chapter • 6

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Disclaimer !!

🚫Domestic violence against women and children is a punishable offence

🚫Alcohol consumption is injurious to health

This chapter contains some domestic violence sequences...❗


I was restless while he was having his dinner...the reason isn't unbeknownst to everyone there...but everyone acted very well as if they are too naive to know that...And the best part is, they left me starving ....the only mercy that they graced upon me was giving water to drink ...
After dinner, as expected,he gestured me to come to his room... And honestly, I'm getting some bad vibes from that very moment he behested to me...
I felt so abashed that I never felt this much abashment ,not even when I stepped into the dissection hall for the first time during my college days while pursuing MBBS...

I took a jug of water in my hands as he instructed and slowly started to ascend the steps...

"my room is on Top, on the right side corner...okay.. I'll be waiting "

His voice reverberated inside my ears...I literally imprecated myself for being so feeble and vulnerable...I clenched my fist tightly and deliberately dug my own nails to my palm to quell the burning wrath inside me

Who is he to you seher? Why are you taking his orders on your head? he your master? Or you declared yourself as his slave?

I closed my eyes and ceased at my can't do this and I won't...My conscience is forbiding me from doing this...I'm not his slave for sure...he neither hired me as a slave nor I accepted...I pivoted on my heels to retreat back
But at the next moment , I realised that I'm so late in my thoughts... I Perceived myself standing infront of his room and he was staring at me, sitting on his royal chair ...

" Hey you...what are you doing there.. come inside "
His hoarse voice hauled me out of my thoughts and I gulped down the little drop of Saliva that left in my mouth...

" Close that thing..."
As soon as entered inside taking sluggish step, I heard him saying,rather commanding , gesturing with his fingers to close the door, without meeting my gaze...

" For what ? No.."
Suddenly my brain processed about what he was saying And I denied his words...

" I said close that thing you *#$!@..."
I literally closed my eyes when he spurted his venomous words at streams of sweat cascaded down from my temples as I already knew what was going to come... without any word,I had to slam the door...of both the room and my heart...

" Oh ! so the only heir of Mehrotra's know how to obey... come come..I have so much to teach you"
He beckoned me, sitting on his royal chair which engraved with the head of lion on its both sides...just then I observed his room...

It was all dark...I mean the theme of his room...
From curtains to the chandeliers, from furnitures to the flowers, everything was black...pitch black..just like his mind...And then I noticed something that made my nerves torpid and heart shudder...

A half empty bottle of 'Jack Daniels'was there on the table, infront of him... Tints of ruddy consumed his eyeballs and his tongue slipped while talking...he is intoxicated!!! Intoxicated by Alcohol!!
I gasped in shock as his flamboyant gaze fell on me...It made me feel like ending up my life...

" Come"
His hoarse voice penetrated through my ears like a roar and I flinched a bit..
My legs subconsciously moved towards him even though they didn't want to move an inch forward...
I stood infront of him like a criminal, bowing my head in disgust and helplessness...

" Message my"
His tongue slipped  and his head was continuously shaking while talking ...
It somewhere made me scared too...
Without any other option, I sat down on the floor beside his feet and started to massage it without meeting his blazing gaze....I felt disgusted on myself...

" Mamu was right...a doctor is indeed necessary for us...who knows when will the bullets pierce our chests"
He said , succeeding with a loud sarcastic laugh...I inhaled my breathe amd rolled my eyes in exasperation...

Bullets and this man? even Bullets will feel ashamed if it gets pierced into his body...

" If you want a doctor,then better you find one...this is not the right method to hire a doctor...and why can't are the only heir of this priceless Assets "
I quipped and smirked out of scorn... I'm very well aware of his smuggling activities and illegal businesses...yes, I know...he is rich indeed but is 'illegally rich'...
I raised my brows to take a momentary glance of him and saw him ,  gazing back at me with sheer detestation...seldom I know that I had instigated the monster inside him...

"You slut... Don't you dare to raise your voice against me..or else you have to face the worst consequences.. don't incite me to do that..."
He growled in his hoarse voice which made me rose on my feet...
It's time to react and I will ...that's final...I have to fight for myself,for my sake...

" I don't care Mr...even if you kill me..I'll pass away happily from this inferno, enjoying my freedom..."
I yelled at him as I couldn't curb my heart became turbulent due to the tempest of wrath in me...only god knows from where did I got the courage to dissent against him...

"You bloody bi***... You dared to raise your voice against me...this swayam I'll show you..the REAL HELL.."
He emphasized the word' hell' and rose up from his chair like a tornado, which is all set to hit me,riotously...He hardly had the capacity to stand properly on his heels,yet I saw him advancing towards me like a whirl wind,to devour me ...

At the next Jiffy, I felt my scalp was burning... burning out of extreme anguish...I saw him standing behind me, clutching on my hairs harshly... his scarlet eyes stared at me , in animosity...his eyes carried the wrath to annihilate me, right at that moment...
Before I could comprehend things and hinder him ,he threw me like a piece of dump to the corner of his room, enlivening my wounds...
With that unanticipated fall, I felt like as if my whole bones got fractured... Immense ache devoured me like a demon and salty waters made their way down through my cheeks...I tried to lift myself up, but felt the whole world infront of me was whirling around...I strived to open my eyes but yet again, I felt him harshly pulling me up , clutching on my hairs...

" You want to know the real hell you go..DRINK"
He snarled and brutally interposed the alcohol bottle between my lips...he grappled my both cheeks and forcibly made me drink that alcohol...
Phew.... That was disgusting!!!
I felt my eyes rolling down and a burning sensation made my tongue throat blazed and breathe hitched....

No ..I'll die at the next second...death will embrace me within cheeks bloated with the alcohol which he forcefully poured into my mouth...No, I won't swallow it but  also I can't withstand with it any longer...
Taking the force as much as possible, I  spurted the alcohol on to his face...
Instantaneously,I saw his cold palms stretching towards me and slapped on my cheeks...With that one slap, I felt dizziness... darkness overcasted my vision...

I vaguely beheld him wipping the vestiges of alcohol from his visage in rage... taking that as an advantage, enduring my pain, I tried to budge hastily from that suffocating environment.. But making my plans unsuccessful,my body itself betrayed me...
my stomach did a somersault and I spewed right there...
I felt the whole room was whirling around me....I felt tipsy!!!
Again and again, I spewed which drained the energy that left in my body...

I strove to uphold my eyelids but miserably failed... finally, Unable to withhold myself,I let my brittle body touch the floor...I neither had the power to protest nor had the courage... I've almost abandoned the wish to live...

"You moron....are you challenging me? You won't see tomorrow morning.."
I heard him roaring at me...that unscrupulous man mercilessly kicked my half conscious figure and towed me , pulling my hairs and hands...I Clenched my fist out of unbearable anguish...he instantaneously extruded me out of his room like a filth...
But I didn't react...I can't...drops of scarlet trickled down from my forehead which hampered my vision...

I'm broken...both internally and externally...I lost the hope to I'm sure that I won't be there to witness tomorrow's sunrise,as he said...At last , I saw him barging towards me taking groggy steps and slamming the door, before letting my eyelids down...


Third person

The radiants of sun touched the earth, awakening the nature soothingly...but   that was not a soothing warm morning for Shivam...this morning was crucial for him as today , he'll probably get to know where seher is... today he'll get in touch with Mr Trivedi and will regain his love...his seher...

He strided rapidly through his room, holding his mobile anticipating his PA's call...but, his PA atharv hastily entered his room without any prior notice, baffling shivam...

" I earnestly solicit for your apology sir... I just couldn't  restrain my anxiousness..."
His PA divulged panting heavily, expliciting that he was running...

" Atharv... what happened? What's the matter...?"
Shivam enquired...he could feel his heart frantically throbbing inside out of mental tightness...

"Sir.. Mr Trivedi...he ..he is out of the city now...but I've got in touch with his PA...and according to his information... ma'am isn't in their custody.."
Atharv fearfully manifested the truth which made shivam flabbergast...
His wrath got unbridled like an unbounded horse ...

" Then where the hell is she now..?who dared to touch my girl then?"
surprisingly ,shivam laid his hands on atharv's collar and yelled making his PA flinch in fear...

" Who will dare to lock horns with you sir...only he does... it's him sir Swayam... Swayam shekhawat..."
Upon heeding atharv's manifestation, shivam loosened up his grip on atharv's collar...he stared incredulously at atharv...

" What?"
A mere whisper came out from shivam's mouth as his eyes got brimmed with tears...

" No...this can't be won't leave her...atharv...swayam won't leave her..."
Shivam yelled like an insane and raked his hairs in anxiety...

"No... this time...I won't forgive"
Shivam kept blurting out ,shaking his head vigorously...

" Atharv... immediately... immediately arrange a meeting with him... I'm ready to sacrifice my assets everything...inform his office..quick"
Shivam sounded completely like an insane,who had lost his mental stability...he knows swayam and his vicious plannings...he precisely knows that shivam will never let loose any chance to make Shivam vulnerable...

Shivam wiped his tears with quivering hands, but with a determined face...he pressed his lips together to control his this time ,he won't lose...
He immediately dialled someone's number...


The universal star radiated its golden rays, letting them touch to the earth...
They penetrated through the curtains and windows of the magnificent shekhawat mansion and gently fondled her wounded visage....

Seher squeezed her eyes and slowly opened it...but immediately she closed it again,as an unenduring pain shot up through her nerves...she tried to uphold her broken figure,but came desperately unsuccessful...
And finally after several tries, she finally got succeeded in getting up...she took groggy steps as she's still feeling tipsy..she held her head and tried her level best to walk properly...

She somehow,managed to reach downstairs and what she saw next,made her inhale a sharp breathe...


I've seen it...the door is opened..The main door is opened with neither armed men nor bouncers on the either sides of the door...
What ?!! I just can't believe my eyes...
My heart just got flooded with mirth and happiness...I couldn't contain my joy..
I think that jerk didn't wake up yet and after yesternight's incidents, I won't leave that scoundrel... once I get out of this inferno, I'll hand over him to the police...
An unknown power instigated me to step forward...I just paced hastily, enduring my pain and reached near the main saw some men standing at the courtyard, inspecting on other stuffs...

But they seems to be aloof and careless...I took brisk steps towards the doorstep and in spur of the moment, I got out of the house... finally!!!

" Hey look... she's trying to escape..hold her..quick"

" Hey...what the hell... inform dada immediately.."

" Aye...stop there you..."

I heard some random shouts,  probably that of his adherents, while running...but I didn't paid any attention... I'll be happy even if they kill me...I  kept running until I saw a black Range Rover at the center of the courtyard,with a middle aged man inside it...
I pulled out that man inside within seconds with all my remaining might...even though I was both physically and mentally weary,I managed to resist and got into the car and started it...

I  applied my legs on the accelerator and raced it...
At that moment,when I saw the steering In between my palms,I was overwhelming with umpteen ineffable emotions...

But unexpectedly when the car was about to move forward, as if applying brakes to all my anticipations, I heard an ear piercing sound of a gunshot...
I sealed my ears with my palms and at the very next moment,I realised that the car is getting out of control...

I pivoted my head back and saw a momentary flash of Mr monster, standing there , carrying a pistol and I realised that truth...
He shot the bullet on the tyres of the car...I tried to apply brake but within a jiffy ,the car crashed vigorously on the fortification of the mansion and everything went blank infront of me...



I slowly opened the eyes when the heated beams of sun darted over my eyelids...I strived to open my eyes even though I felt immense ache on my forehead...

Finally I managed to open my eyes and I saw everything white...white curtains,white screens and a white bed...I took a glance at my right hand to see bandaids followed by a tube attached to glucose bottle...
I touched my head and found bandage wrapped around it and saw some other bandages on my arms..

I rolled my eyes and sighed in exasperation for the fact that I'm still ALIVE!!!
An indefinite pain shot up through my body as I tried to get up but immediately I felt two hands holding my shoulders...
I looked up to see shraddha standing beside, holding my shoulders...

" don't get stressed...You should take rest.."
I heard her soliciting calmly and a sarcastic chuckle came out of my mouth... actually,I can't comprehend these persons...danger and cure ,both are living under same roof... sounds weird...

" No ..I'm fine..ahh"
I managed to say and about to sit straight..a sharp pain gyrated my nerves, making me laid down again...

" Please seher..I told you.. your body wasn't got well completely ."
She again solicited which surprised me..why she is so solicitude for me..

" When did you brought me here?"
I asked her out of curiosity...

" When? It's almost 3 days..."
She said with a gentle smile and I wrinkled my eyebrows...what ?! That much long...

" Yes have been in unconscious state for almost 2 days..the bruises wasn't so serious..but you were a bit tired and anemic..."
She said and I huffed...why didn't god took me from here...

" Who brought me here...why didn't you guys let me die.."
I said and this time,my eyes unscrupulously betrayed me by pouring my tears down...I felt embarrassed and disgusted..

" Seher.. please...swayam brought you here and he asked me to take care of you..."
She said and I fisted my palms hearing his name...I just hate his mere name...scumbag..

" seher..."
I felt the bed sinking beside me and I saw shraddha sitting beside me, placing her palms on my shoulder...

"You better give up your wish to get out of shekhawat mansion... it's not possible..they won't allow you..."
I paid attention to her words and raised my brows...what's the reason for that much vengeance...

" Not even a pin which is related to shivam..."
She blurted , staring blankly outside the window...I could feel the pain and misery in her voice..but I couldn't comprehend the reason...

" How do you know that..?"
I asked as I could feel that she knows something...

" Because I myself is a victim..."
She said and my eyes widened in shock...what?! She is a victim what does that means... does that means she knows shivam...

" know shivam...?"
I asked as I couldn't contain my curiosity and I saw her nodding slowly at me...

" Very fact..more than you.."
She said and it made me dumbfounded...

My eyes widened and heart kept questioning me about her identity...who is she actually? How does she knows him,more than me..?
And what she said in reply, halted my breathe....


So ... here's another update...
How's my twist?
Who is shradha to shivam? Any guesses?

Please comment your precious comments in comment box and please vote too...

Stay tuned for the next chapter...
Till then

Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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