road trip

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a/n. there will be huge time skips in this when there's a times skip it will be like this _________ in a huge line. (A/n from the future when i had finished this chapter: so i was in the middle of reading through the chapter for spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes and then it was dinner and i brought up Disney and my mum said that there was a Disneyland in L.A but it was pretty shit and small. i didn't know there was a Disneyland in L.A because i have never been to america but my mum has and she told me, so your just gonna have to live with the fact, i don't know america and i have written this whole chapter i am not getting rid of this chapter because i spent a lot of time on it. so sorry about that if you knew and will probably be saying "um dumb ass there's one in L.A so they don't need to go on a huge ass road trip there is one in L.A" i know i know i am very stupid)

your pov

i woke up to my alarm. i looked at my phone for the time and it was six in the morning and today was Disney and jacks birthday. so i heard mark and jack's conversation last night after me and felix ;eft foe bed and i couldn't hear all of it but i think jack and mark hooked up and i want to know this morning. if thats the case then FUCK YES. if not then i am hooking them up because septiplier, just septiplier. i got up and rubbed my eyes and stretched. i honestly feel awake. i only need a small amount of rest to feel awake. i know for a fact the boys will not be awake and lively like i am now. so i jumped up and i went to get dressed because i have a game plan. so the plan is get dressed, make coffee and tea for the boys set it out on the table then get jack's intro and plug my phone into speakers and have it on the highest volume. then get there ass's out of bed tell them to get dressed and then get my keys, my phone, money and drag them out to the car. mission get the lazy asses moving is a go. i got some clothes on. i put my favorite jumper on and some jeans and shoes.

i ran downstairs and got to making the coffee as the machine was doing its magic i went to get my phone and my loudest speaker. one in felix room and one in marks because the lovebirds were sleeping together. i ran down stairs and got out the mugs. i decided to get the boys clothes out too because they would just come down in boxers or joggers and we have a real journey ahead of us so i needed to be ready and off in the time so we were there with everyone not an hour late because of the guys. now my favorite bit, wake them up. i set up the speakers and i was ready to press play. i did it for mark and jack first because i wanted them to get up together and i would be in felix door to liven him up. i was in the hallway and i heard 'TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE' which was what i used to wake them up. i heard shocked screams and then i heard "Y/N YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" it was jack and i laughed to myself. i looked in felix room and he was fast asleep. he was cute. i went up to the speaker and turned it on and 'TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE' went off again making felix shoot up from where he was sleeping

"morning sleepyhead" i smiled. he groaned. he must have been tired "whats wrong" i asked

"i-i was having the best dream. i am not that tired. so what's the latest scoop. septiplier or no" felix asked as we were listening from our rooms and texting about what we saw or heard last night about jack and mark

"they were sleeping together really close hugging in bed. i think septiplier. so let me tell you my plan i got your clothes out and i have a coffee down stairs for you in a brofist mug. i need to get the two downstairs well i mean mark jack will be up" i explained and he nodded

"y/n i love the jumper" he complimented and i smiled in response going to jack and mark. they kissed each other when i walked in

"fucking knew it" i fist pumped the air and jack laughed and so did mark in a husky tone. jack got out of bed "septiplier is real!" i shouted and i heard felix say 'yess'

"i forgot septiplier. oh no" he sighed and i laughed

"hell yes! anyway i have a game plan. i'm a give you two some privacy to get dressed. i have got your clothes out for both of you and i am sorry about the shirts i got i had to get then for you two. when your ready and please be quick i have coffee for you. jack yours is in the sam mug and marks yours is in the minecraft mug. i am ready and felix is up. i'm driving" i told them but jack came up and held my shoulders

"why you?" he asked scared and i smirked at him smugly

"because SPEEEED IS KEYYYYY" i shouted and he groaned

"fuck you y/n" he laughed playfully and i laughed back and went down stairs to find felix ready. i got all the boys shirts when they were out doing some meetings that i didn't want to go to. so as i was doing my job taking pictures and then came across a few shirts online i had to get so i got them. felix had

which i thought was the best top for felix. he honestly looked like he was gonna kill me. "really y/n" he had a straight face and i just laughed.

"its true. you should see mark and jacks shirts and i have this cup" i got my mug of coffee and went to take a drink and he laughed.

"i have that mug too" he laughed and i looked up with a smile. i saw mark and jack come down with the biggest smiles holding hands. i ran to mark and gave him a tight hug. felix doing the same with jack because real men have the balls to hug another man. i was proud of these two. mark had been in the closet and jack was in love with mark but hid it with another girl. i was proud of my brother.

"i'm proud of you" i smiled through the hug and he smiled to. when he pulled away i smiled wider than i ever have. then i went to jack and hugged him tightly too. felix awkwardly went up to mark and put his hand out to shake but mark pulled him into a hug. it wasn't the best but at least they hugged. i said the same to jack. felix looked at there shirts and 'awww'(ed)

"there so cute" felix looked in awe

"pretty cool right do you like them?" i asked the boys

"i do" jack smiled giddy. jack looked up at mark who also had a small smile on his face.

"i like them thanks y/n" mark smiled. they had couple shirts and it was risky buying them but i may have known they both crushed on each other because knowing them personally and in videos it was gonna happen. they had these shirts (thats not my Photoshop. all the pictures i get are from the internet)

after talking about our clothes we were about to get in the car. mark and jack in the back and me and felix in the front. "how did you get them to get in this car?" felix asked with a chuckled i laughed back

"because we have to be there on time and need speed and SPEEEED IS KEYYYY" felix laughed loudly as i started driving. jack sighed and mark chuckled "right so we are gonna endure a two hour journey driven by me so hold onto your tits at times and jack no screaming like a bitch and take it like a roller coaster. mark your not a traffic cop so don't act like one. felix you were ok before. i get to control the radio because i am driving. try not to lose your mind and we might stop about twice three times if lucky. we will sing to many songs and there might be times where i almost crash but i won't luckily. so enjoy your ride with y/n drive lines" i said like we were on a plane. they chuckled to themselves

"that reminds me why didn't we take a flight?" mark asks

"a road trip sounds way more fun than taking a boring flight and working out times and shit. i could have done that when you were doing the meetings but i was spending too much time doing my job and also buying you all cute tops" i explained "its quicker this way if we avoid every piece of traffic" i added

"like thats gonna happen" mark used such sarcasm

"mark i know the way to Disney land like the back of my hand. i have always been there and i always drive. i know all the shortcuts and places to go also when have i got stuck in major traffic" i told him he just nodded in approval.


"baby you light up my world like nobody else. the way that you flip you hair gets me over heels the way you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell you don't know you don't know your beautiful" one direction was on the radio and me jack and felix were singing it and mark had a grumpy look on his face. jack giggled and booped his nose it was cute. they were adorable.


"oh baby baby give me a sign hit me baby one more time" mark and jack sang to the song, me and felix almost falling asleep in the front bored out of our minds. i saw a sign that meant services right ahead. we needed food. it had been an hour. we should get breakfast there

"BOYS YOU UP FOR A MCDONALDS BREAKY!" i shouted waking felix up making him jump slightly

"YES Y/N WE WOULD LOVE THAT" jack shouted and i think i went deaf

"jack no. i can scream but not you Jesus. mc's it is then" i turned into the place and we got out the car but mark froze

"septiplier and shit" was all he said and we all understood

"who gives a shit. if they find out or see us. tumblr has something to talk about" jack shrugged and squeezed marks hand for reassurance and mark nodded and we just walked in. we ordered breakfast and sat down "so..."

"um are you guys gonna go on all the rides we can" i asked and felix nodded with a mouth full of food

"i will if jackipoo does" mark looked at jack sweetly

"i will if markimoo does" jack replied

"well then its settled. no saying no to a ride no matter how high. deal" i asked

"DEAL!" we all said and put our hands in the middle.


"she's the tear in my heart i'm alive, she's the tear in my heart i'm on fire, she's the tear in my heart take me higher than i've ever been" i shouted singing. mark and jack were asleep in the back some how as my singing was loud and felix was just bored so he started listening to me "you fell asleep in my car and i drove the whole time but that's ok-" i sang but was stopped by felix

"your a real good singer y/n"felix smiled


"um... y/n thanks for making this business trip awesome"

"how did i make this awesome?" i asked felix

"well i thought i would be doing loads and loads of not so fun meetings about revelmode and i would just be catching up with friends and not so interesting things like that but i got to meet you and you got me over marzia and thats a thing no one could do. you made this more of a fun holiday then a business trip" he explained and i blushed slightly

"aww thanks felix. its nice to know i made this better for you. it was amazing meeting someone as cute as you" i smirked slightly but felix face turned dark red

"y-you think i'm cute" he asked hiding his face because of the huge blush on his face. what he was doing now was cute

"why do you think i got that shirt. it wasn't a joke because we all had funny shirts. its truth, your adorable"

"i could say the exact same about you y/n. your as cute as kitten" what were we doing "drunken man sober thoughts" was what he said

"how do you-"i was shocked

"i remembered what happened that night. after a while i get my memory and i regained my memory and everything i said that night was true y/n" the mother fucker made me blush too

"thanks felix" i smiled but our little thing was stopped by a certain Irish loud mouth

"you two are fucking adorable" jack smiled and we both blushed the same color as marks hair

"s-shut up" i was able to say

"you can't say no to love guys. i couldn't deny mark." fuck you jack. yeah i did have a crush on felix and it was hard to keep in. i will tell felix at Disneyland thats my plan. i don't know when i just will. i turned on the radio so that conversation just ends there and before jack says more.


"in a dark room in colds sheets i can't feel a damn thing, i lost myself between your legs. your medicine is in my head. you know i'd rather be alone but then you called me on the phone. oh the habits of my heart i can't say no, its ripping me apart you get too close. you make it hard to let you go. i tell myself i like that when you tie my hands behind my back your confident i'll give you that but if you love yourself you can fuck yourself,cause' i'd rather be alone but your fermented in my bones. oh the habits of my heart i can't say no its ripping me apart, you get too close you make it hard to let you go. oh the habits of heart i can't say no its ripping me apart you get too close you make it hard to let you go" i sang at my best because it was one of my favorite songs. it was one of the only songs i could sing with confidence and knew i sang it right. felix looked in awe and so did jack. they were both speechless

"holy shit y/n... wow" felix said

"It's the only song i sing with ease" i told them

"you could win an award with that song" jack said and i blushed a little

"its not that good" i denied

"oh yeah it was terrible" jack used all the sarcasm "y/n that was fucking awesome" i smiled at his compliment

"we're nearly there, about fifteen minutes and were there" i smiled because of the complements and because we were nearly there. i loved being in a car and driving but i was not so keen on being heaped up in a car driving with only a radio and my thoughts to keep me company.

"i'll get mark up" jack went and shook mark slightly "time to get up sleepy head" mark groaned

"i don't wanna" jack kissed mark which made him open his eyes with surprise but smiled after "ok i'm up. what did i miss?" mark asked

"felix and y/n being cuties and basically flirting and y/n singing her heart out " jack explained. when jack mentioned flirting a huge smirk rose on marks face and he looked at me with a huge smirk and i blushed and so did felix. even though i was blushing i was also very happy.

"why did you get me up anyway" mark asked

"were basically there" i told mark. after a few minutes of silence with the radio to fill in the silence slightly. we made it to Disney. "finally" i cheered kind of bored of being in the car and happy i would be able to stretch my legs. we went to park the car and there was luckily a space near the top so we didn't have to do much walking to do to get to the proper entrance. we all got out and mark and jack got out together helping each other and holding hands and smiling so happy with each other and acted like they forgot me and felix existed. it wasn't the fact that they forgot we existed that bugged me though. me and felix watched them carefully kind of awkward ,i wish me and felix could do that together and act like that, i thought. it was slightly awkward for me and felix to watch them be all cute together and we were just there not holding hands or being all coupley together and there was a distance between us. i wanted to be all coupley but we couldn't because well we weren't a couple but i wish that could change. i was gonna try and change that but i think it will be difficult around all my youtube friends. i got lost in thought and wasn't really paying close to attention to anyone. until i was pulled out of my thoughts by someone shouting my name

"Y/N" Ian shouted and gave me a run hug. Anthony following behind. Anthony shook felix hand and Ian gave me hug. Ian was like a child with me and always has been. i kind of treat him like a child as well but only for a joke and he does the same. i hadn't seen the boys in a while so it was nice to see them, but this is what i mean by it not being so easy to hook up with felix when all my friends who i want to catch up with are here. i could cope and try but it will be a challenge.

mission hook up with felix is a go


i'm back bitches. did you miss me because i missed this book. i was suddenly filled with loads of ideas and knew how to end this chapter that i wrote so long ago and i finally got the inspiration to finish it and i also had to fix up a couple spelling mistakes because they sent me over the wall. so yeah i will get to writing the Disney chapter straight away as i have loads of ideas for it. so yeah bye

sage is out *_*

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