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name: stella


age: 8.(deceased)

brother:Dr starline

apperance: she was platypus with white fur that covered most of her body. Her bill was black-colored and narrow with nostrils on the front, and she possessed red eyes, black eyelids, and a thick tail. She also had three thick hair turfs on her head that were combed over the right side of her head. Her front hair turf also possessed a gray highlight.or attire, The Platypus wore a satin purple shirt with golden cufflinks, a red-violet vest, and orange pince-nez glasses. She also wore a webbed brown glove on her left hand with a gold insertion clip and golden-tipped fingertips. A darker brown ring could be seen on the palm of the glove. She also wore brown boots with golden buckles, red-violet soles, medium-high heels, the Multi-Tool Heel and upward-turned pointy toes and light red-violet socks underneath.

personality:Stella was calm, theatrical, and sophisticated most of the time, exuding an arrogant sense of pride in her intellect and abilities. Rather formal in behavior, she often addressed others as "gentlemen". However, she was also ruthless, sinister, and cruel, as she was willing to force  to Dr.Eggman be a part of an evidently painful procedure against his will to bring him back to normal. Showing contempt for weakness, she possessed an incredible drive, as seen how she kept searching for Eggman despite becoming quite ill from sleep deprivation in the process. Despite possessing a calm demeanor, her patience did have its limits; after spending time with Eggman, Stella began showing occasional bouts of anger and frustration primarily directed at Eggman's imperfections, stubbornness, and refusal to listen to her reasoning. Ultimately, Stella would lose her patience after being fired by Eggman. In this state, she had proven herself emotionally unstable and prone to angry rants.

In addition to her intellect, Stella was quite manipulative. She could expertly use other people to her advantage in order to make them cooperate with her or lure them into traps, and she knew exactly to strike his foes where it hurt the most. However, despite considering himself brilliant, she originally possessed a subservient attitude towards Eggman and willingly submitted herself to his command.

death (caniocly):, then deprived him of his glove just as Belle and Metal Sonic caught up with them. Eggman and Metal Sonic subsequently left as the ceiling began to crumble. Belle, noticing that Stella had regained consciousness, urged her to save herself, but the mentally-broken platypus made no attempt to do so and was crushed as the ceiling caved in on top of her.


Fangirl,Stell-lame,sister,doc number 2,the smarter one (zik being impressed how someone so young can be so smart)

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