wish list

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I wish for a new black butler Manga

I wish for candy for Abby and me can get candy high

I wish for a cat

I wish for a new hair dye

I wish for a pillow pet

I wish for a new loom set

I wish for a money but i rather not make it a bunny

I wish for a Naruto things

I wish i never got bling

I wish my sister didnt get many presents then me

I wish i was never born

I wish my heart wasn't torn

I wish i can stop getting hurt

I wish for anime shirts

I wish my dad can stop yelling

I wish I could have a good life

I wish I stood high and tall

I wish I wasn't shy and lonely

I wish I had more friends that won't leave me

I wish their was somebody there for me

I wish I had a great Christmas

I wish ever body could not hate me

I wish my friends can stay longer with me

I wish I was dead

I wish my friends who use to be nice to me can be kind to me again

I wish I can get better friends

I wish I can at least have people who care

I wish my life was short

I wish it could just end

I wish people could not betrayed me

I wish I can just make the whispers disappear

I wish I can have somebody to hug

I wish I can never have pain in my life

I wish my family didn't hate me

I wish Jacky was here

Hey guys I know my wish list was happy at first and it's sad at the end it's because my cousins kept making fun of me of how my friends leave me and hate me so i don't know why I'm still living so i hope your having a merry christmas i hope and wish i was dead right now I'm just so sad that people don't like me for no reason and i just feel like killing myself not even my cousins like me because I'm different i hate christmas and myself why even celebrate it I'm sorry for saying this hate me and leave me and use me i don't care you can hate me write negative comments about me i just don't care

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