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As you all know i'm Y/n i live with my 7 brothers. Today is as expected Monday and i have to move to another school, cause i was being bully to much and my family HATE bullies. Of course i can fight but i just don't want to become the next bully cause i'm nice to everyone i'm just a little cold in the attitude, it's in the DNA.

Jin: Y/n-ah wake up let's go to school.

My brother soft voice woke me right away.
Y/n: Okay, oppa.
Jin: Will you be ok in your new school today?
Y/n: I'll be fine beside i've Double J and one T oppa to accompany me. Jin: Okay my little Princess. Now go wash up.

Jin left the room and you went to your bathroom and do your morning routine.

[Jin's Pov].
As i left Y/N's room i let out a sigh, she was being bullied so much in her old school and we cannot do anything about it. She got hit, got stab by a knife but nothing we can do, we talked to the teachers, principal but they didn't care, we even tried to sue them but their dad was a lawyer he got of with any crime in the world so why would their children be any different?
SJ: What?!!
JK: What are you doing in front of Y/n's room and staring at the wall. SJ: She's getting ready... For school. JK: So?
SJ: I'm scare that she'll get bully again like in the past.
JK: That won't happen again.
SJ: I hope so.
JK: I know so *smile*
SJ: That's enough go eat breakfast. JK: Ok hyung.
With that we both go to the kitchen i hope what Jungkook say is true, i don't want to see Y/n hurt again.
I was done getting ready so i go down stairs to the kitchen to have breakfast. I saw my 7 brothers sitting on the table eating breakfast.
Y/n: Morning. *smile*
BTS: Morning *smile back*
Y/n: You guys ready?
Jimin: Never ask that question ever again.
Taehyung: Our family was born ready.
Hoseok: Well except from Yoongi hyung.
Namjoon: It's normal, he has our grandpa's personality.
Yoongi: What's wrong with being lazy? When your already swag like me you don't need to do shit. Oh shit....
Jin: LANGUAGE. *smack Yoongi in the back of his head*
Jungkook: What's wrong with swearing hyung?
Y/n: Nothing wrong is just i'm here. Ok school time!
You and the Maknae lines went to the car Taehyung is driving today.
Jin: Be safe kids and you three * glares at maknae line* if anythings happen to her. I WILL KILL YOU.
Maknae line: *gulp* don't worry hyung.
Y/n: Let's go oppas, bye old oppas.
Hyung line: YAH!
Y/n: Hahahaha.

At school...
Wow this school looks great from the outside, hope the students are nice here last time was horrible.
Bully 1: How can you be Taehyung oppa sister, you are ugly as hell.
Bully 2: Don't worry dear, when we are done with you, you'll will be more worthless then trash. Cause from your level you can't reach to trash.
Y/n: Yeah cause your trash, your just left over that got threw out with the others.
Bully 3: Exactly, that's why your lower.
Bully 4: Let's get this over with.
They started to hit you, beat you until you fall to the ground, while laying on the ground you look up to the light felt that you just got stab in your arm blood everywhere surrounding you.
Bully 4: You should be lucky that we didn't kill you.
Y/n: You ain't got the damn guts, cause you ain't nothing compare to a piece of shit.
Bullies: *Froze*
BTS: Y/N!!!!
You fainted.
Jimin: Y/n! Wake up please... *sobbing*
Taehyung: Y/n-ah... I'm sorry... This is all my fault...
They cried so much that day. That day will never be forget.
Taehyung: Y/n!
Y/n: Hmm?
Jimin: Let's go.
They dragged you in school.

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