Chapter 9

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He wasn't sure what happened, but all he could see was fire.


He distantly heard someone calling his name, but all he could do was to stare in horror at the damage he had caused.

"What's happening?!" someone asked frantically from behind him. "Where's all this smoke coming from?!"

Api dropped the matches that he was holding but didn't dare turn around. He was scared. He was afraid of his brothers' reactions.

"Api?! Are you okay?" he heard Petir ask from behind him before the footsteps faltered and he knew they saw it.

"I swear, it was an accident!" Api pleaded. "I was just trying to burn the leaves in the yard, like you asked me to!"

Petir's tone moved from concerned to downright angry. "It doesn't matter if it was! You should've been more careful!"

"I didn't think it was going to spread!" Api snapped in defense.

"That's your problem, you never think!" his older brother said, glaring at him. Now look where it got you! You destroyed Daun's garden!"

"Wait, Daun's here!"

"I'm sorry that I burned your garden, I..." Api faltered when he saw the expression on his younger brother's face. "Daun? Are you even listening to me?"

Daun just stared at him blankly with a frown on his face. The plant lover was holding a burnt flower and his hand was white and shaking so bad.

"I don't wanna play with you anymore," he whispered, tears filling up in his eyes.

"Daun, I-"


I hate you, Api.

I hate you.

Api barely registered Daun storming back into their house and slamming the door behind him. He just stared at the spot where Daun had yelled at him. I hate you, he said. Daun hate him now.

"Just give him some time," Petir said from a distance before walking out and following their younger brother. 

"For now, all you can do is start cleaning up the mess."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Daun locked himself up in his room, ignoring Petir's calls for him to get out.

His garden was destroyed. Gardening was the only thing he could do and now it's gone. What's worse is that it was destroyed by the very same person who helped him make it.

He wanted to scream, to shout, to let everyone know the pain of losing something important to him.

He didn't know it by then, but he had not only lost one, but two important things to him.

His garden...

...and his friend.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I hope you like the little extra about Daun on the end. I based it from Daun's side-story, which can be found on Enen_072's profile. Go check it out, along with her other stories.

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