Chapter 13

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"You know, you didn't have to come," Will said glancing at me for a second. We were on our way to the hospital. I stared blankly out the window counting down the minutes until I got to see him.

"That's okay. I want to be supportive," I said smiling softly. 

Will returned the gesture and said,"I won't be long. I just need to be there with him. He needs to feel like someone has his back..."

We past a couple more hospital signs until we pulled into a large parking lot. We climbed out of the car and headed towards the building.

I had only been at the hospital once when Will twisted his ankle at soccer practice and as I entered, the environment was anything but familiar.

"Seventh floor," Will mumbled in the elevator. The contraption rose then stopped. The bright ding let us know it was time to get off.

I followed Will blindly and my heart was giddy to see Drew. Once we turned a corner, Will approached a couple in their late forties.

"Will," the woman said.

"Hello, Mrs. Law," he said then turned to the man. "Mr. Law."

"Hey, Will," the man said. His stature seemed serious but he managed to smile at Will with sincerity. "And who might this be?"

All eyes turned to me as Will said,"My sister, Lauren." 

I smiled politely as Mrs. Law asked,"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Kathy, Drew's mom."

My eyes widened slightly in surprise as I shook her hand.

"I'm John," the man said shaking my hand. He then turned to Will.  "Drew's upstairs with Alison."

My heart froze when I heard her name. A million thoughts managed to race through my head but I tried to keep them at rest. What was Alison doing here?

"No, we're right here," I heard behind me. I turned my head to see Alison with sad eyes examining the crowd, "I'm sorry we disappeared. I brought Drew back safe."

Alison chuckled nervously and I watched Drew shift next to her. "That's alright, darling," Mr. Law said.

I gazed at Drew willing for him to look my way but it seemed he was looking everywhere but me.

Alison turned to Drew before walking away from him. I wanted to fill that empty spot beside to him so bad, but I shrunk back and eyed the floor defeated.

We all took a seat and Alison sat beside me playing with her nails. Her lips were tugged into a gentle frown and she didn't speak a word.

I nervously sat eying Drew every once in a while until Alison went with Mrs. Law to get coffee and Will and Mr. Law went to stroll the hospital cafeteria.

Drew sat four seats away from me and I glanced at him. I couldn't tell what his eyes were focused on. They seemed so distant and unrecognizable. His were the most creamy brown that had a tint of gold. Gold was what I thought of them. They were beautiful pieces of gold that I couldn't seem to get to look at me.

"Drew," I said finally.

He didn't reply.

"Drew," I said louder this time.

"Why are you here?" he responded.

"I wanted to talk..."

"About?" he asked quietly.

"About..." I trailed,"about the other day. I didn't get a chance to tell you what happened."

"And now you want to?" he spoke more clearly. He turned to me. His eyes now reflected pain and hurt.

"Yes," I silently said unsure.

He turned his gaze away from me before he said,"Why are you here?"

"I'm--" I choked suddenly feeling conflicted,"I'm here because..."

"Will's here," Drew finished. "Your brother. My friend"

"What are you trying to say?" I questioned flustered.

He sighed not even trying to look at me. "Drew?" I demanded in a shrill voice.

"Lauren?" I heard behind me. Will turned up beside me,"What's with you?"

I gazed at Will's worried eyes and sniffled,"Nothing. I just need to go the ladies room."

I didn't wait for Will's response and hurried towards the restroom. I banged the door opened and stood in front of the mirror.

My eyes were a faint red and tears were threatening to fall but I wasn't going to cry. I had enough of tears. I tried to get a hold of myself and turned on the faucet.

I gathered water in my hands and splashed my face gently. Calm down, Lauren, calm down, I thought.

By the time I dried my face, I seemed refreshed and presentable. I sighed deeply and dropped my head still not ready to leave the restroom.


The room filled quickly yet I felt empty inside. All the emotions that I was feeling before flooded out leaving me with the glowing bud of regret. Lauren was here with me and I let her go. I could still feel her presence faintly and couldn't shake the aching feeling of want. She was here...

"Mr. and Mrs. Law," a deep voice interrupted my thoughts. Dr. Fournier appeared in scrubs and the whole family looked up towards him. You could feel the despair and hope in the atmosphere.

"We managed to remove the tumor in its entirety," he began. I leaned in closer making sure to catch every word. My heart thumped against my chest and the world around me seemed to slow down as this man tried to tell us how Samantha was doing.

"There were no bleeds or toxin overflow but, as we were closing her up, we noticed swelling. We attempted to relieve the pressure but..."

"But?" my dad questioned.

"It was too severe. She fell out of consciousness," Dr. Fournier continued,"I'm sorry. She still has a chance at recovery and with time--"

"A coma?" mom asked on the verge of tears. "Is that what you're telling me?"

"I'm sorry m'am," he said.

"No!" mom cried out. "No." She buried her head in my dad's shoulders and mumbled under her breath.

My heart seemed to stop and this world wasn't mine. This world of suffering and sickness...

"I want to see her," I said barely audible. The doctor turned to look at me and nodded.

We entered the hospital room and I saw Samantha lying in the bed with her arms hanging limply by her side. Her eyes were closed and her lips were dry.

"Sammy," I whispered. I settled down into the seat next to the bed. She seemed at peace. The gauze wrapped around her head was the only reminder of the previous surgery. Her body was weak and her head sank slightly into the oversized pillow. She could be sleeping and wake up to see me here by the morning.

"Oh, Sammy," I breathed out in despair,"Please wake up. I'm here now. Please wake up."

My mom's soft sobs in the background remained constant.


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