Holy Geese I Ship It To The End Of The Earth

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So I did a little research on Katelyn's loss of voice. Turns out, you can also lose your voice when exposed to cold temperatures. 

I actually found out that you can quickly lose your voice with the cold thing, I think there was also repeated whispering, singing off-key, and refusing to drink anything (mostly water)

So, we're going to say that Red did indeed punch her but in the stomach and kept the room at a very low temperature or something like that.

I'm just going to rewrite the whole scene.

Sound good?

Okay! On to the story.

Nick's POV....

I found out why Shark has been looking as if he has had a lot on his mind.

Let's just say I ship it to the end of the earth. 

But there's also Ghetto.

This ought to be interesting.

Sabrina's POV.....

We walked over to the little tunnel thing and went underneath to enter the city.

Apparently, Jess wanted us to leave her behind if the situation calls for it because Sky was talking about having left her behind in Heyworth.

Walking into the city, I noticed walkers.

It seems Katelyn had the same idea as me because she was sneaking along the fence, towards a walker with a knife raised.

I looked back at the others while Katelyn was doing her murderous thing.

"Come on, we gotta keep moving." I say as the three come up from the tunnel.

"Dude, a walker was right there." Sky crossed his arms as Katelyn came over.

She signaled that we should start moving.

"I agree with ya there." I say as we all start walking towards whatever we come across.

Timeskip to something important....

"Jesus H Christ!" I yelled.

"What, you okay Sabri?" Sky yells at me.

"There's a hospital right there!" I yell with glee.

"That's great, let's check it out." Jess smiled.

Katelyn seemed to not really like the vibe it gave off but sighed. It wasn't like we had a choice. Her cuts weren't getting any better, Jess's leg wasn't getting any better, and Kate's voice wasn't coming back either.

Yeah, we needed this hospital to have good supplies.

Once inside, we saw a giant mess.

"Jesus, this place went under." I joked, earning a face palm from Katelyn.

"Can anything just go right for us?" Sky sighed in frustration.

Kate shrugged and we went up some stairs.

"What the heck, the freaking stairs are broken!" Sky said in even more frustration.

"Well, this place isn't exactly up to code." I smiled.

And with that, we continued down the hallway, locked a walker in a room, and located more stairs.

I felt someone push me into the hall next to me and saw Sky usher everyone in.

Katelyn closed the door behind Sky as the walker almost made it in the doorway.

"Thanks." I stare at the walker, also thanking Sky.

"Don't worry about it. Let's keep moving." Sky smiled.

"Behind you!" Jess screamed as a walkers came up behind Sky.

Katelyn rushed to Sky, pushing him behind her as she stabbed the walker.

"Goat, there's a bandage in here. Bandage and morphine." Barney said from the other room.

Katelyn immediately bolted towards the room and grabbed the stuff Barney mentioned. And she ran into another room, carrying a clean rag. Kate forced Sky to sit on the floor and did everything so fast, it was as if she hadn't done anything in the first place.

"Thanks Kate. Oh yeah, weren't you a medic before the apocalypse? I remember Sabrina saying something about that." Sky looked up at Katelyn, who signaled 'kinda'.

"Let's keep moving." I said as we searched the different rooms.

Medpacks and more morphine for Jess.

Up the stairwell we go I guess.

Well, here's my cardio for the day.

We found a locked door next to the last step.

"What's this?" Sky asked as i shrugged.

"Only one way to find out." I say as I open it.

We walked in, Barney with his gun ready, Sky with his knife, Katelyn with her knife, and me and Jess in the back because we have no weapons.

"You, don't move!" Sky ran.

"Oh, visitors." The man said in a monotone voice, no emotion showing.

"Hands up dirt, you wanting to get shot?" Barney asked, holding the gun in the stranger's direction.

"I'm working." The stranger says, going back to whatever he was doing previously.

"Jess, look around for anything useful. We'll hold him here." Sky turns to Jess as she nods and does exactly that.

It didn't take long for something to go wrong.

Jess grunted/yelped and the stranger looked her way as Kate ran over to see what happened.

"Oh, were you injured? I should probably take a look at that." The stranger said, also noticing Katelyn's cuts. "You are injured as well I see." 

"We said don't move!" Sky stared harshly.

"So you want to leave your friends there injured. Not sure if you've noticed but, I'm a doctor." The strange looked over to us.

"Whats making you thinks we can trusting you?" Barney asked skeptically. 

"Well, I know you aren't bandits. So it would be in my best interest to help someone not trying to kill me. Bandits aren't the type to ask questions before pulling the trigger and frankly, I'm unarmed." The stranger rolls his eyes.

"You saying we can trust you?" I ask, unsure.

"I'm saying I have no weapons and I'm the only one qualified to fix up your friends." The stranger explains. 

I look over at Katelyn and she signals to leave her out of it.

"Okay, what your wanting out of this?" Barney asked, putting his gun down.

"If I fix up your friends, how about you just let me continue working." The doctor spoke in a 'duh' voice.

"Alright, we didn't mean any harm." I said.

"We just, we were captured in Heyworth by cannibals. We're a little shaken." Sky explained further as the doctor ran over to Jess.

"Well, it's good you got here when you did. While whoever patched this up did better than I expected, this still would've gotten infected." The doctor did something I couldn't see and made Jess yelp.

"Hey, what you're doing?!" Barney raised his gun as Katelyn signaled him to calm down.

"If we can't get Jess fixed up, there's zero chance we'll be able to find Nick." Sky said, making Katelyn cringe.

"Oh, that's a familiar name." The doctor said as he turned back to Jess.

"Wait wait wait wait, you've seen them?! Can you tell us where they went?" I asked.

"Sure, they mentioned they were heading to DC." Doctor (Just roll with it) informed. 

"DC, you're sure that was them?" Barney asked.

"Nick, Ghetto, AK and such, might be the ones you're looking for. Don't particularly care if they're not." Doctor sighed and turned his attention back to Jess. "Give it a couple days, it'll be fine. Just, try not to get shot anymore. Now you, you haven't said a thing and how did you get this many cuts?" He turned to Katelyn.

"Basically when we were captured by the cannibals, I honestly don't know what happened. We just found her in a torture chamber. And we think he did something to her vocal chords." I explained.

"Hm, that can be problematic. The cuts should be easy but fixing the larynx (Yes I actually Googled what part of the body makes our voices.) will be difficult to do." Doctor sighed as he started working on her cuts.

"Oh and Jess, how ya feeling?" I turned towards Jess.

"It feels better already! Thank you doctor. I think I can walk like this!" Jess smiled.

"Mm-hmm." Doctor said, not looking away from Katelyn (That just sounds creepy. Uhhhhhhh, I'm going to stop before my mind goes to dark places.)

"Anyways, do you think you can help-" I look at Katelyn and she signals me not to say her name. 

"Hm?" Doctor looked at me.

"Er, do you think you can help our friend's voice?" I continue.

"Hm, maybe. Not now of course but maybe. I'll see what I can do." Doctor said, stepping back to his desk. "I think I do have something."

This made Katelyn stare at him skeptically.

"Try this." Doctor said, holding out a glass of water.

Katelyn skeptically took it and coughed it out.

"What was that?!" I turn to the doc.

"A tablespoon of salt added to a glass of warm water (This actually is considered a way to help with voice loss.)." Doc turn his head to me, then back to Kate. "Do that everyday until you get your voice back." He hands her a bottle of salt.

"Alright, let's get going to DC." I say, turning to the door.

"If they're really there, that's where we'll meet up with them there." Sky looked at me.

"O, are you going to be meeting them? I should probably make another delivery to Ghetto." Doc said as Katelyn cringed.

"What that you're delivering?" Barney asked.

"Medicine, one that stops Ghetto from turning into a walker." Doc informed.

Okay a lot of research went into just that one scene. I feel bad for poor MatPat XD.


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