Chapter Six | The Moment

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Jake, Terry and Marcus charged forward with their friends behind them, Dax and their crew charged forward.

I was pulled out of the way in last second, it was lucky that I did, otherwise I would've been trapped between the fight.

"Jake! They have weapons!" I shout to him.

Then he does the once thing I never saw coming from my brother. He puts a gun to Dax' forehead.

Stopping him as he tried to move forward. Everyone goes quiet and Jake forces Dax backwards.

Serena comes to my side and she cheeks my face before pulling me into a hug. She was scared, she never would've admitted it, but I knew.

She was terrified.

"Which one of you hit my sister?" Jake asks through gritted teeth, as if he had trouble with being calm.

"I didn't want to hurt her—I tried to stop hi—""—Who" Jake interrupted Dax.

Dax looked down and sighed. Dax looked to the side, silently pointing out the guilty man.

I looked at him and he glared at me. Jake hit the guy with the back of the gun and he passed out instantly from the impact.

"Leave my fucking house! Now!" Jake shouted at them. Dax ordered them all to leave.

Jake delivered three more hits at the guy who hit me, letting Dax drag out the guy with a bloody face.

Jake slammed the door shut afterwards. He turned around. I knew he was searching for me.

But I didn't want him to make a scene, so I moved back, Serena followed me and we went upstairs.

I locked the door to my bedroom and went to my bathroom. I turned on the light and looked at my red cheekbone.

Serena ushered to my side and brushed my long hair out of my face, she lifted my chin softly as she scanned my face.

"That's gonna bruise" Serena pointed out. "I know" I whisper. I feel my eyes tear up and Serena pulls me into a hug.

I hug her back and let the tears fall. I had to register what was going on, but my mind wouldn't let me, instead I was just scared and confused.

"Shhh, it'll be okay" Serena said softly and stroke my hair.

Multiple knocks on my door got our attention. "Alex, open the door" Both Serena and I shared a confused look.

That was Marcus.

I slowly walked out and dried my tears before opening the door slowly and enough to speak to him, not to let him in.

"We're worried. Can you come out? Or let me in?" Marcus asked as he tried to search my face.

But I hid the bruised part of my face behind the door. "No, I'm fine. Just go back to your party" I say and prepare myself to close the door, but Marcus puts his hand out to stop it.

"Let me see you" Marcus said in a softer tone. His soft tone made my knees go weak.

Before I knew it I opened the door more, Marcus took full advantage and opened the door completely as he put his hand on it.

I felt Serena's eyes on me and I looked down. "Look at me" Marcus requested. I felt new tears threatening to escape.

Marcus put his index finger under my chin and lifted my face, my eyes met his and the tears fell.

His touch was soft, he reached up to brush the hair covering my cheek, behind my ear.

He turned my head slightly to see better. "Shit" Marcus cursed under his breath.

"What?" I ask him with a frown. He stares into my eyes and for a second I see a streak of worry in his eyes.

He slid his thumb over my tears to dry them and I was a mess under his touch.

I didn't know what to say or do. Nevertheless Serena was hiding in my bathroom, watching me.

"I just wan—""—Marcuuuuuus?" A shrieking voice shouts out. I take a step back, making Marcus' hand release his gentle hold on my face.

His face scrunches in confusion at my action, but he seems to snap back into reality and he turns to the girl he brought.

"What are you doing?" She asks and looks between us with a ridiculous laugh.

"Just checking in on Alex" Marcus says confused. "Why don't you let her brother do that? Come on let's go" She says and pulls his arm.

"But she's h—""—Why are we having this discussion? What is she to you?" She retorts and cross her arms to prove her point.

I frown and look down. "My best friends sister bu—""—Exactly. Let's go" She snaps and Marcus sigh before taking her hand and then they leave.

I close the door after them and lock it once again.

"What—the—fuck" Serena blurted as she came back out. "I could've sworn I saw something between you two" she says.

"You had a moment!"

I ignore her and strip off my clothes and put on an oversized shirt before climbing into my bed.

Serena copies my actions and slips in next to me. She pulls me closer, letting me rest my head on her shoulder while she holds me close.

"I'm sorry" Serena says.

"For?" I ask her and look up. "I'm sorry that Marcus is being a blind piece of shit—who has bad taste in whores" She retorts right out of the bucket.

No filter needed. I snort before laying my head back down.

Serena puts on a movie as we hear the music still going downstairs, not long after i'm almost asleep when I hear a key in my door.

Serena kept caressing my hair, helping me fall asleep on her.

The door opened and Serena lifted her hand. No words were said and I stirred in my sleep.

I felt the bed dip beside me and I felt a hand caressing my face.

A perfume surrounded me and I knew instantly that it was Jake.

He lifted my head and I knew he was trying to see the damage.

"She's okay" Serena whispered and Jake sighed before gently laying my head back on Serena's shoulder.

"I'll check on her tomorrow" Jake says and Serena nods before he presses a kiss to my temple and then he leaves.

I snuggle further into Serena and she turns off the tv and we fall asleep even though the music downstairs are still blasting.

I fell deeply asleep with Marcus on my mind. The way his skin felt on mine, it did something to me.

The worry hiding in his eyes, the way he was so gentle towards me. The way he tried to stand up for me towards his new girl.

His eyes were what made me fall sound asleep.

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