Chapter 1

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(Your POV)

As soon as I left the airport, I dialed my mother's number on my way to my new home. "Eomma, I just arrived to Seoul, Korea," I said to her. She said, "That's great sweetie. Are you going to miss living here in Bangkok?"

"I will miss being at home Eomma," I said, "but don't worry. I just got done with college, and now, I got hired by Céci magazine company, my favorite Kpop magazine."

"Call back before you go to bed," my mother told me. I said, "Okay Eomma." I hung up. Eomma can be a little annoying at times, but she's my mother, I gotta love her.

There are a lot of things that are precious to me about Bangkok. For instance, my childhood friend, Kunpimook Bhuwakul. He left Bangkok back in 2010 to go train to become a Kpop singer. I really missed him.

On my way to the house, I bumped into someone wearing sunglasses, a hat, and a mask. He helped me up and asked, "Are you alright?" "I'm fine," I said to the stranger, "I just arrived from-." "Bangkok, Thailand," he just told me, "I can tell foreigners when I see them."

That surprised me. I said, "I just moved in. In fact, I'm on my way to my new house. Wanna come in for tea or coffee, anything?"

He said, "Sure. By the way, I'm BamBam." I knew I heard that name somewhere. It will come back to me eventually. For now, me and BamBam were walking to my new place.

The house was already furnished, all I need to do is unpack boxes. BamBam too his hat, sunglasses, and mask off and said, "I'll help you unpack."

The minute he turned around, the minute I started to blush. He was just so handsome. Now that I can see his face, I can tell this is BamBam from Got7. Wait, scratch that, he's Kunpimook Bhuwakul, my childhood friend. "Kunpimook?!" I asked.

BamBam says, "You know me?" "You're my childhood friend," I say, knowing his stage name is BamBam, given to him by his mother. He asks, "You're Y/N?" I nodded yes. We hug. It feels so good to see him again after all these years. But somehow, things feel different. My heart was pounding so hard.

"You've changed a lot," BamBam says, "and you've gotten more beautiful over the years." "I just got hired by Ceci magazine. I even interview you guys tomorrow for a magazine article," I tell BamBam.

"Now I remember. Let's unpack and have some tea," BamBam tells me. I say, "Okay Kunpimook." We go unpack, and then have some tea and start to get into conversation about our childhood. I had a slight crush on him growing up, but now, I start to realize I fell in love. He was funny, caring, cute, manly, and fun to be around. Me and BamBam met when we were in elementary school.

"Oh yeah," BamBam said, "I still remember when we were young, and we got in trouble for digging up worms in the backyard." "Yeah. And Dad would yell, 'Go put those squirming things down!' We were something else."

I brought the coffee for him, and some tea for me. As soon as BamBam took a sip of my coffee, he said, "Wow. This is good. You'd make a great wife one of these days, Y/N." "You think so Kunpimook?" I say, all flustered up, "I've never thought of that before." "I do think so. Can you get me some more coffee? It was great!" BamBam says.

I grab his empty cup, saying, "Okay Kunpimook." As I go towards the kitchen, I trip over a bag of clothes I forgot to unpack. BamBam catches me before I hit the ground.

We both fell together, opened our eyes, and gasped. I was lying on the floor, with BamBam on top of me, with one of his legs between mine. My heart pounded hard as I turned red.

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