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name: trace

species:mimic octopus

brother: mimic the mimic octopus

personality:Known to have always sought prestige and riches, Trace—in keeping with her shapeshifting abilities—is an ominous, sinister, manipulative, remorseless, cunning and violent sociopath with scant regard for anyone other than herself. She does not believe in higher ideals, claiming that heroes become martyrs while professionals stay alive. She also is highly untruthful and treacherous, delighting in deceiving others and betraying whoever she is currently aligned with if it suits his purposes. However, she also has a cowardly streak; she does not like causing much of a scene, relying on tactics to undermine and trick others into doing what she wishes, and fears those who are stronger than her, such as Metal Sabrina. Furthermore, she always resorts to deception and blackmail in order to avoid fighting fair and direct confrontations in which there are no advantages.

Despite having been part of one in the past, Trace detests working with teams. Incredibly selfish, he believes friendships are a weakness. She similarly consider her "companions" as only a means to an end and will sell them out as soon as her life is threatened. She also tends to emotionally blackmail others by pretending to be an innocent victim of violence. She likewise only joined Dr. Stella's group when offered a chance to get Emma off her trail. Meanwhile, Trace seems to enjoy her own cunning and compliments herself.



Trace had a certain amount of respect for Zophie. She also noticed that for a large girl like her, she was quite stealthy. Zophie in particular managed to convince Trace to not kill Stella before she fulfilled their ends of her bargain.[11] Though he initially accepted Zophie's orders and guarded the main computer during their betrayal of Stella however, Trace decided to betray Zophie and the rest of the team in order to escape from this event without anyone knowing of her participation in Stella plans, believing that they would be obliterate by Emma by the time she showed up.[12]

Rough the Skunk and Tumble the Skunk

Rough the skunk and Tumble the skunk were too annoying and embarrassing for Trace to take them seriously or enjoy working with them. For a few moments, however, they surprised her with their abilities, namely by destroying a , although she hated that feeling. Despite this, Trace decided to betray them along with the rest of the team and leave Emma to obliterate the skunks in order to escape from this event without anyone knowing of her participation in Stella's plans.

Whisper the wolf

Whisper the wolf was the only one of the Diamond Cutters to survive the team's downfall, which led to her becoming Trace's mortal enemy of Trace. Trace, in return, tried to kill her so that Emma would leave her alone. However, Trace did not pursue her after she managed to trick Emma into presenting her with false evidence of Whisper's death. It was first until after that Emma found out about her lie that Trace was sent to hunt again.

Trace tries to avoid open confrontations with Whisper. As such, she tried instead to attack her by surprise using her shapeshifting abilities. She believes that Whisper cannot do much without the Diamond Cutters and that the team's Wisps are her only advantage. She later admitted that on the one hand, she would have preferred to resolve her dispute with Whisper alone, but was prepared to use Tangle to weaken her. Trace would also take the opportunity to mentally torture Whisper, convincing her that she was responsible for the death of the Diamond Cutters.

Upon Trace's defeat, Whisper spared her life after being convinced by Tangle that it would be worse for her to rot in a cell. Following her imprisonment, Trace admitted that she would have preferred Whisper pulled the trigger. Despite Whisper's threats to bury her deeper should he escape, she announced that there was no cell that could keep her imprisoned for long. Later, after she was freed, she decided to find Whisper and get revenge on her

Trace's Blue Wisp

Trace's partner in combat used to be a Blue Wisp. As they fought together for a long time, Trace treated the Blue Wisp with a great amount of respect. The two were practically inseparable, to the point where the Blue Wisp found true friendship in her. However, when the Blue Wisp realized that Trace had betrayed his own teammates to Emma, the very person who had tried to enslave its planet, it abandoned Trace. Though the Blue Wisp now accompanies Whisper on her missions, it still feels a degree of amicability towards Trace, to the point where it once could not bring itself to hurt her when the octopus reached out to it.she had inherited her wisp from her older brother,mimic before she joined the diamond cutters and mimics death (Wich will be explained in my villians backstory's.future book spoilers)

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