Chapter • 12

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Tears cascaded down my visage as I perceived my papa vanishing out of my vision, disheartened..I could comprehend shivam's heart wrenching from his gaze..I side glanced at my so called husband to behold a wide grin over his lips..drops of tears dripped down from my orbs as I enclosed the next jiffy, I felt his warm breathe touching my ear..

" Thankyou so much darling.."
His gruff voice reverberated inside my eardrums.. I curled up my fingers to form a fist and gnawed..
His foot !!

I'm very well aware that his heart is now celebrating his triumph.. the triumph which he achieved by intimidating me..Tears permeated from my eyes as I reminiscenced how he intimidated me , resulting in making my papa and Shivam's heart quashing into pieces..

One hour ago
Seher's pov

" I should have to look handsome right..? like a good girl,sit here until I comes..i know my wife is very smart and will try to show her over smartness indeed..but if you dare to show that... you know the consequences.. don't you?"
He said shoving my tousled hair locks to sideways... I closed my eyes in disgust..

I loathe his touches..

I saw him exiting the room like a tempest which has the capability to destruct anything.. I sat on the bed itself, pouring out my anguish in the form of tears..
My papa and Shivam is indeed here to help me , to get me out from this inferno..but until Mr monster shekhawat is here, my desires will persist only as my dreams..more and more tears permeated from my orbs as I reminiscenced my fond moments with my family..
After a couple of minutes, I heard certain footsteps,the footsteps which always escalated the temperature of my blood in rage.. I shot up from the bed and sprinted towards him..

" You told me that you'll allow me to see my take"
I screeched, grasping his collor and he stood there serenely..his serene visage made me exasperated..I screeched more and more, anticipating an outburst from him..instead astonishing me ,he glanced at me and grasping my palms,he guided me towards the dressing table and made me stand afore the mirror..

" see..You're going to meet your papa for the first time after marriage right? and now glance at have to look beautiful.."
He said as I glanced at my own reflection in the mirror..and Frankly as he said, I looked like a total mess in my tousled locks and weary the next moment, he took my paddle brush from the dressing table and started to disentangle my hairs.. for some anonymous reason, my heart palpitated hastily inside me as his fingers unintentionally touched my back..

What the hell he is doing to me?why my breathe rate hastens when he's around me?why ?!

"Don't think that I've allowed you to meet your papa because I'm generous.. I'm letting you to meet him so that you can bid farewell to him properly, forever.. unlike the previous time..And also we didn't get the opportunity to take blessings from him for marriage take proper blessings from him and bid Adieu to him because from today onwards,you won't meet him "
shoving the strands of hair from my ears ,He concluded astounding me and I stared at his reflection incredibly..

" What..?"
A gasp left my lips as he finished disentangling my hair locks..

" heard it like a good girl, pleat your saree properly and come down fast..come..come"
He vivaciously behested in a sweet tone..And that was it ! the rage that I was curbing inside me , blazed like a wildfire boundlessly..

" Enough Mr shekhawat.. enough!!
you can't do anything this time..can't you papa and Shivam is here with a police can do nothing..and i mean nothing.."
I yelled out..but yet again, he aghasted me by his calm composure..

" Actually you know what..I knew that.. I knew that my smart wife will become over smart after watching them..but you know me also..I'm your I should do something right? that's why this husband of yours made another super smart plan.."
He said with a smirk, grasping my arms..i wriggled my arms to liberate myself from his lieu,he tightened his grip and took me towards the door and gently opened it halfway..

I peered through the slit of the door to behold an armed man standing there with a gun in his hands..i rumpled my brows and glanced back at swayam..

" What's your plan Mr shekhawat..?if I run away, your adherent will kill me.. won't he? Then ok..kill me..kill me.. I'll leave this world happily then..atleast I'll get liberty then..come on..kill me"
I vociferated at him and tried to get liberated from his grip but what again astonished me was his calm composure..he hauled me back into the room and enwrapped his palms over my shoulder and articulated..

" can you even think like that know I can't live without you .. So I won't let anyone harm you..but yes,if my wife is so much adamant to go,then perhaps ,my father in law has to pay the price for it.."
His words resonated inside my eardrums like a thunder.. I felt like my world quivering.. I gawked incredibly at him and slowly waggled my head negatively..

That means? it's not for's for my papa..

" please.."
I implored him , joining my palms together..tears cascaded down from my eyes like a torrent and my heart quashed into pieces..

" That's my lovely wife..i won't harm him dear..i also don't want anything happen to my father in law..until..until you comply with my words.."
He stated and I nodded positively..

" I'll do.. I'll do anything that you want.. I'll do anything you say.. I'll comply with your words.. but please spare my papa.. please.."
I again solicited and I saw a wicked smirk dancing on his lips..

" Come on then.. do what I says..ok darling?"
He commanded in his sugar sheathed words and I succumbed to his intimidation..or what else can I do?
what matters the most to me is the life of my loved ones and I can't wager their life for my selfish pursuits.. Soliciting apology for an infinite number, I descended from the stairs along with him, just like a happily married couples..

Back to the present

I glanced around to see shraddha standing beside me ,empathically glancing at me.. unable to withhold my anguish, I embraced her and poured my heart out , letting my brines cascade down from my eyes.. I felt her gentle strokes over my tresses and I dipped my visage more into her shoulders, finding tranquility..


The placid moon rays touched my visage as I stood near the balcony, glancing at the infinite dark sky..
It's been two days since the unfortunate incident occurred..still the disheartened visage of my papa kept surging into my mind..I also reminiscenced shivam's heart breaking gaze over me..

Why my life is like this?? Why ??

I vociferated inside and swivelled to see swayam entering into the room hastily with a box in his hands..I glanced at him and was about to exit the room,he interrupted..

" Hey I've a business party and you're accompanying me ..i don't know about the choices and tastes of women but still I bought something which I think , suits on you get ready fast in these.. come on quick"
He concluded, taking out his black tuxedo from the wardrobe..wrath bubbled inside me as I heard his enjoin..

Am i his slave To comply with his each and every orders ?Who is he to behest me?

" Why should I..? I won't come anywhere..especially not with you.. I hope you get can go wherever you want..i don't care but please don't expect me to come along with you"
Rage upsurged inside me as I approached him and asserted..he stared at me.. I could see wrath blazing inside his orbs too..

" Because I wish to show my wife to the world.. I thought you'll feel relaxed by attending this kind of parties.. now get ready and come with me you've 10 minutes.."
Before I could even utter a word , he exited the room like a storm..
I can't comprehend this man.. what are his intentions? What he even needs..I don't know ..

Then my gaze travelled to the box he left on the bed for me..I sluggishly took it and gently unboxed it ,only to discover a beautiful black shimmering net saree suit,with crystals embellished on it with a matching off shoulder blouse..
Personally I liked the choice and I must admit that his clothing sense is pretty impressive , unlike him..

I sat at the edge of the bed submerging deep into my thoughts..i glanced again at the dress and the image of my family's smiling visage flashed across my mind..

No.. I cannot again wager my family's lives.. before he could do something to the family, I have to acquiesce him

I stood up and proceeded towards the rest room to get changed..



I glanced at my wrist watch again and again..this ladies..urgh!!
I think this is a universal trait of women..but it's ok..The result of awaiting will always be fruitful because the real fun will start once I reach the venue..poor seher madam..she credence upon that I'm taking her to tranquilize her agitated heart..poor thing! She hardly even acknowledged by the fact that I'm taking her to make Shivam feeble..

A wide smirk sprawled on my lips thinking about his miserable the next moment, I swivelled my head as I heed a certain footsteps approaching me..and I watched seher descending the stairs,like some goddess...

Goddess.. really swayam..? Restrain your thoughts ,you stupid

Whatever it is ,i must admit that she looks absolutely stunning in that Black saree perfectly complimented my black tuxedo..the way her tresses flutters and sways while walking was enough to bring even gods on one knees..The white crystal earrings dangled on her ears escalated the glow on her visage..
No wonder why that Shivam still revolves around her like a bee revolves around the blossom..but now he has to stay two feet away from her because now she's my flower..

Flower?!Urgh!!! restrain swayam

Non sensical thoughts started to reign my heart as I glanced at her from head to toe.. her marital symbols screamed my name which made my chest swell up with pride..her brownish orbs was gleaming like celestial stars and the pout formed on her soft pink lips was...

Oh..just shut up swayam

I screeched inside as she stood afore me , glancing awkwardly at me..

" Let's go.. it's already late.."
I managed to speak and she ,like an obedient girl, followed me which somehow made me feel delighted..
She sat on the passenger seat beside me and I soon drove to my destination..


Third person's pov

After 15 minutes, A black Audi smoothly landed infront of the grand Hyatt regency, where the annual business meet was arranged..from inside, swayam descended with all his glory..seher glanced at swayam and swayam, like a gentleman gestured her to pace together with him..she entered into the hall along with him ,only to discover the whole pair of orbs present there, gawking at them in awe..

she gaited along with him , greeting his acquaintances and business clients as he introduced her to everyone.. while everyone was felicitating them, a certain pair of orbs were staring at them in anguish..

Shivam's grasp on his whisky glass tightened as he saw swayam and seher together,hand in hand greeting everyone..tears permeated from his ruddy eyeballs as he glanced them , sharing smiles and glances at each other occasionally..
As they pivoted , swayam perceived Shivam glancing at them..a devilish smirk sprawled on his lips..he delicately enwrapped his fingers over her waist , astounding her..she glanced around to see others striving to quell their smile while,she perceived ruddiness consuming shivam's eyeballs..

" Swayam.. behave"
Seher stated in a gruff baritone, twitching swayam's lips to form a mischievous smile..

" What??now a bit of husband and wife vibes are setting in, right?"
Swayam answered , leaving her exasperated..

" Now let's meet a special person"
Swayam took seher towards the mini beverage counter where Shivam was seated..

" Hi.. Mr Shivam Singh Rajawat..glad to meet you.. today I'm going to introduce you to some one , meet my wife, Mrs seher Swayam Shekhawat.."
Shivam's blood temperature escalated as he heed to it..
At the next moment , with pressure, Shivam quashed the glass with his palms, resulting in blood oozing out from his palms..A wide grin lingered over swayam's visage.. tears permeated from seher's orbs as she watched the sight..she desired to tend his wounds and tranquilize him..
Swayam's wicked smirk exasperated her..

" Swayam.. let's leave"
Seher uttered firmly with resolution reverberating in her each words..

" Are you sure darling?"
Swayam quipped, enjoying the anguish that both shivam and seher enduring..

" I said.. let's leave.."
She escalated the volume of her voice as swayam nodded positively..a gratifying smile still lingered over his lips as they took their leave from there..

Silence sprawled inside the car as it moved forward perforating darkness of the secluded road..Swayam casted his side glance at her, enjoying her agitation..

" What happened.. feeling disheartened after watching your ex fiance's anguish?"
Swayam asked as seher averted her visage..but swiftly,the car abruptly halted aghasting seher..she glanced afore her to find the effulgent beams of head light, blurring her vision..she beheld swayam getting out from the car..

" Hello Mr shekhawat.. remember me?if not then let me reminiscence you.. Amar..Amar Trivedi man..your ex partner Mr Trivedi's son"
The youth infront of swayam declared, making swayam rumple his brows in befuddlement..he glanced back into the car where seher was seated..

" You deceived me by not handling that seher mehrotra to us.. that's also wanted to take vengeance..but yesterday I've apprised by the news that you married her.."
Amar divulged and scarlet shades consumed swayam's eyeballs..

" Yes.. that's none of your business.."
Swayam replied back making Amar guffaw loudly..

" That's my business Mr shekhawat..that promised my dad that you'll handle her to us so that I could marry her..but deceived us..and in my laws, death is the final verdict for journey to hell.."
By concluding his words , amar loaded his pistol and aimed at swayam..within seconds, the bullets from the pistol perforated swayam's chest , aghasting seher to the core..



So updating after a long time..
Hope you all like the chapter dears..
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Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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