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Name: Zophie
Species: zeti
Brother: zavok
Friends: same as Zosie
Enemies: same as Zosie
Personality: Zophie is a merciless and cruel being.[8] she is very serious, ferocious,[9] brutal and dark, often deploying graphical threats of death and destruction, and she has little tolerance for failure. Power-hungry and ever focused on his goals, Zophie does not let anything stand in her way. Despite her intensiveness though, Zophie has occasionally displayed a sarcastic, dry sense of humor, such as when she sarcastically complimented Eggman as a "mighty conqueror", and when she jokingly quoted Zosie, when stating her opinion of Sonic advancing toward her, deeming Sonic's plan "pointless".

For all her brutish intensiveness, Zophie keeps a calm demeanor and has a penchant for quick-thinking which makes her well-suited to leadership.[2] Even as her temper flares up, she manages to keep her emotions in check. Zophie is likewise quite cunning and intelligent.[10][11][12] Always observant, she studies her opponents in advance and knows how to use a situation to her advantage. She knew she would learn more about Sonic by letting Zelda fight him, regardless of the outcome, and quickly formulated a plan to use Tails to her advantage when her team accidentally caught him instead of Sonic. She is also manipulative, tricking Zeena into fighting Sonic with praise and compliments, and sending Sonic into disarray with psychological taunts.

Zophie comes off as very prideful. She disdains the idea of being in servitude to another being which can aggravate him to the point where she will speak up despite the danger present to her. Zophie's pride transcends into arrogance, which is shown in her mockery at Eggman for attempting to enslave him and the Zeti and at Sonic challenging him. She also has a bit of an ego in that he thinks he is better than everybody else, calling herself "the one Zeti" Sonic could not defeat even after losing to the hedgehog beforehand. Regardless,she respects those that prove themselves worthy adversaries.

Like the other Deadly Six, Zophie is inherently malicious, sadistic and violent. She relishes in inflicting pain, torturing and killing others, telling Sonic how she would enjoy her screams and fear. She also finds joy in tormenting others psychologically, gleefully taunting Sonic with the losses of her friends. An omnicidal monster, he has no qualms about causing global genocide for her own gain or personal reasons, as she was perfectly content with destroying the world for the benefits of his team. Likewise, Zophie is very vengeful and will seize any opportunity for retribution; once Eggman had no means of controlling her, Zophie quickly sought to make him pay for her abuse, going as far to destroy her world to spite him, and plotted to turn Tails against Sonic after being humiliated by Sonic.

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