Chapter 12

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I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. When i opened my eyes all the way i see the ceiling. I turned my head and saw Natsu holding my hand, peacefully sleeping by my arm. He had a chair pulled by my bed. I knew I was in the infirmary. I smiled 'his hair looks so soft!' I moved my hands onto his hair and it was surprisingly soft. He then starts to stir in his sleep, I instantly pull my hand away and pretend to be asleep. I hear him yawn as his hand pulls away from mine. I secretly missed the warmth of his hand. Then the door opens

"Hi Natsu do you want anything to eat?" I hear Mira's sweet voice

"Yeah can you just give me whatever you made?" He asks

"Sure thing! Also how is Y/n?"

"She's the same -sigh- she's been asleep for a week now I'm kinda worried" I feel Natsu put his hand on mine

"Don't worry she's strong I know she'll wake up" I hear the door close a few seconds after that

"You know Gray and everyone else is worried about you, even Wendy" he says as he moves some of my hair out of my face. I resist the urge to blush. I decided to 'wake up'. Natsu still had his hand on my forehead. I slowly open my eyes and look over to see a very shocked Natsu. When he realizes what is happening he smiles and hugs me. I hug back

"I'm so glad your ok" he says as he lets go, but soon after that he kisses me. I blushed and kissed back. Just as that happens Mira walks in with the tray of food in her hands. She drops the tray and starts fangirling as Natsu and I instantly pull away and blush bright red

" OH MY GOSH MY SHIP GDJUSUJGGULOUIHXMRTGKUHLI" she walked over to us and hugged me and said "I knew that you two would end up together" she said as I blushed and Natsu smirked. Gray must have heard the commotion as he walked in

"What's goin on in here?" He asked as he bursts through the door

"Mira I need to tell Gray some stuff can you please leave for a second?" I asked as she nodded and walked out of the room and closed the door

"What is it?" He asked

"-sigh- I like-like Natsu" I say and blush. Natsu blushes too. I expected Gray to be mad but instead he does one of his rare smiles

"That's amazing I'm happy for you two" he says as he ruffles my hair. I the. Realize my stomach doesn't hurt. I sit up

"Why doesn't my stomach hurt?" I ask

"We have a new member that can heal people" Natsu says

"Can I meet her?" I ask. Gray nods and goes to go get him/her

"So you like me?" Natsu asks with a smirk. I blush and nodded

"I'm glad cause I like you to" he says. Just then Gray comes in with the girl I saw before

"H-hi I'm Wendy" she says with a shy smile "and this is my cat Carla" she says as I see a white cat with a dress on (forgot what it looks like)

"Hi I'm Y/n. Thank you for saving me" I say with a smile

"Your welcome"

"Also welcome to the guild" I say

"Thanks" she says as we all talk for awhile

A/n hello friends! How are you? I hope you are good. Anyway thank you so much for reading my book! Have a good day/night bye!

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