Chapter 17

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Natsu's POV

I stand tied to the tree, watching Bob strangle Y/n. I start to try to burn the ropes, but they are magic restraining ropes. I yell at him to stop. I see Y/n slowly turn blue, then her eyes close. Bob drops her, I yell her name a few times before Bob comes over to me and knocks me out

Y/n POV (your dead btw)

As Bob is choking me the need for air starts to become to much, as I start to see a faint white light. It becomes larger and larger until it covers all of my vision. I then start to see my past, like when Ur took us in and taught us ice make magic, then when Gray and I decided that we were going to defeat Deliora. Then when Ur used iced shell, then the time we joined Fairy Tail. Then when Happy was hatched from the egg. The time I became S-class, then when I left for the mission. (I'm to lazy to continue naming thing off cause it's boring) Then I see what looks to be a long hallway, one side gets lighter,a mother goes to darkness

Gray's POV

We end up finding the place that Natsu and Y/n are, but when we get there we see something that none of us expected. We see a knocked out Natsu, and a pale Y/n. My eyes start to collect water as I look at Bob who is evilly smiling at me

"Hello there Y/n's bro" He says

"WhAT DID YOU DO TO THEM" I yell as Erza puts her hand on my shoulder

"Calm down Gray" She says. Bob then explains to us what he did

"Erza can I kill him?" I ask

"No you can't" She says as she starts to re-quip

"Wendy try to heal Y/n" I say

"On it!" The blue haired wizard says. Erza then attack him but he just makes a shield

Timeskip cause I suck at writing fighting scenes

Wendy's POV

As the fighting is going on behind me, I'm trying to heal Y/n, but she's not breathing or responding. I start to get worried but I keep trying. After a few minutes of trying to heal her I hear all the fighting stop. Gray, Erza, Juvia, and I'm guessing Natsu and Happy come over

"Is she ok?" Gray says

"She's not breathing but I'm going to keep trying" just as I say that I hear a gasp come from Y/n. I smile but soon feels weak from all the magic power I used. "She's breathing but she's knocked out" I say as I pass out

A/n I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I'm sorry it's so short I am having some major writing block. I hope you have a wonderful day/night bye!

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