we thought about the future and in the end we went to university in the UK to do photography and we loved it so i stuck with photography but he and his husband made some huge company. there huge in Brighton so they live there and its all good. so i kind of let go my computer programming skills but i can program a game if i put my full efforts into it because i never really forgot my computer programming courses or skills thats came with it and i will never forget what to do and how to program and shit like that" i explained "maybe i should give it a try" i suggested and jack nodded

"wait in Brighton did you say" felix asked abruptly 

"yeah~?" i answered 

"thats where i live" he said and i smiled wildly. wait i thought he was Swedish 

"aren't you Swedish?" i asked confused

"i moved to Brighton a while ago because people found my address so i had to move and i moved to Italy for a while and then fans found me again and then i moved to Brighton and people don't know where i live now so thats cool" felix explained it must be annoying when obsessive fans find your house and tell everyone.

"wow that must be so annoying. why did you live in Italy" i asked. why Italy 

"um... i.." he couldn't answer and he looked like he didn't want to take about 

"you don't need to tell me. if its personal then you don't need to tell" i smiled and he nodded respectfully. he really didn't want to tell me and thats ok i'm not really nosy person. what am i kidding i want to know so bad but its his own problem or his own personal business. 

"thanks" was all he said he looked like he was gonna cry. i could tell because he looked away and looked down. i'm betting a girlfriend or a girl. i felt bad for him. 

"felix?" he just hummed which meant he didn't want me to see him cry. i looked at jack and mouthed 'what do i do' and jack replied with 'comfort him' so i did. "felix don't cry" i put my hand on his shoulder. it was hard to comfort someone when i have no idea whats wrong. "don't worry this meal will get it off you mind. its gonna be ok i promise." he sniffled and looked at me with a weak smile. he was still sad "if i get you some cookie dough will you stop crying" i asked him. his smiled extended and he nodded and i giggled. "win them with food" he laughed a bit. i wiped a tear from his cheek "its gonna be ok" i smiled and he smiled back weakly. to make him forget whatever was wrong i put on the radio. Every radio stations were playing bad songs and had rappers on that were terrible so i then turned onto the last radio station and 1D came on (i hate one direction a lot but this is just a joke even though this is the only song that is not that bad) i hate one direction but felix started to sing to it and i did too.

You gotta help me, I'm losing my mind
Keep getting the feeling you wanna leave this all behind
Thought we were going strong
I thought we were holding on
Aren't we?

No they don't teach you this in school
Now my heart's breaking and I don't know what to do
Thought we were going strong
Thought we were holding on
Aren't we?

You and me got a whole lot of history
We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen
You and me got a whole lot of history
So don't let it go, we can make some more, we can live forever

All of the rumors, all of the fights
But we always find a way to make it out alive
Thought we were going strong
Thought we were holding on
Aren't we?

You and me got a whole lot of history
We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen
You and me got a whole lot of history
So don't let it go, we can make some more, we can live forever

Minibars, expensive cars, hotel rooms, and new tattoos, good champagne, and private planes
But they don't mean anything
Cause' the truth is out, I realized that without you here life is just a lie
This is not the end
This is not the end
We can make it you know it, you know

You and me got a whole lot of history
We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen
You and me got a whole lot of history
So don't let it go, we can make some more, we can live forever

You and me got a whole lot of history
We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen
You and me got a whole lot of history
So don't let it go, we can make some more, we can live forever

felix-So don't let me go
you-So don't let me go
jack-We can live forever
felix-Baby don't you know
you-Baby don't you know
all-We can live forever 

i sang most of the song because felix and jack forgot the song. "your a good singer y/n" felix complemented and i was flattered. i blushed a bit.

"thanks felix. i'm not that good but thanks" i thanked and he looked at me with disbelief 

"y/n your amazing you are really good" he told me again and i blushed again. was he doing this on purpose. we made it to pizza hut finally. i parked the car next to marks as i saw his car. mark was still in his car probably waiting for us. mark saw us and got out and jack ran out of the car and clung onto mark which made him blush slightly. 

"i'm alive. thanks fuck" mark laughed real hard and so did i but felix look down at his phone and he looked upset. he looked like he did before. like he was about to cry but held it in. i went up to mark and jack 

"what we gonna do about felix?" i asked them and mark was confused 

"what happened" he asked

"marzia" was all jack said and mark nodded. sorry but whats a marzia. is that a Swedish name. was it a dog. i don't know. i was confused. until wade and bob came up to mark and said hi. jack pulled me to a side "go and comfort felix. we will be inside you'll see us. he needs you" jack told me and he left to go to mark.

felix pov

while everyone was getting out of the car i got a text. i looked down at my phone. it was marzia?! what did she want. she left me for that guy who was hotter than me apparently and he was richer and had loads of friends and a nice house and family he was nicer and had more time for her. i looked the guy up. he still lived with his parents and looked like that guy who had abs that were massive and every girl liked that guy. he was broke as he said all the time. he worked at starbucks a run down old starbucks. he was a youtuber but he made no money off of it. marzia left me for that. i must have been the worst boyfriend for her to leave me for that. i probably was the worst in the world. why was i crap man. y/n will never love me if that guy can do better than me.

(marzia's text is in bold and felix is in italics) 

how are you

why would you care

Marvin lied to me

what do you mean

he never loved me he wanted my money

what did you expect from a guy like him

like you can be any better

i can for you 

do you miss me

yeah a lot i still love you even though it was years ago i can't get over you

aww really


you wanna get back together


well not gonna happen. he never cheated on me. why would he do that. he loves me so much and he so kind and such a sweetheart and loves me for me and is always there for me when i am sad. unlike you, you are and will always be the worst boyfriend ever 

nice to know. 

i felt like crying but i didn't want to let down my friends but i was already a huge let down anyway.  i felt tears attack my eyes and i squeezed my eyes closed and took a deep breath. i could tell the guys saw and i must look like even more of a baby. i am such a fuck up. then wade and bob attacked mark and jack with hugs and all i wanted now was a hug. i slipped my phone in my pocket and hugged myself because i'm that sad. then i felt someones preference. i looked up and it was y/n. "felix why are you crying" she asked and i just broke down. before i could do anything i was engulfed in a hug. i cried into y/n shoulder. "it's ok let it all help. i'm here for you" she whispered and it made me feel better. when i had stopped crying she let go and she wiped a tear from my face. "listen felix, i am not sure whats wrong or whatever your sad about i'm sorry it happened but we need to move on. its hard to do so and you probably think i'm talking shit but it will get better i promise" she told me 

"you promise" i asked again. it was probably false hope. she didn't really care about me. no one did 

"i promise with all my heart and soal. i will make you feel better" when she said that my cheeks went dark red. "never forget that felix. it will get better and good old y/n will make sure it does" i laughed slightly and she smiled. i looked at her top and realized i had made her shoulder wet. 

"y/n i'm sorry i got your shoulder wet" i'm such a dope

"felix its fine. this is just a top. your emotions and feelings are way more important" she smiled and i blushed again. she grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into pizza hut. we saw mark, jack, wade and bob. we walked over and sat down in the two seats available. we sat next to each other and everyone was talking so much to notice us just slip in. i looked at y/n and she looked at me.

"you still owe me some cookie dough" i laughed and she laughed back.     



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