Chapter One: The Queen and Her Brother/Butler

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( Your POV)

You're in your castle, that's in (Kingdom's Name), you ruled the kingdom after your mother and father died, and your brother, (Brother's Name), don't want to be king, but wanted to keep you safe and make you happy. So, that's why he became a butler and a hitman for you. He is the semi-leader of the maids, butlers, chefs, and jokers, rather than you. (Brother's Name) always around you, 24/7, except in the bathroom and sometimes your bedroom, but he is near you. Also, you wasn't the "Mean Queen Bee". You was the kind queen that should be in Disney movies. Like, you helped and forgive alot of people, even everyone in the castle.

You wake up at 8:30am and took a shower. You got dressed in your (favorite color dress), that has sleeves and laces on the bottom, and kinda silky and poofy at the same time. You go to your precious crown case, and wore your daily tiara, the other crowns are for parties, balls, and meetings. (Did I said balls? Hahah) You put on you matching stilettos (kind of heels that I know) and went down to the dining room. The best chef, Chef Thomas, came to you and opened the chair for you so you can sit down.

You sat down, cross your legs under your dress, and Chef Thomas push in the chair under the table. "Oh, thank you, Thomas." You thanked him as he smiled. "You're welcome, Queen (Y/N)." He bowed. "It's ok of not calling me that," You said to him. "You can call me (Y/N) only." "But Your Highness, you need to be treated with high respect. I got to call you Queen (Y/N), or Your Highness, Ruler, or Queen." He said. "Well, ok," You said with a smile. "Also, what is for breakfast today, Thomas?" "It's pancakes, (scarmbled or sunny side up) eggs, and bacon. Also with some (favorite juice)." Thomas explained to you.

"Thank you, Thomas." You said and he went to the kitchen, then, (Brother's Name) came in. "Oh, good morning, brother." You greeted him. "Good morning, my dear sister. Everyone is at work right now and everything is running smoothly. You also have a meeting for Miss Mahogany today at Dreamscape." (Brother's Name) said as he gave you your agenda book.

"Oh, I almost forgot about it, silly me," You said as you looked at today. It was at 5:00pm. "Well, I still have time." "Yes, (Y/N), also do we need a new butler that is unknown to us? He might be dangerous or prevertive by the looks of him." Your brother said as he sat next to you. "(Brother's Name) , you know I'm kind to anyone. I know you don't trust this new butler and you will get along with him sooner or later. So, respect him and give him time." You said as your brother looked down. He had no words to say after that. After all, he can't shout at you because you're his sister and a queen, and he will shatter your heart if he did that. "Yes, (Y/N), you are right." (Brother's Name) said.

Then, Chef Thomas went to you and your brother with plates and glasses of (favorite juice)."Here is breakfast for both of you." He said as he put the plates and glasses in front of you and (Brother's Name). "Oh, thank you, Thomas." You smiled and you brother thanked him too, and started eating your breakfast.

( Your Brother's POV)

After breakfast with my dear sister, I went to the garden to check on the gardeners. Why do Queen (Y/N) wants a new butler, that is a hitman too? Is she trying to replace me? No, that's is a dumb question. She will never replace and forget me, because I'm her brother. Then, the main gardener, Ralf, came up to me.

"Mr. (Brother's Name), something has gone wrong with the Queen's favorite (red, white, black or pink) roses!" He took my hand and took me to my sister's favorite rose bushes. I saw them dead. "What happened to them!? You supposed to take care of them mostly?!" I yelled at Ralf. "But I was busy helping the other gardeners." He said. "If it's that, you still need to take care of them! What if the Queen will see this?! Her favorite roses are destoryed because of you!" I said, losing my temper.

I counted to ten, just like my sister said if I get mad. I shouldn't lose my temper to that's little to be matter, I will lose my temper if something bad happened to my dear sister. "Ok, Ok, I'm so sorry that I lost it. I just care for the Queen and her special roses. How about this, cut the dead ones and wait for them to grow. Ok?" I said politely. Ralf nodded and got the cutters out.

Hours later, I went to the kitchen. It was a big mess. "What's going on here!?" I said to Chef Thomas. "Oh, Mr. (Brother's Name), you're here! I need some help. I was preparing the Queen's lunch before she go to her meeting today, but when I try to prepare it, the stove went boom and the stove is now mess up, even the kitchen." He explained to me. I was about to lose my temper, but I counted to ten. Just like (Y/N) said. Don't lose it. I thought. "Ok, get one of the other butlers to fix it and make the Queen some other dish for lunch." I said. He nodded and I left.

As I went to the hallway, the three gossiping maids, Shelly, Kelly, and Mellody, was gossiping about the new butler that Queen (A/N) is having. "Maybe, Mr. (Brother's Name) is jealous that Queen (Y/N) is replacing him to the new butler/hitman." Mellody said as the other ones nooded. I looked at them and they ran back to work. Gossip spread fast in this castle, even to the kingdom, too.

Hours later, after (Y/N) has eaten her lunch, it was time to go to Miss Mahogany's mansion for the meeting. "(Brother's Name), it's time to go!" My sister called me from downstairs. I wore my black and white tuxedo and went down with her. The only thing that's different of the Queen is she have her diamond necklace on and has her white clutch bag.

"Ok, everyone, I trust on you to take care of the house when I'm gone." She said as she left out the door with me behind her. We went down the outside stairs and Jordan, the carriage rider, opened the door for me and my sister. "Thank you, Jordan." She said to him and we both we into the carriage. Jordan closed the door and started to drive the carriage.

I felt really nervous going to this meeting. Getting a new butler and hitman is like replacing me, but I'm sure the Queen wouldn't do that. We are leaving (Kingdom's Name), but Dreamscape isn't that far away. The closer that we go to Dreamscape, the more nervous I was to meet these people, even the new butler.

We arrived at the Miss Mahogany's Mansion. I knew Miss Mahogany already because she is a friend to the Queen, but she isn't a queen. She is a model/business worker, but the Queen looks better than her if they was in a contest of Miss Something Something.

Miss Mahogany hugged (Y/N) as she came to her. "Oh, Queen (Y/N), it's good to see you!" She said. "It's good to see you too, Mahogany." (Y/N) said with a smile. "Come in, come in! Feel welcome." Mahogany said as one of her robot butlers opened the door for us. We walked in and sat in the dining room. "So, (Y/N), are you intrested into having my butler/hitman?" Mahogany asked.

Please say no, please say no, I thought. "Yes, I will love to." The Queen said. Damn it. "You should know he not doing alot of things right, that's why I have to punish him constanly, even if I don't feel like it." Mahogany informed (Y/N). A worthless and dumb butler, great. I thought. "Oh, that's bad. I will shape him up in awhile, so, where is he?" The Queen said. "Vendetta!" Mahogany yelled and clapped her hands. "Get your ass over here and meet your new owner!" She also yelled.

Then, a man with a dark purple ponytail with a black bow holding it, pupil-less eyes, a yellow dress shirt with a black bow tie, spenders over the shirt, white gloves, and black pants and shoes, came over to Mahogany, looking scared. "This is Vendetta, Vendetta, this is Queen (Y/N), you know her a couple of times before." Mahogany spoke up. He only nodded, still looking scared. This will be a ride, I thought.
Word Count: 1497! Yay! So, In the next chapter, you will be taking Vendetta to your castle of (Kingdom's Name)! Also, I will show you your carriage and garden later. See you later!

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