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An/ I had this idea to make a sister for scourge the hedgehog for a here she is!
Name: crystal
Brother: scourge
Personality: Crystal is at her core similar to Sabrina , but often these shared traits are twisted and amplified. Crystal  shares her counterpart's ego, but lacks any sense of humility or modesty, making her extremely arrogant and conceited. She is also void of compassion and conscience. She's  relatively easy-going but also petty and cruel, often taking satisfaction and amusement at the expense of others, and can also be immature and lazy. Where the fun-loving Sabrina has a sense of duty, crystal cares only for her and her brothers  own amusement. Often loud and obnoxious, she's  shallow in terms of relationships, often playing with the affections of any number of boys, and her companions only stick together out of self-benefit or fear. After her transformation, her arrogance only increased.

Misinterpreting Sabrina's words, he eventually became fixated on becoming more than just an "Evil Sabrina," becoming aware of her own incredible potential but deciding to apply it in negative, self-serving ways. She believes greatly in his own power and often brags or takes any opportunity to prove herself better than others, which in her mind means "stronger." Because she is also rash and impatient, she occasionally gets in over her head, his ego leading her to poor decisions. She  hates the idea of having to rely on others and prefers to control and dominate through fear and intimidation. She is easily provoked and highly violent, especially when her ability is called into question.

After of her imprisonment however, Crystal  had become a shadow of her former self. As her control collar had rendered her weak and almost defenseless, her became scared and paranoid. She allowed herself to be constantly physically abused in prison because she could not defend herself. She became enraged and panicked due to the fact the Destructix made it appear she was forming a gang and the only time he fought was when King Maxx told his goons to kill her. Despite all of this, Fiona was able to pull crystal out of her funk and helped her to begin to plot her escape. She quickly regained her old arrogance, and a determination to follow her own path and prove herself the most powerful being in the multiverse.
Apperance: Crystal is the opposite. Her ears also appear to be more angular than Sabrina's. Her leather jacket gained flame designs on the arms and her shoes are green, silver and black. She now sports red sunglasses and two large scars on her abdomen that Locke scarred her with. She also gained an exaggerated pointy-toothed grin. Her fur varies somewhat between colorists, going from a bright green to a darker pine shade. The character has sometimes been depicted with fingerless gloves, but the standard white gloves are more common.
Song that fits her the most: ready as I will ever be
Lyrics: Believe me, I know
I've sunk pretty low
But whatever I've done you deserved
I'm the bad guy, that's fine
It's no fault of mine
And some justice at last will be served

Now it's time to step up
Or it's time to back down
And there's only one answer for me
And I'll stand up and fight
Cause I know that I'm right
And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready
Ready as I'll ever be

You've ignored me too long
But I've followed along
Hoping one day you'd finally see
You can laugh, but it's fine
'Cause the last laugh is mine
When you finally listen to me

Now it's time to rise up
Or it's time to back down
And the answer is easy to see
And I swear by her sword
I will not be ignored
Are you ready?
I'm ready
I'm ready
Ready as I'll ever be

I never wanted to do this
But I'll do it if it guarantees
That you will hear me
Some day you'll thank me
I'll save my home and family

Now the line's in the sand and our moments at hand
And I'm ready
I'm ready
I'm ready
Ready as I'll ever be!

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