Chapter Ten | The Kiss

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Claire got us out of the club before Jake and Terry saw us.

Serena and I ditched her car since we both were too drunk to drive. As we crossed the road I paused as a motorcycle stopped in the middle of the road.

"Rena? Do you see that motorcycle stopping as well?" I ask her drunkenly. She giggled before nodding her head.

"Yup" she said popping the 'p'. I raised an eyebrow, it was Marcus' motorcycle.

We keep walking and I hold onto Serena so she wouldn't fall. "I told you that you would end back home" Marcus retorts with a smirk as his visor is up.

I glare at him and scoff before walking past him. "Hey, get on" Marcus says and grabs my arm, stopping me and Serena.

"No? I'm not leaving Serena" I say confused. "I like that fact that—that is your only excuse" Marcus retorts with a smirk.

"Roy will take her home" Marcus said and nodded his head back to the motorcycle coming towards us.

It stopped beside him and I raise an eyebrow.

"You realize she and I lives like ten houses away?" I retort in a duh tone.

He was being stupid, what reason did he have?

"Just let me drive you home, get on" Marcus says and pulls me towards him.

"Serena, you okay?" I ask her and she nods with a wink. I roll my eyes and shove her towards Roy.

Roy catches her and he helps her on behind him. "She's your problem now" I retort, I'm about to get on his motorcycle when Marcus stops me.

"Put this on" Marcus says and pull off his hoodie and throw it at me.

I raise an eyebrow. "Why?" I ask him a bit pissed.

"You dress is gonna slide up when you get on" Marcus retorts nod looks ahead of him. He slides down the visor and I roll my eyes before putting it on, it went down to my knees.

Then I get on behind him, I grab the helmet he holds out for me and I put it on as well.

I hold onto his waist as he takes off and I for once enjoy the motorcycle ride back.

I feel the wind on my skin, the speed letting me embrace the wind.

"I love this" I say to myself and lean my head backwards a bit.

I feel Marcus laughing as I still hold onto him. I see Roy race up next to us and I wave at Serena who laughs at me.

"My guy can beat your guy" She shouts and I flip her the finger.

Marcus pushes his motorcycle on the back wheel, I had seen it coming, really, I was just more afraid that I would fall off.

"Shit" I curse as Marcus lets the front wheel connect with the road and he speeds off faster than Roy could register.

I giggle as I look back at them. I lean my head on Marcus' back and I take a deep breath and exhale.

Roy honks as he drives by us as Marcus had slowed down to roll into my driveway.

I wave at them and as Marcus stops the motorcycle I get off and take off the helmet, I run a hand through it and then hand Marcus his helmet.

"Thanks" I say and smile. He hesitates to grab his helmet, but he does and I grab the edges of his hoodie.

"Just keep it for now. It's cold" Marcus says stopping me. I chuckle a bit "I didn't plan on staying out" I say teasingly.

Marcus looks down and I curse him for having his helmet on still, I wanted to see what his face looked like since he looked down at that comment.

"Alright, get in" Marcus says and nods to the door. "Alright. Goodnight" I say and turn on my heel.

I walk up the steps to the door, I unlock it and as I'm about to grab the handle I pause.

I don't know why. But I do and I seem to freeze. I didn't want to leave, I didn't want our moment to end and it would if I walked through that door.

"Something wrong?" Marcus calls out. I turn around and I see he took his helmet off, his messy brunette hair sticking in directions that only made him hotter.

"I-I..." I stutter. I didn't know what to say.

"Alex? Are you feeling well?" Marcus asks me alerted, he got off his motorcycle and came up to me with long hurried strides, he took my face in his hands and looked into my eyes.

"Did someone give you anything?" He asks hurriedly and I shake my head no.

"I'm fine, Marcus. I'm fine" I assure him, I put my hand on his chest to attempt to push him back a bit, but he doesn't see it that way, he sees it as a sign of using him in the moment—as support.

I wasn't that drunk, I could stand on my own.

"Where's your girlfriend tonight?" I ask him before I can stop myself, I look down as he lets go of my face abruptly.

"She's not my girlfriend" Marcus said quietly. "You broke up?" I ask surprised.

"We were never together" Marcus says with a shrug. He looks at me and I continue to look down.

He puts his hand on my neck, directing his pointer finger under my chin, he presses his finger into my skin, making me look up at him as he held me there.

"Why do you care?" Marcus asked, I could tell it was a tease from when I asked earlier 'why do you care'.

"I don't. Just curious since you're still here with me"
I say bluntly and shrug. I needed a medal for that.

Marcus chuckled and dipped his head down to mine. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I watched him look at my lips, I wanted nothing more than to smash his lips against mine.

But I didn't want to be the best friends annoying little sister. I didn't want to assume something that wasn't what I thought it was.

"You look nice in my hoodie" Marcus complimented, his breath hit my face, my lips and I averted my eyes from his.

I couldn't take the eye contact anymore. I just couldn't. It was too intense, I wondered if he did this on purpose?

Was it me who was crazy?

"I hate when you look away from me" Marcus said, I noticed that I started backing up out of instinct.

Marcus only followed my steps till my back hit the door. Marcus once again pushed his index finger into my chin and I looked up at him.

He made me weak in the knees, I felt like if he let go of my chin now, I would fall into a puddle.

He held me together in that moment.

I didn't know what to do or say, I couldn't understand what this was. My head couldn't wrap around it—to make it make sense.

"Marcus—" I start, but I pause as his lips ghostly grazed mine. I almost whimpered as he held my face gently, in control of everything.

"Alexandra, you're special. I hope you know that" Marcus said and I tried to look down, but he forced my face higher to meet his.

Once again, his breath on my face, my lips an inch away from his. I couldn't take it.

I needed him to kiss me. Right now. Otherwise I would fall apart.

"Marcus...." I start with what sounded like a desperate whimper.

"Tell me what you want" Marcus said in a hoarse voice. My gaze went to his lips and he got the answer he asked for.

His lips crashed onto mine, I froze as I tried to register what was happening, but soon enough I melted into it.

Kissing him back with so much need and want for him. My lust wasn't subtle, he knew what I wanted.

He released a small grunt as I ran my fingers through his messy hair, holding his face in place as he deepened the kiss.

I couldn't breathe, but I didn't care, I needed this kiss to never stop.

I needed him to never stop. But he did, he pulled away and created a few feet between us.

I realized why. Regret was on his face and I looked down, fuck.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

He swallowed deeply and looked at me with such regretful eyes, I frowned and shook my head slightly at the whole thing, at the fact that he just kissed me.

"Alex—" he began, but I push the door open and slam it in his face.

I didn't want to hear him voicing his regret for kissing me. I couldn't handle that.

I locked the door and I then I ran to my room. I started crying involuntarily and I took off the hoodie and threw it down the hallway.

He always scattered some clothes whenever he was around, so it wouldn't be odd when my brothers saw.

I got dressed in my robe and I cuddled up in bed. "Fuck!" I shout into a pillow before I run a hand over my face.

How fucking embarrassing this was, I can just imagine it. "My best friends little sister just kissed me" I cringed at the sentence and I hid my face in the pillow once again.

Wishing everyone and everything would disappear and let me have a break for just one moment.

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