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speices: crimson-red wisp hybrid

personality: unlike her first cousin,sora,she is bright and energetic,always ready to help others besides bad guys, such as rough and tumble. a prime example being when she crossed her arms and looked away from the two skunk brothers.other then rgar she is always ready to help her friends. 

Ruby is somewhat timid, and she is usually the first person who screams whenever something scary happens. Another notable trait of hers is that she is somewhat pessimistic, as shown in sonic lost world when she refused to fight Zavok, thinking that it was too reckless and dangerous. Furthermore, whenever someone else has a some sort of character establishing moment, she tends to act threatened and inferior, as she closes her eyes and puts her hands up in slight defense while she squeals something about how much more interesting, stronger, cooler or pure the other person is compared to her. Regardless, she generally appears to be a kind person, as seen in the way she grieves the deaths of others and treats infinite in patient, gentle manner.

apperance:Her uniform consists of a white blouse with an orange bow tied at her collar underneath a two-button, pocketed, teal-black school blazer adorned with two silver buttons on each lapel and a single button on each gorge. She has been shown without her blazer in her promotional artwork, which shows the insignia of her former high school in black on her left breast. She wears a knee-length pleated skirt the same color as her blazer with two dark teal stripes lining the hem held by dark gray suspenders. Her legwear consists of dark navy knee-length socks and teal-gray loafers.

In Sonic mania, ruby's uniform consisted of a white, long sleeved, sailor-style seifuku, the collar, breast pocket, and sleeve cuffs all blue and lined with a single white stripe, a black ascot tied at her neck. She wore a knee-length blue pleated skirt, black knee-high socks, and dark gray loafers.

song that fits her: the dragonet prophecy because she loves the wings of fire series

lyrics:When the war has lasted twenty years...

the dragonets will come.
When the land is soaked in blood and tears...
the dragonets will come.
Find the SeaWing egg of deepest blue.
Wings of night will come to you.
The largest egg on moutain high
will give you the wings of sky.
For the wings of earth, search the mud
for the egg the color of dragon blood.
And hidden alone from rival queens,
the SandWing egg awaits unseen.
Of three queens who blister blaze and burn,
two shall die and one shall learn
if she bows to fate that is stonger and higher
she'll have the power of wings of fire.
Five eggs to hatch on the brightest night,
five dragons born to end the fight.
Darkness will rise to bring the light.
The dragonets are coming...

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