Chapter 4

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"Who the heck names a robot Bill?!" Api unnecessarily shouted at his older brother.

"I think it's a cool name," Angin frowned at him.

"Pyro is way cooler!" Daun said from a distance.

"No it's not!" the other two exclaimed.

The robot could only sweatdrop at the ridiculous choice of names. It was resting comfortably on Air's lap, with the latter resting his head and arms on the robot.

"The choices were either 'Ray' or 'Eboz'! I didn't ask you guys to suggest stupid names!" Cahaya shouted from his workplace.


"And who gave you the right?!" Api screamed at him.

"I was the one who fixed him, you dimwit!"


Daun piped up. "How about spider robot---"


A beeping sound came from Angin's pocket and he checked to see what it is.

"Oh! I just received a text from Petir! He said 'Velocity' would sound way cooler!" he said, which made the other three quiet down.

"It does sound a little cool..." Api mused aloud.

"We are not naming him that!" Cahaya fumed.

"No one likes my names," Daun pouted.


Surprisingly, it was Air who made the next suggestion. The four siblings turned to look at him, gaping.

"There are seven of us, right? So this robot will be our eighth sibling. Ocho means eight in Spanish, so... Ochobot," Air said quietly.

"What do you think, Mr. Robot?"

"I like it!" the newly-named Ochobot said happily.

"We have found our winner then!" Angin said cheerfully. Daun seemed to love the name as well, and it was obvious in his expression. 

The other two were disgruntled at not being able to name the robot. Api was vocal at his dissatisfaction,  while Cahaya just kept quiet.

"Now that that's done, let's play!" Api said, his mood brightening up at the change of subject.

Daun and Angin eagerly agreed and the three ran out of the room.

"Wait a minute!" Cahaya called after them and was about to follow his brothers when a voice called for him.

"Hey, Cahaya..."

It was Air, and he walked closer to his younger brother, holding Ochobot in his hands.

"I'm sorry for taking away your opportunity in naming---"

"Nah, it's fine." 

Cahaya's face was closed off, but there was a forced smirk in his face. "Even though I was the one who fixed Mr. Robo- I mean, Ochobot, as long as he's happy, I'm happy."

Air took notice of this, and the fact that Cahaya's hold on his books was shaking. But he didn't say anything.

Cahaya turned his back on him to hide the expression on his face. "Anyway, I should be returning these books to the library. I'm almost past my due date."

"...uhm..." Air bit his lip, hesitant.

"Hmm, what is it?" Cahaya questioned curiously.


"O..kay? I'll get going then!" Cahaya said, leaving the room.

Air sat back down on Cahaya's bed, carefully putting Ochobot in the middle.

"I just wanted to know about that time when you were talking to Ochobot. How long have you felt that way?" Air said quietly into the wind, receiving no response.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chapter 5 of 18. 

Next chapter: Api's nightmare.

I feel like I did a bad job in this chapter. There were so many dialogues, and I had trouble describing the surroundings. I even removed some of the dialogues. I'm not used to writing so many quotations, as I prefer to focus more on the internal feeling of the character.

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter.


Glace, the Queen of Angst

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