Chapter One | My Birthday

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Turning 17 was not fun. It wasn't fun because I had no friends, It wasn't fun because my father is in jail and my brothers are working.

The only one who tried to convince me to celebrate it, is my best friend Serena.

Serena McKenna.

That bitch.

"Come onnnn! Jake, Terry and Claire is out all night, they won't know anyways!" Serena whined.

Oh yeah, my birthday was on a Friday, which is why Serena tried to convince me to go clubbing with her.

Fucking 17 years old.

"Nooooo, he will kill me" I retort and cross my arms. Serena pouts with her big plump lips she was so famous for.

"Not gonna work on me" I retort coldly.

"I know a good place, come on" Serena begged.

"Drinks are on me!" Serena tried to lure me into her schemes and it happened way too often.

I liked quiet, safe surroundings and nothing that demanded social interaction.

I was a nerd, being nearly oversized, shy, anxious and wore big reading glasses.

I really didn't understand why Serena was friends with me. She was gorgeous having already gotten her hot curves, puberty did her good.

My case was another.

"No, I wouldn't fit in, Serena" I argue with her. I already knew how this was gonna go.

"Alright, wait—what if I give you a major makeover for the night? You can return to your nerdy look afterwards" Serena said while rubbing her hands excitedly.

"Gee thanks, Serena" I retort with an eye roll.

"Fine. Just for tonight" I tell her and she cheers loudly in victory before starting.

She curls my hair and does my makeup, she somehow convinces me to wear a pair of tight leather pants, a see through black lace long sleeve and a black lace bralette underneath.

I was so uncomfortable. I hated it already.

"These heels will go perfectly for you" Serena gasped before grabbing my leg without warning, I stumble and almost fall as she puts the shoe in my foot.

"Oh my god! You are freakishly strong!" I hiss at her and she shoots me a grin as she finishes before telling me to straighten up.

"We're taking my car, come on" Serena said excitedly before grabbing my arm.

I didn't even have a chance to see myself in the mirror. I grab my phone hurriedly before trying to keep up with her.

I lock the front door to our house before climbing into Serena's Ford Fiesta.

Her parents gave it to her last year, it was brand new. I envied her a lot.

"Let's go!" Serena shouted before racing down the street.

I giggled at her and actually felt the need to let lose for once.

I didn't do that a lot. Not with my brothers around.

Serena pulled up to a club, one I knew all too well. I knew my brother and his friend had gone there multiple times, I had to pick them up countless times.

"Let's get this birthday celebration started!" Serena said as she dragged me inside.

Not only was it illegal for us to be here, but it was also illegal for us to drink alcohol here.

Serena didn't give a flying fuck. She ordered and flashed her boobs whenever the bartender asked questions.

Hours later and Serena and I was on our second bottle of shots and we were finishing our first bottle of vodka.

I was drunk, it wasn't the first time Serena had gotten me drunk, so the buzz wasn't new to me.

Serena and I danced together on the dance floor, with many men surrounding us.

I had to take a minute as I had realized they were giving me attention as well, not only Serena.

I giggled as the guy pulled me back into him by my hips. "Those fucking hips" The guy grunted in my ear.

"I need a drink" I told him in the sultry voice I had gotten from screaming to songs and the alcohol burning in my throat.

"I'm on it" he says with a smirk before running his lip against my earlobe.

I widen my eyes and Serena snorts loudly as she pulls me towards her after the guy left.

"You are owning those dudes baby!" Serena cheered while dismissing the guy that was trying desperately to grind his dick against her ass.

As Serena and I was laughing drunkenly, her eyes fixated on something behind me.

Or rather someone.

Her eyes widened in realization. "Oh shit fucking crap!" Serena cursed and I had to let all the curse words sink in.

"What?" I ask her confused before turning around.

I see Jake, Terry, Marcus, Claire and Dean walk in with their motorcycle helmets in hand, laughing and fooling around.

"Fuck!!" I shout in realization. "We can sneak out of here, they're not gonna find out. Don't worry!" Serena assured me before taking my hand and pulling me towards the back exit.

"Oh there you are! I looked everywhere for you, I got your drink—should we continue this a little more privately?" The guy asked and came with a drink.

The drink had white powder residues in the bottom. Both Serena and I saw and grimaced.

"No thank you" I retort in disgust.

Serena pulls my arm as she looks behind me. "Oh fuck—busted" Serena cursed.

I looked behind her and saw Terry pointing at us to Jake and Marcus.

My eyes widened and I stepped backwards in hopes to escape peacefully.

But the guy grabbed my wrist. "Where are you going? I've been buying you drinks all night, at least reward me in some way" He says with a smirk.

The kind of smirk that said he wasn't asking and he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Sorry, I gotta go" I say and try to pull my wrist out of his grip, but he wouldn't budge.

"What the—let go?" I say shocked. Serena started pulling me back as well.

"Get off of her!" Serena shouts at him.

I lift my foot and shove my heel down on his foot and he screams out in pain, he lets go momentarily, just as I did this—Jake pulled the guys shoulder, making him turn around and his fist connected with his face.

"Get the fuck off of my sister!" Jake shouted, I flinched at his actions and his voice.

Marcus noted this and he came over to me, he gently took my wrist in his hand and took a look at my red wrist.

My stupid crush on him made my cheeks turn red and my entire body heated up with the fact that he was touching me.

"You okay?" Serena asked and pushed Marcus out of the way. "I'm fine. Let's get the hell out of here" I say and Serena nods hurriedly before pulling my arm.

As we make a run for it Jake and Terry stops us. I wince a bit before turning hurriedly on my heel onto to be stopped by Marcus.

"Happy birthday, Alex" Marcus said with a cocky grin. I glared at him in response, why did he have to place his big clown feet there.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Alex?" Jake asked angrily, his nostril glared angrily like a bull.

"It's my fault—""—I asked my sister" Jake interrupted Serena.

"We wanted to celebrate" I say in a small voice, so small that it was almost a whisper.

"I told you we would celebrate tomorrow" Jake said and crossed his arms angrily.

Terry looked down in sadness. "And why is that? You said you had important things to do, being in a club is more important than your sisters birthday? It's good to know Jake" I retorted.

Terry knew it was coming which is why he folded.

"I'll take you two home" Terry cut in, Jake shot him daggers. Terry made Jake look like the bad guy.

"No, fuck that. You're too busy with important things" I retort.

They were all shocked by my words. I never spoke this boldly, I never cursed.

Even Serena was shocked. But she was also proud as hell. She grinned at me before hooking her arm with mine.

We walked out of the club on our own and we ditched her car because we both were too drunk to drive so we walked home.

It was two minutes from there, so it wasn't a long walk.

"I think the makeover made you a bad bitch and I'm here for it!" Serena squealed excitedly.

"No! This was only for one night, besides I'm gonna get killed when I get home" I mumble the last part.

"Noooo! Did you see how Marcus acted around you? He came over to check on you and everything" Serena giggled.

"No, he didn't. He just did as my brother asked" I say and push Marcus back out of my mind.

We argued about whether or not Marcus was caring back at the club, the whole way home.

When Serena walked me to my house she walked back to her own.

I locked myself in and went to bed.

I couldn't sleep. So I heard when my brothers came home. Terry and Claire giggling as they were smooching and hurrying down the hallway to their room.

Jake was nowhere to be heard. At least not until twenty minutes later. His footsteps I recognized immediately, he stopped in front of my door and he slowly opened the door.

The sharp light from the hallway welcomed my rooms walls as he silently walked in.

I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I felt the bed dip and I heard him sigh as he sat on the edge of my bed and watched me.

"I know you're not sleeping" Jake said in a low voice. "Alex, I want to apologize" Jake added as he saw I still pretended.

I opened my big eyes and sadness creeped over me once again.

"I'm sorry I was so selfish, the important thing was done this afternoon, I could've celebrated you then. I'm sorry, both Terry and I are sorry" Jake said and caressed the top of my head with his hand.

"I'm sorry" Jake repeated.

"It's fine" I say and turn my back to him. "I'm gonna show you what was so important tomorrow. I'll show you what we do" Jake said before ruffling my hair.

He got up and left, closing the door behind him.

I scoffed and tried to sleep. Now I could, knowing everyone was home and well, I finally fell asleep.

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