Chapter 13

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Today is the day Natsu and I are going on our first date! You may be wondering when he asked me out right? Well....


It was a few days after everything in Edolas happened, and everything has just been... Boring I guess? So today I'm in my room sitting around bored out of my mind. I then decide to go to the guild to hang out with Lucy. I put on dark red pants, an ivory off the shoulders top, and white converse. I put my hair in a French braid (if you have short hair ignore it...) I then grab my bag and head out the door.


As I walk into the guild, a chair heads my way. I didn't react in time and it hits me head on. I fall on the ground and everything slowly turns black.

Timeskip again!

I groan and slowly open my eyes. As I open my eyes I almost scream as I saw Natsu bent over me, worry laced in his eyes.

"Natsu what the heck!" I say sitting up "you scared me!!"

"Sorry I didn't mean to" he says getting away from my face

"It's fine" I say standing up. "So what happened and why am I in the infirmary" I say rubbing my now bandaged head

"Gajeel and I were fighting, and he threw a table at the door... And it just so happened that you walked in at the same time -sigh- and you got hit by the table" he says with a apologetic smile. I smile back and hug him. He of course hugs back

"Don't worry about it I'm fine" I say "also where's Gray?" I ask

"He went on a mission alone"

"Ohh" I say.

"Y/n can you open this when you get back home!" He says while giving me a piece of paper, and blushing.

"Sure?" I say giving him a look that says 'why are you making me wait'

"I think I'm going to go home" I say getting up

"Ok bye" he says hugging me


As I walk inside I instantly rip open the letter. I then start reading it

Dear Y/n,

              I really suck at doing these things, cause I've never said this before so I'm just going to say it. I really really like you and I want to take you on a date. Please come by the guild tomorrow and tell me there

Senior, Natsu 

I laugh at Natsu's bad spelling, then blush and smile

" of course Natsu I would love to" I say to my self


As I walk in the guild, I look around trying to find Natsu. I found him talking to Erza 'he probably got in trouble' I thought. I walk over to Natsu and blush. I then tapped his shoulder, and he turns around and blushes

"Can I talk to you for a second" I say

"Sure" he says as we walk to the front of the guild

"I accept your offer" I say and smile. He looks confused for a second then he seems to remember. He smiles and blushes

"You loooove her~" happy says, popping out of no where. We both blush and start chasing in the guild hall

Flashback end

I smile at the memory and go get ready for the date

A/n I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are happy with it. I don't think it's the best but I have an idea for the future -evil laugh then starts coughing- don't worry though nothing bad is going to happen... Maybe. Have a good day/night bye!

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